oak creek Fishing Report 2025

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πŸ—ΊοΈ Location OAK CREEK
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February 15, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

July 18
 Slow day today. We didn't catch much fish due to the lack of current everywhere. We started in yesterdays honey hole for us. We caught one. Then we took a tour. Our next stop was the mainland. We caught one. No current. We then took another tour pretty much for the rest of the day. We did get 1st and 2nd place of the jackpot handled during one of our stops. A couple 35-40 pounders. We caught a few yellows here and there through out the day but nothing special.

What was special was our weather today. Flat calm, no wind, and sunny and beautiful. We looked at a lot of this Island today and I thought it was lovely. I don't think it would have been so enjoyable had we not had two full fish holds already. But we did so it was. Now we're headed up and it couldn't be nicer. Hopefully that storm out there won't effect our ride tomorrow. I want this out here forever.

February 14, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

J. J. Gerritsen docked his Apollo at Fisherman's landing January 21 after a trip of a day and a half to the Colnett area. "We fished the high spots," he said, "when we saw really good sign of yellows on the sonar. We had good action on drifts for 26 yellowtail, most on yoyo jigs in blue and white or scrambled eggs color. "About 9:30 a.m. we moved into deeper water to rockfish on slow drifts. We had excellent ling cod fishing on lings up to 20 pounds. We got 78 of them, mostly on the dropper loop with sardines, but some on jigs, too. We filled out our limits with reds anmd some large bonito. There were a lot of bonito around, up to 14 pounds. "We also had a flurry of Humboldt squid, which hindered the yellowtail fishing until they left." J. J. said he would be running these trips every Friday night at right p.m. through the end of February.

February 13, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 12-05-2018

Tuna fishing this morning was excellent. We took off around 10 o'clock and did a tour of the South end of the island sightseeing. Yep that's right decided to go sightseeing. The guys and gals had a great morning and they've had several great days and of course we have tomorrow to fish for a full day. So we decided to show them some of the sites! That of course was easy and a great success. We anchored backup for the afternoon and scratched a few more fish before dark. Tomorrow will be our last day here at the island. Hoping for a big morning and then maybe go do some yellowtail fishing.

The Polaris supreme crew!

February 12, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

Tuesday June 28, 2011

We arrived today at Fisherman's Landing at 7 am after a nice smooth ride last night.  After weighing up the jackpot we were pleasantly surprised with the fact that the yellows were larger than we thought.  Joe Beck took 1st place with a 42.6 lb yellowtail.  Mike Grella took 2nd with a 41.3 yellowtail and Tim Walsh followed it all up with the 3rd place 39.6 lb yellowtail.  Congratulations to our jackpot winners.

The Polaris Supreme will be departing next on Thursday afternoon on a private 1 1/2 day charter sponsored by Optima.  We still have openings on our 3-day departing July 10 as well as other trips throughout the summer.  Give Susan a call to get on board.

Thanks!  Tommy and crew

P.S. Yes Kub, that was the yellowtail Joe hooked on the jig on his first cast of the morning.  Thanks to you, for waking him up for the bite!

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Good evening. A sloppy ride last night was forgotten about around 1000 hours this morning as what was a crummy ride a few hours before turned into a stable ride for most of the day. With the bucking seas last night we only had an hour or so of actual stop time if we got into anything special but it never happened. We trolled through beautiful water today but were unable to locate or catch anything. Lack of bait species in the water is probably the reason we didn't see much and hopefully, it's just a matter of time before everything gets in order and we get a shot at some offshore action. We'll see.

The gang broke down tackle today and got caught up on sleep that a bouncy ride deprived them of. The crew scrubbed the boat and took care of a few maintenance projects before days end. Our traditional fillet and lobster dinner was served promptly at 1800 hours and a bow was put on the 2011 Beck/Wagstaff party. We had slow fishing for a couple days to start off the trip but we finished up with a bang and all in all, we call this trip a success. We're grateful for the guys being a great group to have on-board regardless of catching fish or not. They are a fun bunch of passengers to hang out with and for that, we thank them. We also thank Joe Beck and Mal Wagstaff for year after year putting together quite the mix of personalities that make this trip an excellent one to start the season out with.

We're heading home in nice weather and we're prepared for a date with docks tomorrow. Our ETA to Fisherman's Landing is 0700 hours Tuesday morning and we'll be back out Thursday night for a day and a half trip. Time to get local. Chat with you then, good night.


Team Supreme

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

February 11, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

Sep. 11

So here's the deal. We had a good finisher today. We started bright and early with coffee and stuff and then got on a school of those 30-40 plus pounders. It didn't stick longer then for us to get a couple handfuls. Then we had more coffee and stuff and then we had another school of those bf's that treated us the same. Then Shawn was ready to serve lunch but before Tommy could give the announcement we got on a school of 15-20 pounders that bit well for us. We didn't hang out long. We caught a couple rounds worth and then gave the school to our friends on another boat. Then we searched for another school of those bigguns but never found it before we were out of time. We did find another school of the 15-20's and finished our time on those. They were biting good. It was a lot of fun.

After that the crew enjoyed a boat scrub while the passengers enjoyed naps, movies, champagne, wine, cocktails, soda pop, and some relaxation with friends. A fantastic trip with a beautiful day on the weather side of things too. Sunny with not much wind. Nice. Thanks Robin and friends. Until next time. P.S. Its in range of our 2 dayer.

February 10, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

Monday, July 30th, 2012

Good evening. Another good day for us here on the bountiful Pacific. It started with crewmember Mark singing "When You Wish Upon a Star" in his tone-def, SoCal-hillbilly kind of a way that only Mark can get away with and it didn't stop all day. From the crack of dawn (0530 hours), all the way until after dinner when he began belting out a lovely rendition of Shaggy's "Mr. Boombastic" while bumping SiriusXM 90's on channel 9 at full volume in the wheelhouse. Good times. Anyhow, daily limits of 12-35 lb. yellowfin tuna, fifty-four "boombastic" bluefin tuna, and a handful of dorado to top off a stellar day. We'll be here for one more day looking to finish up our trip with a banger. Damn good fishing and fantastic weather. Whammy.

With that being said, here are a few statistics that I unofficially kept track of throughout our day.

Times Drew did the "Diamond" David Lee Roth kick: twice.

Number of times Patrick accidentally soaked my body from head to toe with the deck hose: once.

How many months that Bill Byler wrongly blamed Dick Emerson for writing profanities on his brand new jigs with a yellow paint pen: eleven. It was Mark and I's doing. We're naughty.

Number of fish Schooler knocked off with the gaff: none. Sonny Jim!

Number of Monster Energy Rehab Green Tea drinks consumed by Drew, Gunny, and myself: umm, I didn't keep an actual count. They're only 20 calories each, so who cares? Bottoms up!

Daily percentage of saturated fat in one slice of tonight's desert, Dulce de Leche cheesecake: 140%...one hundred and forty percent!?!! Wowza!

Yellowfin tuna caught by Herb Yamanaka's jigs he sent us: too many to count. We're going to be millionaires. Prestige Worldwide.

How many people are currently viewing me sing the lyrics "...when I think about you, I touch myself" aloud while typing out tonight's report: none.


I gotta go.

The team you dream about,

--The Supreme Team

February 9, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

Sunday, August 26th, 2012

Hi friends. Typical day aboard a long range boat today. All of the deck crew was up at 0230 hours dealing with a maintenance issue that took a couple hours to resolve, back to bed for roughly an hour, wake up and start our day--hey now, that Ice Cube tune just came on 90's on 9 as I type again and yes, today was in fact a good day--off with some jig strikes on those beautiful 25-50 lb. yellowfin with only a handful of those 12-18 pounders in the mix. We hit a couple of schools throughout the day, had our normal slow time around lunch and in the afternoon time, just as I was half way through my strawberry popsicle, we got on a breezer, I reluctantly ditched my popsicle, and we drifted the rest of the day nailing those big yellowfin tuna. After drifting for the rest of the day, we put out the sack with a couple hours of daylight and the six people who were at the rail continued to catch fish on the sea anchor all the way until dark.

Excellent fishing on that really good grade of tuna. With only a few handfuls of that small fish and dorado, those big fish really were on it today and we'll be here tomorrow to try this all over again. Hopefully tonight we'll make some squid and this weather will come down a little bit. It's a little rolly out here but as long as we're catching beautiful tuna, we won't complain too much. See ya.

-The Supreme Team

February 8, 2025 oak creek Fishing Report

The tuna have been popping up quickly in violent “formers”.

The angler who are able to get a quick cast into the chaos have been the most productive ones! 

The trip out now has tuna ranging in size from 30-115 lbs! 

Hopefully they start biting as good as they show.

Team Supreme

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for oak creek are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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