maine saltwater Fishing Report 2024

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July 25, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

 So for the last few days, I was either too busy to write a report or just too tired.  I knew these blogs wouldn't be making it out here until tomorrow anyway so I figured I would just do a 4 day report to explain the remainder of our trip down below so here it goes.

 When I left off, the sharks backed off and allowed us to have a great afternoon and we were hoping the sharks would do the same thing they did last year after the first couple of days which is leave.  That didn't happen.  It was a sharky trip for sure.  Brown Reef Sharks were in the picture for the remainder of the time we were down there.  Sometimes they were relentless and we'd have to pull anchor and go trolling for wahoo and other times they would back off just enough to allow us to scratch at the tunas and then other times they would back off completely.  They weren't tuna eaters though.  They let us wind in what we hooked, but they loved our kite baits.

 Anyways, we still had an excellent trip down there sharks or no sharks.  There were a lot of windows of opportunity and there were some slow windows as well.  There was almost always a window where we would get at least two cows before sunrise, and after that it never stayed consistent.  If we didn't need to sleep it would've been convenient.  I know we missed plenty of tuna bites in the dark hours through out the night but that's when we would sleep.  Like I said though we had an excellent trip and here are the numbers to prove it.

 130 yellowfin tuna and 60 wahoo for 8 guys for 6 days.  54 tuna kept.  11 over 200 lb's, 5 that may go when we weigh them on the dock scale, 6 between 170-180 and the rest were 100-150 pounds with much fish being in the 120-130 pound class.  We also released 76 of those too!  One release estimated to be around 200 pounds and several in the 150 pound range and like I said, many in the 120-130 pound range.  Our largest was 240 and next in line was a 234 pounder kept.

 Here are the team jackpot totals: 1st place goes to Charlie and Craig with 2 fish totaling 453 pounds.  2nd went to George and Scott with 2 totaling 414.  George also had 5 tuna over 200 pounds by the way.  One per day besides the last day.  3rd place went to the Jer-bear and JC with 399 pounds, and Brian and Bernie finished just behind them with 396 pounds.  None of this is official.  We still need to weigh them oin land.

 And that's basically how fishing was down there.  Here are some things that stand out to me while we were down there.  First of all I'd like to talk about KC.  I'm not saying he was scared, he just didn't seem too pumped on fighting one of these fish we call cows.  He wasn't the first or fifth for that matter to jump on a spot on the kite for example when one was available.  On the third day it couldn't be avoided.  He got up on that kite and when he did this particular time he hooked a big one and he handled it as well as anyone.  I mean he kicked that fishes @$$.  He came to battle and he won.  It taped out as a 193 pounder.  After that it wasn't hard to get KC up on the kite when a spot was presented.  It went from where the heck is KC, to him not leaving the rail at all.

 I let Mark know the Raiders lost.  I did it in a mean way too.  His birthday was the 16th I believe, and Chef Mike baked him a cake and we all sang happy birthday and when it was over, I gave him my birthday present which is spilling the beans on lying about the Raiders beating the Chargers.  Ha ha Mark.

 The weather was a lot less steamy the last few days down there.  It was still hot, but once the clouds went away it didn't feel like a sauna there anymore.  Although myself and a few others got the worse case of burnt lips we ever had.  I did it in a dumb way too.  I knew I should go get my chap stick from my room on the first day down there but my lips did;t feel like they were getting chapped so I thought, because of the humidity my lips weren't drying out and I didn't need protection.  Dumb, stupid and idiotic.  My lips may not have dried out but they still got as burnt as ever.

  So that's it.  We now travel for a few days.  The crew has plenty to do.  Clean, clean clean and sleep.  The passengers will be sleeping and celebrating a wonderful trip.  We'll be trying to break up the ride on our last day of travel by looking for a dorado kelp but that's still not for a couple more days.


July 24, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

Today was like yesterday but we didn't see the schools. We saw some in the morning but they wouldn't bite again. When mid morning came. the wind picked up and the rain started pouring off and on for the rest of the day. When the weather came up the fish went down. Very poor for the entire fleet. We'll be dockside in the morning departing on the last short trip of the year. 5 days.

July 23, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 09-08-2019 What a sweet ride down we've had beautiful weather! Made good speed and had a nice early arrival this morning into the fishing grounds. Fishing started off tough. Actually it was brutal! You would catch and release 30 skipjack just to catch one keeper yellowfin tuna. We would catch a Wahoo here and there to spice things up but it just wasn't working. Finally after 10 hours of get in all jacked up, AKA skipjack, Things started going our way. It was like somebody flipped a switch! For the next four hours we had a very consistent bite on quality yellowfin tuna ,right into the dark. Our weather stayed great all day and were going to try our luck here again tomorrow. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

July 22, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in tonight from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Today we had 20 passengers fishing at the Coronado Islands. We had 8 Yellowtail and 25 Rockfish. We saw a decent sign of Yellowtail but they only bit for a short time. They were biting on the YoYo iron but you should also bring a rod to fly-line too! Call Seaforth at (619) 224-3383 or BOOK ONLINE at

July 21, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

We had some short range trips online and were able to catch a good amount of school sized fish and 3 jumbo tuna! Including the First 2 cow tuna to come aboard the Polaris Supreme in 4 years! 

 Congratulations guys! 

July 20, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

Regardless of how may people sign up! This doesn’t happen often. Jump on this special opportunity before it passes you up.

July 19, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

The old timers used to say “ wind from the south, fish close their mouth”. Today we had a brisk south wind all day and the yellowtail were a bit off. We saw plenty of fish and managed to land 83. Flylined baits and yo-yo jigs were the best today.

July 18, 2024 maine saltwater Fishing Report

~~Aug 17
 We figured it out.  The Cortes Bank isn't good right now for bait, or game fish.  Somebody had to be the guinea pigs.  Why not the boat full of fish already.  Check that off the list of places not to go for a while.  One thing I can say about that place is the weather there was fantastic.  Such a smooth ride around the area.  Not a common thing for that place.  If you aren't going to catch much you might as well do it in good weather.  But if you've been keeping up, we've had a great trip.  We're rolling in fat and happy.

 It sounds like they're having a tough time keeping good bait in the receivers as of late so we're going to get next to the harbor early morning and try and catch a tank of mackerel for our next trip leaving tomorrow.  4 days.  See you then.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for maine saltwater are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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