montana creek Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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July 26, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

~~Sep 13
 Thank goodness for slow speed.  Even though we got a really good jump yesterday, we weren't going to be getting anywhere down below till late tomorrow.  Our speed was horrible.  1.5 knots below average.  But we sped up this morning.  Yup.  This morning we were only making .75 knots below average.  That all costs a whole lot of time when you're traveling great distances so we decided we'd have to be stopping short.  So that's what we did this afternoon, arriving at 4:30.

 Wow!  It didn't take long before everyone had a tuna on.  And they weren't those 8-14 pounders either.  There were some of those, but the majority of them were those 20-30 pounders.  I say again, "wow".  It bit steady the whole time we which is a couple of hours.  During the stop, I had tied a few hooks and cast a few baits out, you know , like we do, and quite a few times the hook would fall off and I would scratch my head and ask myself, " are my knots failing"?  They weren't.  It took crew member Justin to spot a wahoo flying out of the water to figure it out.

 So we wound them in and threw back the marauders.  Before dark, which wasn't long, we had a little binger for 5 and then one for 1 50 pounder.  Say it with me now.  "Wow"!  We aren't going anywhere tonight.  We'l just kick back and see what the day has to offer.

 My buddy Glen caught the 50 pound wahoo today.  Every year for a while now he has been the last member of the little troll team that I like to call, " the troll of shame"  That's the last few people on board who have not yet caught a wahoo.  He will not be joining that team this year.  Nope.  This year he can join the heckling party.  He get's to see what it's like from the other side.  Way to go Glen.


July 25, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

Capt Ryan Bostian checked in from the San Diego with a trip wrap up for their 41 anglers to report that they caught 135 Yellowtail at the Coronado Islands. They were biting on the flylined sardines and the surface jigs, we also a few on the yoyo jigs, pretty good fishing today. We will be back at it again tomorrow, get down here and get in on this hot action.

July 24, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

Ryan Bostian called in with this report from the San Diego, "As it stands right now we are only 30 miles from home and we have 150 Yellowtail, 6 Bluefin tuna, and 6 or 7 Dorado. We've had good fishing here this morning. We offer these trips every single day. If you'd like to join us all Seaforth sportfishing at 619-224-3383."

July 23, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

53 pass. 10 yellowtail. We never located the bio-mass. Did they vacate the area, or just take a day off ? This question has been pondered many times in the past and only time will tell. If you plan to fish with us tomorrow. Please call Seaforth at 619-224-3383 for more info.

July 22, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

WOW!! What an incredible day!!! This albacore is in the cooler 76 degree water. It wants to bite wide open. Can't say enough about how much fun today was catching big fat jumbo albacore. They tired our anglers out. By the end of the day only a few were still standing. Chef Pedro fixed a spicy teriyaki albacore lunch that was fantastic. For dinner he served some delicious veal chops. Today was just a great. this is what albacore fishing is supposed to be like.

July 21, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

July 8
    We started this morning off with a bang.  We were up at 0400 hours and loaded up on mackerel, then we went and found a nice school of 20-25 pound fish that bit for us for a little while.  They were biting the surface iron great and I decided this morning that my favorite kind of fishing is surface iron for big yellows.  Big tuna and wahoo are really cool too but man o man is it fun.  My passenger and bud Dennis wasn't hooking any.  He usually does but he had a straight rod the whole drift.  When it slowed down he noticed that his jig had no hook on it.  Through all the excitement he ever noticed until it was done.  I thought that was kind of funny.  Bummer though.  The bite was rather short lived as was expected and after that we did some scouting.  We found a nice school of those 20-25 pounders but it was tough to get them to bite.   Throughout the rest of the day we did some scouting and caught fish and did some scouting and didn't.  We ended up with about a hundred and we're satisfied.

    We're going to stay the night and try this again in the morning.  I'm thinking about fishing offshore for tuna in the afternoon.  We'll see how tomorrow goes.


July 20, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

Today we went out with 19 anglers and caught 15 yellowtail. Bring your bait rod with 25 lb. your yo-yo rod with 40 lb. and a surface iron rod. Make those reservations at 619-224-3383.

July 19, 2024 montana creek Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 07-05-12


       We departed yesterday afternoon on a 1 1/2 day charter we picked up at the last minute so we are a little behind on our reports. When we left the dock with our 4 anglers the outlook was semi promising. There was one boat with 15 of the large bluefin late in the day at 150 miles and signs of 20 to 30 pound fish at 120 miles but it wasn’t biting. We woke this morning to find the ocean flat and calm as could be with spots of breaking 20 to 30 pound bluefin signaling us to stop. And stop we did and where rewarded with a hook up all the way around for every one on deck (all 3). The bottom line on our day was limits of small yellowtail and every one caught a couple of bluefin each except 1 angler only landed one. That’s 20 yellowtail and 7 bluefin, most of which was caught in the afternoon at 120 miles. The gang all had an excellent time and we would like to thank them all. This area has defiantly fallen apart and Drew and the boys will be taking you guys going out tomorrow farther south on your 2 day trip tomorrow so don't be late he will leave as soon as you all get down to the boat and ck in 11:00 am or sooner. The killer bluefin fishing right now is at 250 miles with the upper end being at 180 miles. You guys should be below 180 miles if you can clear the dock buy 12:00. So don't be late. This fishing in the 250 mile zone is insane. The best bluefin fishing in years if want to jump on a 2 to 5 day and target this fish call Susan at the Polaris Supreme office. We will be in tomorrow morning Friday at 8:00. Thanks for tuning in Tommy and Team Supreme. Polaris Supreme is your final destination for the ultimate long range fishing experience.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for montana creek are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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