hatteras island Fishing Report 2024

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July 26, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 08-25-2016 Good afternoon. We just departed on the Sadie Hawkins Ladies Charter, however they are joined by a few men. We've been excited to get this trip underway to watch the ladies finally out number the guys and show their skills. We had the pleasure of meeting Charter Head Bev Seltzer during boat work and it looks like she brought a ell equipped group of anglers with her this year. We would also like to send a very special thanks to Joe Beck for hosting yet another year of the annual Bob Vance 5 day trip. Although Bob hasn't joined us in a few years, we're still proud to have his name on the trip. As always, the guys fished hard and were rewarded with a really nice catch on some yellowfin and bluefin tuna. The top guys on the list with the jackpot fish were: taking the number 1 spot, "Team Nevada" Tom Christianson with an impressive 96 lb bluefin, second spot was Damon Cassell with a 76 lb yellowfin tuna and rounding out this trips jackpot was also "team Nevada" Dan burns with a 75 lb yellowfin. Way to go guys! Look forward to next year. So, for now, it's time to eat lunch and gear up for the next 3 days! We'll check back this evening with our next report. Tails up, Team Supreme

July 25, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

We arrived today at the island around noon. There were plenty of fish but not as many bites as we expected. However most of the fish we did hook managed to come on the boat. We had a high landing percentage of the fish we hooked today. Not as bad of a shark problem today. Hopefully the ratio continues and we hook more fish tomorrow!

July 24, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 08-21-2016 Hello Readers, Today was another beautiful day on the water. Fishing was tough but we made a day out of it. It was definitely quality over quantity today. We are all very optimistic about what tomorrow has in stock for us! Thanks for reading, Team Supreme

July 23, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

Today was tough fishing. We were able to hook and land more fish today and they were all better grade. The fish today were also more eager to eat bigger line and hooks as opposed to the ones yesterday. Because of that we were able to put the wood to them and bring them to the boat quickly. We had some shark casualties but nothing too extreme. In fact the ones that were getting chased by the sharks charged the boat to try and evade them. So as long was we were ready with a gaff and able to steer the fish clear from the propellers and rudders we had some fish that came right in. Overall a tough but fruitful day. Wee will be looking for kelp's tomorrow targeting school sized Tuna and Dorado.

July 22, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

Nov. 17th

                Well the plan worked.  We stayed tucked behind Cedros Island till 1:30 this morning.  That gave things above time to settle down.  The wind backed off at 10:00 last night and it was a surprisingly nice ride up this morning.  It was a little herky jerky but much better than we thought it would be.  We went full cruise and barely got the windows wet.  Due to the nice ride, we had some time to fish this morning and we found some action.  We hit up this little pinnacle and it had some 14-18 pound yellows hanging out.  We made a few drifts and an anchor job and managed to scratch up more then 2 per rod.  We all needed a little action.  We'll be a little late getting in tomorrow but it's worth it.  We deserved some action after being stuck in the lee yesterday due to the weather.


                And that's it.  That's the trip and that's the 2015 season for us.  It's time to hang with the family and be a dad and a husband.  Time for the rest of the crew to do what they do.  Until February that is.  Then we leave on a long one.  It's also time for me to thank all our customers.  Thanks for the year, and thanks for the years.  It's always fun and it's always different.  This year will have a special place in the old memory bank just like all the other years and it's because of most of you reading these posts.  And I just want you to know, that we all appreciate what you do for us, and mostly it's as easy as coming out fishing with us.  THANK YOU!!!!!!


July 21, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Hello. Our first, full travel day was somewhat uneventful by normal standards but by our standards, it was a riot. We worked out, ate breakfast, fiddled about various boat/rigging projects, held a couple of seminars, rigged more tackle, and then, we ate lunch, napped, ate some more, rigged more tackle, and enjoyed dinner and a movie. That was pretty much our day in a nutshell.

Highlights of the day for me: 1. Mark trolled all morning for not even a sniff of a jig strike and then I relieved him of his duties so that he could eat lunch. I took my shirt off, sat in the chair for what I'm guessing was thirteen minutes and then, bam! Jig strike! How you like me now, Clark? Granted, it was about a an 8 lb. Yellowtail but the rest of his buddies were pretty hungry and we broke up the ride by pulling on some of his companions -- so that was fun. 2. Putting a bunch of dead bait and other nonsense into a food processor to feed to our bait. It's most likely the happiest bait on the planet right now as they were fattened up all day. I'm serious, they're getting the "bluefin tuna in the pens" treatment. They are happy. 3. The movie "Flight". I only was able to catch the first half of what I first thought was "Requiem For A Dream Part II" but then the airplane stuff started. I'm sorry if this statement is insensitive but Denzel Washington can sure make a cocaine-using, alcoholic, cigarette-smoker look so good in a movie. Great actor. Can't wait to see how the rest of the film plays out.

Anyhow, not too much to report today other than my usual idiotic banter. Oh yeah, before I forget. After twelve years in this business, I finally got to examine and learn about a new species of fish I've never heard about nor seen: a "Mid-Shipman (?)" I believe is what it is called. Of all the places to examine and identify this new creature, it was dead on the fuel dock. That's the advantage of having a stud biologist on the boat. Thanks, Scootch. Basically, this thing looks like a Catfish without whiskers and that's what we were calling it until Uncle Scootch swooped in and set us straight.

So that's all. Tomorrow, we'll be driving by Rocas Alijos and we'll give it a try for some Yellowtail for tacos and roe to feed the bait. We'll make our intended destination around lunch time and then we'll be headed back on our merry way. Thanks for checking in.

-The Supreme Team

July 20, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Hi friends. Absolutely gorgeous weather out here today; it couldn't be beat. It was flat calm, it was windless, it was sunny. We liked it. We're currently en route to the bait/Yellowtail grounds and our ride is motionless. Chef Schooler and Chef Shawn our downstairs kicking out Scallop/Shrimp Alfredo and strawberry milkshakes and root beer floats for dessert. We like that too. Anyhow, here is our day went.

The Mustache put us on one school in the mid-morning and we had a really nice go-around on some 25-40 pounders but as soon as they came, they vanished. No rhyme or reason why but they did. We had a few "filler stops" on smaller grade Bluefin and also some school-sized Yellowfin tuna as well but it wasn't enough to keep us from calling it a slow day. It wasn't for lack of effort and wasn't because of lack of fish, by the way. We saw multiple breezers of Bluefin today but they didn't react or if they did, they gave us the slip. Very frustrating to say the least. But, we managed to put a few on the boat before we began our descent to do some inshore activities.

So that is all. We'll be into the zone at 0400 hours and we'll be trying for some carnada. Wish us luck and we'll hit y'all up tomorrow. Happy Hump Day, y'all.

-The Supreme Team

July 19, 2024 hatteras island Fishing Report

Sep. 4

Another good day for us today. Most of the first half of the day was spent traveling. We did some trolling and stuff and stopped on a kelp and took advantage of the mackerel we got. There was a ton of tiny yellowtail and small tuna on it but as soon as I talked everyone into using mackerel we started getting bigger tuna and some dorado. Shortly there after we found a school of those cow bluefin but all we got out of it was a couple boils. No bites. We looked around for a while after that only catching tuna that we wouldn't put a tag on because they were too small. Then out of the blue we had a problem with the boat that made us need to be drifting to take care of it so our friends on the Spirit Of Adventure were getting ready to leave a drift to make it to new grounds by morning time so we took it over. Perfect timing too. We needed to stop so why not stop on fish. That's what we did and they snapped for us until dark. The issue was taken care of and we're now drifting and will stay that way until sunrise tomorrow. The weather was good today. Compared to the last 5 days it was windy and rolly as hell but we've been spoiled the last 5 days. It's normal good weather now.


Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for hatteras island are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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