upper bull shoals Fishing Report 2025

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March 6, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

Captain Mike Pritchard called in with a wrap-up from the Tribute's overnight trip today. We had 18 Bluefin Tuna and 16 yellowtail. We did have one Jumbo Bluefin at 70 pounds. Our next trip is SOLD OUT but we have a trip next week with availability. Call Seaforth at (619) 224-3383 to get in on the action.

March 5, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

Hi friends. Mother Nature is lovin' us right about now. She's given us an absolutely gorgeous ride as we make our final approach to home. It's not quite soft butter but it's a notch away from that. Word to your mama - Mama Nature. Anywho, we finished detailing out the engine room machinery and we can eat off of the floor of our heads (bathrooms); so what do we do now? Well, Drew fired up a cigar, took his shirt off and took a nap on the freezer, Jed, Gunny, Mark, Shawn and I started a poker tournament that Shawn ended up winning, and we basically just kicked it the rest of the day.

With that, it's time for another installment of "Polaris Supreme Movie Reviews!" "The Dark Knight Rises" was sick. "The Paperboy" was weird, but good. John Cusack is real creepy in that one. "Deadfall" was terrible. Not even Olivia Wilde could save that one, and last but not least, "That's My Boy" was quite possibly the best and worst movie I've ever seen. Probably the latter but there were some funny parts.

So that is all. Jeff unknowingly donated his Ipod for us to use as we keep on keepin' on up the line and we are just straight kickin' it. More good news, we've gained .5 knots! As of now, our ETA to Customs is sometime between 10:00 and 11:00 hours. If we weren't running so late and had some bait, I would've stopped on that breezer I just saw. Bluefin? Interesting (Not 15 minutes after typing this up, we saw another, up high and dry and we saw some big backs.) Anyhow, after arrival to Fisherman's Landing tomorrow, we'll be shutting the Supreme down for a month so the staff can celebrate Drew and Kristin's wedding reception and have plenty of time to recover. We're all pretty pumped for it, especially little Hard Hat Boy.

Mark has been working on his "dance" moves and I've given up all hope to try and help him. Picture this: I had Ke$ha's "Die Young" going and I'm pretty sure that he looked like a man riding an invisible mechanical bull--in slow-motion--with Tom's "Shark Shield" attached to it. That's right, he looked like a man riding a transparent bar bull in slow-motion while the said bull had electricity pulsating through it. Like I said, I had to quit helping to get him right and just sit back and watch Mark express himself through the art of "dance". It's going to be awesome!

We'll chat with you again in a month or so when we begin our annual maintenance period. If you're in the San Diego area, come on by and show us some love. Be sure to call the office for our most up-to-the-minute ETA for tomorrow. Adios from Team Supreme - Tommy & Susan, Drew, Jed, Mark, Gunny, Schooler, Shawn, and myself.

-Richie and The Supremes

March 4, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

~~Aug 30
 Today didn't go as well as we were hoping. The plan sounded so good in my head too. You don't believe me? Come inside my mind and tell me it didn't sound like a good plan, you'll be a liar. The plan was to start here and work there. We were supposed to catch a bunch of yellowtail, then catch a wahoo or two, then scratch at some dorado here and there along with another wahoo or two, then we were supposed to get a small hit on wahoo in the end before finding the motherload of dorado.

 Well, there wasn't much yellowtail. The little bit of dorado we saw either didn't bite or was small. And we didn't see a wahoo until the end. We did see a school of good grade yellowfin that wasn't in our plan. It didn't bite for long though. It was on the corner biting every bait for about three minutes. Just long enough for everyone to get one and then they vanished. I drove around thinking I would easily find the school again but we never did. We lost at least 6 wahoo on the last spot we checked and landed none. The wahoo won today.

 Cool things of note today- the sailfish we caught, a couple marlin hooked and the orcas we saw. In the 14 seasons I've been out here I can only remember a handfull of times seeing killer whales so it's not too often we see them. We also don't catch sailfish too often.

 Tomorrows plan- wahoo!

March 3, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

Today was mostly a travel day. We check around for albacore but the fish were down. The wind picked up this afternoon but we are good south so the ride is fine. This is our second day out on an eight day trip. So we have plenty of time to find the fish.

March 2, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in this afternoon at 3:30 PM with an audio update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Today we fished at the Coronado Islands and had very good action. Our 28 anglers caught 140 Yellowtail, 50 Big Barracuda and 20 to 30 Bonito. They were biting really well on the fly-lined sardines and surface iron.

March 1, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Good evening, friends. Typical arrive/depart day for us on the Supreme today. We unloaded a beautiful catch of RSW-fresh yellowfin, bluefin, yellowtail, and dorado up to the top of the docks, unloaded the Joe Beck/Bob Vance group, headed to the fuel dock for fuel as well as an oil and fuel filter change, loaded up lots of groceries, and brought on the Garry Roberts group as well. After clearing the point with a decent load of bait, we enjoyed lunch, rigged tackle, and took some naps. A normal travel day for us with the exception of taking an hour at the end of the day to try and catch a few bluefin tuna. We didn't connect on any shortfins, so we continued our journey south and feasted on our standard prime rib departure meal. That's our day in a nutshell. Our weather is flat calm, sunny, and we're digging every second of it. We've gone from farmers tans, to tank top tans, and now it's time for a full-on shirtless bronze for this 9-day adventure.

Anyhow, to start our trip off, we'll be giving the offshore yellowfin/bluefin scene a try on Friday with the hopes of connecting with some of that better grade of fish. We're just going to take things day by day and we're closely monitoring Hurricane Ileana and her whereabouts. We'll chat with you tomorrow and fill you in on our day and our plan for the next. Wish us luck.

-The Supreme Team

February 28, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

July 1

We had a good day of tailing at the Cedros today. After a short look around this morning we had an anchor job where we saw a little sign of those premium cow yellows from last night. You know which ones. Those 35-40 pounders is what I'm talking about. We didn't catch a lot but you don't need too many of those to get the crowd on the boat (crew included) oohing and awing. After breakfast we made a move, got some bait and then it was game on. We had good fishing on mostly 18-22 pound yellowtail. We sure would like to see that fishing stay consistent. Those were beautiful fish.

After several hours of pulling and winding we looked for more of those cows and made some drifts for halibut. We got a handful of halibut and a couple more cow yellows before we took off from there and headed north. We're going to look for tuna tomorrow. We have a few hours of stopped fishing time and we're hoping we can do that catching tuna.

Everyones having a blast and eating like champs. Dinner tonight is seared Ahi. Lunch today was sea bass tacos. Last night we had a seafood Alfredo. That's right. Champs.

February 27, 2025 upper bull shoals Fishing Report

12 Bluefin and 21 Yellowtail for our Angler’s yesterday. Bluefin were a “legit” 40-65 pounds on average with plenty of them lost.

Plenty of room on tonight’s trip, give Seaforth a call 619 224-3383

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for upper bull shoals are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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