surf city nc Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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October 21, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Update 9/24-25/2011

Good morning friends and trusty followers. We arrived at the docks this morning right ontime at 7 o'clock. The crew has been hard at it since 5 o'clock pulling out our healthy catch of mixed tuna, limits of yellows, limits of dorado and a few other colorful bottom fish. The anglers were up not much after us to start bringing up the gear from their staterooms and enjoy a continental breakfast on the way in. It was quite enjoyable to spend a few minutes in there with them and bid farewells till next year. All in all, listening to the guys chat, everyone sounds like their expxectations were met and exceeded. All of you friends and families reading this better be ready for some really fun stories! We appoligize about not checking in yesterday with you. The crew got up nice and early to start on our chores to prepare for our arrival and to make sure that all of the guys had a very relaxing travel day back home. I can tell you that there is more than and handful of them flat out need some rest. Sore arms and achey fingers prevailed on this last day. But I guess that's how it goes when you're pulling on fish for a week straight. It was a pleasure to take a break in between working and talk with everyone and reflect back on the last 7 days on the water and share some fun stories from the trip. It sounds like once again the Polaris Supreme crew : Captain Drew, Jed, Justin, Joey, Mark, Chef David and his awesome galley assistant Jaime aimed to please and succeeded. If it meant keeping the lines tight or serving up and A+ cuisine, we got it done. I'll give it 2 thumbs up from the bridge for this whole 8 day trip!!

As we speak, the results are in from the scales. Jackpot results are in: 1st Place winner is Mr. Paul Briscoe with a 34.6 lb Yellowtail, 2nd Place goes to Henry Proo with a 27.2 lb Yellowtail, and 3rd Place goes to Dave Miera with a 27 lb Yellowfin Tuna. Congratiulations guys! Way to go!

Polaris Supreme Update 9-23-2011

Hello friends and happy Friday! We hope that all of your work weeks went as great as ours did. If so, I know one thing is for sure, I bet you didn't have as much fun as we did! Being out here on an epic 8-day fishing trip on the Polaris Supreme and calling it work is nearly impossible. As we brought this one to a close, we had most of a day to cruise up the coast and get some lines in the water before we had to officially call it a ball-game. Those who wanted to tag just a few more ended up getting rewarded for hanging in there. With the fish holds already stuffed with beautiful tuna, yellowtail, and dorado we had a day to kind of mess around fishing for fish we don't normally target. The best stop of the day was a wide open bite on lunker calico bass that we let almost all go to live the life calico's do along with some better than keeper sized white sea bass! Glenn Briscoe capturing 2 himself, way to go Glenn! We also caught a few handfuls of big yellows that we set free as well. The guys who decided to sit the afternoon out just sat around and enjoyed watching their buddies tug on their final few fish while sipping on some cold beverages. Drew finally had to call it around 3 o'clock so we could start making way towards San Diego. Tomorrow is an all day travel day with the last of the gear break-down and a nice list of deck chores for the crew. Let's hope the weather prevails for us on the ride up. It's been pretty nice for us almost all trip so hopefully we can squeeze one more day out, especially for Chef Schooler so he can work his magic in the galley for the always tasty surf and turf.

Tonight on the Polaris Supreme menu, the passengers were so kind as to donate some yellowfin tuna for some awesome sesame seed crusted seared ahi. Tuna doesn't get any fresher than having it out here 24 hours after bringing it over the rail. I can't wait. Well, I'm going to sign off til tomorrow gang. Check back in tomorrow afternoon for our ETA or you can always call the office as well to find out when we hit the dock so you can come meet us and check out our amazing catch. Til then, time to go start enjoying your weekend!

Jed and The Supreme Crew

Polaris Supreme Update 9-22-2011

Another pleasurable day today aboard the Polaris Supreme wouldn't you know. We spent the first half looking for a wahoo once again coming up dry. The rest of the day was spent on anchor. I love anchor fishing. Bow in the wind, engines off and the captain on deck. Yellowfin tuna was on the menu. Good scratch fishing today. Steady most of the time with a few lulls. And wouldn't you know it, we even threw some Bluefin tuna on deck today too. Plenty of dorado and yellowtail to pull on also but we were letting them all go because we have plenty of those in refrigeration already. With the fish holds plugged and the last one ready we head up the line for a day of D, all of the above. We're going to try for every thing from wahoo to sea bass tomorrow. Who knows what the day will bring. I'll let you know tomorrow though. Talk to you then. We'll see ya!


Drew and da crew

Polaris Supreme Update 9-21-2011

You know when you walk into the galley at 11 in the morning and see 8 passengers sitting down drinking a beer that fishing is either slow or very good. In our case today it was because fishing was great. We woke up this morning and brushed our teeth, had a cup of coffee, then put the jigs in the water, in that order. Seconds later the jigs got bit and it was game on. A couple hours later we were done fishing dorado. A beautiful grade of dorado it was. 15 to 20 pounds with a few bigger in the school. A half hour later we put the anchor down on another spot and again it was game on. A couple hours later we were done fishing yellowtail. A good grade of yellowtail it was as well. 16 to 18 pounds with a few bigger ones. We then took a break and enjoyed a lovely lunch. After that we went on a quest to find wahoo and grouper coming up unsuccessfully. Beautifully weather today if you like it hot and I do with the perfect breeze to keep you from overheating.

We're heading up the line now to try it tonight on anchor for grouper, Pargo or whatever else will bite the lines and will try for tuna tomorrow. Wish us luck.

Team Supreme


Polaris Supreme Update 9-21-2011

Not much to report today. We started our morning out at the Rocks and didn't see much sign. A handfull of tuna and a handfull of yellowtail. We got out of there mid morning and went kelping the rest of the day. From two oclock on we were in pristine warm lively water. Clouds and clouds of flyers around and we got the feeling that with a boomer kelp, we'd get down to business. Unfortunately all we saw were small kelps. We're going to head inside tonight and try for some action on all of the above. It's time to go eat some babyback ribs and hit the rack.

Team Supreme

Polaris Supreme Update 9-19-2011

Hello everyone. Not a huge report today. We got to the yellowtail grounds just before sunrise. As the sun cracked, so did the bite. It was anywhere from steady pickings to full speed for an hour and a half. Then, like a light switch, it shut off. For just having a few hours to soak some baits at those grounds, we got what we wanted. Time to continue south once again to 8-day range and start looking for wahoo, fatter tuna and maybe a kelp with some dorado. Time for me to turn in and get some zzzzzzz's for tomorrow's action. See ya tommorow!!


Team Supreme

Polaris Supreme Update 9-18-2011

Hello everyone. So here we are at the end of our first "travel" day on the Polaris Supreme. Wait a minute, why did I just call it a travel day if we fished all day? I"ll tell you, because we had an awesome score of yellowfin tuna "traveling" right over the rail and into our 30 degree RSW holds all day long! It looked like 5 minutes after 6 in the AM was breakfast time for the tuna down here. They wasted no time getting our blood pumping and adrenaline flowing as the clickers went screaming. The morning continued with no breaks with the crew eating breakfast on deck wihle they were always on the run. Easily piecing together a late morning, it was now time to shut down on the boomer of the day. You could have called it what you wanted, a buffet at sea with all you can eat, or simply a Wal-Mart Superstore: one-stop shopping. I thing you get the point; if an angler wanted to get rid of some tags, it was game on. To add some color to the afternoon, a couple nice kelps were so generous as to hand over about 30 or so 14-28 lb flatheads (dorado to the non-fisherman). So, for the most part that was the program today. Right around the pre-dinner hours Drew got her pointed in a southerly direction for some o'dark 30 "cow" yellowtail fishing. Wish us luck on our start to day 2.

From the galley for the evening, Chef Schooler served up his famous shimp and scallop seafood pasta which is always a crowd favorite. It's a sure sleeper after a hard day of fishing! Before i go for the evening I would like to let all of you that just can't quite get enough time off of work to ride one of our long-range trips, we have something JUST for you! Tommy and Susan were so gracious as to work some 1.5 and 2 day trips right in the middle of our summer schedule. Come join us out here and fish a short-range trip in long range luxury! The yellowfin are snapping and the dodo's have officially moved into 1.5 and 2 day range! Call Susan at the office : (619) 390-7890 for all of the details. Hope to see you out here.

Til tomorrow,

Jed and The Supreme Crew

October 20, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 11-26-2018 Our early departure paid off today! We were able to get into the island early enough to get the tuna located and get a good bite on them in the afternoon. The fish were mostly 60 to 80 pound range, maybe a few bigger. Our big fish was 145 pounds! One of the guys got three several guys got two and most everybody else got a least one. Our weathers great, we have a great group of passengers and were all having a wonderful time. Will check in with you tomorrow! The Polaris Supreme Crew!

October 19, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

Tuesday Dec 4 looks to be the best weather window for those folks looking to fish with us.  If yellowtail are unavailable we will target cod in 180-400 ft.  Before anyone freaks out, this picture was taken a long time ago and was on a Comercial boat fishing in legal US waters.  Come prepared for yellowtail and bottom fish.

October 18, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

The first annual Ocean Tackle Research trip aboard Polaris Supreme returned with skipper Tom Rothery and chartermaster Lon Mikkelsen November 19. The ten-day trip had 20 anglers. "We caught a lot of variety and had good fishing," said Mikkelsen, from Hood River, OR. "We also caught a lot of 40-pound Humboldt squid. The best fishing was on kelp paddies in the warmer water. "We're testing some new OTR jigs," he continued, "and they got bit." Rothery weighed the contenders on the Fisherman's landing certified scales. Clint Campbell of Bozeman, MT won first place for a 65.95-pound wahoo he caught ona silver and pink Raider jig. He said he used 40-pound P-Line, a Daiwa Saltist 30 reel and a Seeker Black Steel 6470 rod. Jon Collins of Menifee won second place for a 52.6-pound skin that bit a pink Catchy Tackle bomb. Collins brought his son into the photo to show off a big dorado. Randy Walker of Huntington Beach was third, for a 48-pound wahoo that snapped up a gold Raider.

October 17, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Hi friends. It seems like things just haven't quite lined up this trip for us. Our first day offshore had plenty of small tuna and beautiful weather but a lack of biting bigger fish. Our second day gave us no squid but excellent fin-bait fishing and a really good morning whack on 18-25 lb. yellowtail. Yesterday, we had great weather, a furious morning on wahoo but only a small showing of tuna. Although we did capture a few of those 75-90 pounders, the signal only lasted a couple of hours late in the day.

Looking at our day today, we didn't connect on any 'hoos but after a reposition on the anchor, we started to see very good sign of that nice tuna around. Our problem today was our lack of a fish count. We didn't really have a problem hooking fish this morning, our problem was getting these fish past the ravenous sharks down here. We had steady action on the fly-lined baits and we had a really good kite rotation going but even with 100 lb. test on Tiagra 50's, we were unable to properly horse most of the tuna to the boat before ultimately losing the battle to the sharks. Ugh, very frustrating. Things look really good here on that big tuna and if we didn't have a shark issue, we would've had ourselves a really great day.

Oh well, we had our shots and to rub a little more salt in the wound, the wind is projected to really stir things up out here so we had to make a move a little more inshore to set ourselves up for not only yellowfin tuna, wahoo, dorado, and yellowtail, but to also keep one step ahead of the weather. We've made all the right moves so far, it's just a matter of us having all the stars align just right and when/if that does happen...Sonny Jim, baby.

So that is all. Aside from a little rain, wind, and fish-less kelps this afternoon, our weather was absolutely gorgeous and we took the day to relax and enjoy some delicious food. Chef Schooler served up one of the best fish dishes I've ever had in my life for dinner. Fresh wahoo -- donated by Polaris Supreme regular Dennis McNeely -- was placed under a pool of lemon beurre-rouge sauce with a vegetable stir-fry, and rice. Round of applause for Schooler on that one, I couldn't have been more impressed by that meal and I speak for the entire group. With that, we'll be back at it again first thing tomorrow. Before I go, I just want to mention how fantastic our bait is this trip. We really lucked out as the entire long range fleet is code red mere hours into their trips and we have been blessed with the best load of bait we've had all year. We're grateful, we're pumped, we're out.

-The Supreme Team

P.S. I don't know what's going on, but Mark hasn't had any hardhat infractions in days. I know that everyone following our reports are really confused by a lack of hardhat updates but Mark hasn't received any penalties. Don't worry though, friends, a big one is coming. I'm talking an all-day hardhat donning. It'll happen, be patient everybody, it'll happen and it will be glorious.

P.S.S. Andrea - Jed says that although Ron might have the keys to his room but only you have the keys to his heart. That's very deep.

October 16, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

Blackwater International
Sponsored Trips 2013

This upcoming season we will be offering 6 different trips sponsored by Blackwater International.

Blackwater International makes the finest fishing line in the world and is a company that I truly believe in. On my personal fishing gear you will find Blackwater products on every reel. Fluorocarbon, co-polymer and braid, Blackwater makes it all.

The dates for this years sponsored trips are:

  • Friday, July 5
  • Friday, July 26
  • Saturday, August 17
  • Friday, August 30
  • Saturday, September 14
  • Saturday, September 28

All of these trips are 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. trips and can be booked thru Seaforth Sportfishing at (619) 224-3383. The cost of these trips is $105 and includes a Mexican fishing license.

At the end of each trip we will be holding a raffle where you can win some great Blackwater products! Come join us!

October 15, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

Today was one of those days that make you appreciate biting fish. We saw plenty of fish but, it was hard to get close to them or when we did get close getting a reaction was even harder. Tomorrow is a new day !

October 14, 2024 surf city nc Fishing Report

Tommy Rothery docked Polaris Supreme at Fisherman's Landing October 5 following a five-day trip. "We had full speed fishing today offshore on kelp patties," read the report from the boat for October 4. "However for the most part, the yellowtail and dorado we were catching were small. So we released all but a few. We did however get some nice grade yellowfin. No big hits, but good action as we picked away at 30 lb. yellowfin. Jeff prepared a great Cajun chicken with avocado, mozzarella and fresh salsa for lunch. And as we head in tonight he is serving us steak and lobster. We will hit the dock tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. "If you are thinking of coming out fishing we still have some open spots with Larry Brown on his 10-day departing October 25th. Highly sponsored with lots of raffles and giveaways. Give Susan a call at 619-390-7890." Jackpot winner Kenny Pole of Lakeside had a dandy 45-pound tuna for first place. He said it came on a sardine, a 2/0 ringed Super Mutu hook, 50-pound Yo-Zuri line on a TLD 30 reel and a six-foot rod of unknown make. Pole said the fish fought for 45 minutes.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for surf city nc are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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