san diego Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location SAN DIEGO
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You also can get helpful information from the Fishing Forecast.

February 9, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Here is a suggested tackle list for our 5:30 - 5:00 Coronado island trips for February and March. (1) a yo-yo outfit, this outfit should be a 20 or 30 size reel spooled with 40 lb. monofilament. Any 6 - 8 ft. rod rated for 40 lb. will work good. (2) Deep water cod rod. This outfit should be a 20 or 30 size reel spooled with 65 or 80 lb. spectra. Any 6-8 ft. rod capable of handling a 16 oz. sinker will work good. (3) a 25 or 30 lb. live bait outfit. This outfit should be a 20 size reel spooled with 25 or 30 lb. monofilament. A 7-8 ft. Rod rated for 25-30 lb. will be perfect. TERMINAL TACKLE. An assortment of torpedo sinkers from 6-16 ounces. A dozen rockcod hooks. We really like Mustad EZ baiters in the 10/0 size. A pack of size 2/0 live bait hooks. We really like Mustad 94150 A couple of heavy lures. Salas 6x jr and Salas 6x in blue/white and scrambled egg are perfect. Most of our trips we have been fishing deep water in the morning and shallow water in the afternoon. As soon as we see yellowtail the rock fishing will take a back seat.

February 8, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

The Apollo came back from a 1.5 day trip with 26 anglers and landed 50 Giant Squid, 20 Lings, and 200 Rockfish. They have some great Colonett trips lined up, then they'll be headed up North and running out of Sea Landing in Santa Barbara. Check out their availability and ride with the best! Make your reservations today (619) 221-8500

February 7, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in tonight with an audio update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay, CA. Today we fished at the Coronado Islands. We had 47 anglers catch 117 Yellowtail. The water is nice and warm and the Yellowtail are biting on fly-lined sardines and the surface iron. We are online every day. Come out fishing with us on β€œThe San Diego.”

February 6, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

This morning we stopped on a school of yellowfin that was smaller than some schools that we have caught 200 off of. This afternoon there was 30-80 lb bluefin in every direction we looked. Both species were a little reluctant to bite. 31 yellowfin tuna,8 yellowtail,1 bluefin tuna.

February 5, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Friday April 19

Great day of fishing today. One over 200 lbs. and a couple real close.

We had 20 tuna and 12 wahoo. Weather has backed off and is gorgeous.

We are looking forward to the last couple days of fishing.


The Polaris Supreme crew

February 4, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Captain Mike Pritchard called in this morning at 9:27 AM with the update from the Tribute out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay, CA. We are off to a great start. Very good Bluefin Tuna fishing. We have 15 Bluefin Tuna and 1 Yellowfin Tuna (about 40 pounds). We have a very light load of only 9 anglers. We need 3 more Bluefin for out limit. We have a few first timers who got there first Bluefin Tuna We have a trip departing tonight. Call Seaforth at (619) 224-3383 to book a spot on the Tribute.

February 3, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

The Pacific Voyager just got back into port from a 2 day with a few yellowfin tuna,one bluefin, and albacore. This is shaping up to be an interesting year with the first yellowfin being caught on this short trip. Call Seaforth to make reservations (619) 224-3383

February 2, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in tonight from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Today we had 20 passengers fishing at the Coronado Islands. We had 8 Yellowtail and 25 Rockfish. We saw a decent sign of Yellowtail but they only bit for a short time. They were biting on the YoYo iron but you should also bring a rod to fly-line too! Call Seaforth at (619) 224-3383 or BOOK ONLINE at

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for san diego are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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