st lawrence river Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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September 7, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

Took off today on a 5-day and we are hearing that the albacore took off in the morning but then died, but the prospects for yellowtail are great. So we will look for the yellowtail first thing in the morning. Our weather is absolutely gorgeous. For dinner we dined on a boneless Cornish Game hen with a summer favorite, fresh zucchini, and a side of fettuccini. Very tasty. Thanks for checking in. Tommy and Crew

September 6, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

Hello Everyone, We just departed on our annual AHI charter. Defiantly a great group of anglers who know how to have a little fun with each as well as put some fish on the boat. At the moment we have the outdoor speaker system hooked up and secure, a beautiful load of bait aboard, and the Supreme pointed south eagerly steaming to our destination. Will report again tomorrow, Team Supreme

September 5, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today we spent the day tuna fishing. It was very difficult at times, weeding through all the skip jack and small tuna. However our efforts paid off when every once in a while with a nice yellowfin. Throughout the day we were able to scrape up a great catch of yellowfin tuna. We know there is Wahoo around and we will be trying for them tomorrow. Wish us luck, Team Supreme

September 4, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

Apollo docked December 9 at Fisherman's landing after an eight-day trip with just 11 anglers, who visited Alijos Rocks for some nice tuna fishing with skipper J.J. Gerritsen. Many large yellowtail were also caught.

September 3, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

Nov. 9

                We had a pretty good day today.  We were due in the zone at 8:40 AM but we didn't make that ETA.  We got caught up in a stop a few miles prior that bit pretty well for us.  Then we spent maybe too much time in that zone looking for another deal that never came.  So we mosied on down and found another little zone which gave us our best stop of the day.  That was a good stop.  We caught a couple tuna reaching close to 40 pounds on that one.  And then the life pretty much disappeared until late.  So from lunch until 5 or so we didn't catch anything.  Then wouldn't you know it, before dark we started seeing life again and stopping the boat and catching fish again.  I guarantee you us catching fish right before dark and nothing since lunch wasn't a coincidence.  The fish were down hanging low where we couldn't see them and came up late.  All and all it was a good day.  A nice little starter for our 10 day trip.  15-25 pound yellowfin mostly with a few we let go and some nearing 40.


                The weather held up for us today too.  It got a little breezy in the afternoon but then it came down late again.  We're heading down tonight and we're going to try our hand at some yellers tomorrow morning and take it from there.  We're hoping we get a weather window in the morning.  It looks like we should but the wind should be with us tomorrow night on through hopefully only the next day.


                I'm supposed to let mama bear know that your forever cub is kicking butt.  He got himself a nice one and plenty others today.  He won't stop yappin about how much he loves and misses his mommy though.  Frankly, we're getting tired of hearing it.


September 2, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

~~July 17
  We had another great day today.  Stoked.  Things didn't start off so great though.  Nope.  Before 11:00 am things weren't so hot  We only had a few fish on board.  Things have been different at this place everyday.  We just needed to figure it out.  And we did.  We figured it out.  For the next few hours we picked away.  One here, two there kind of thing with an occasional flury.  Around two though things got busy.  For the next few hours we were pulling on 14-25 pound yellows with 5-6 going all the time.  I was just sitting up here in the wheel house with crew member Justin and we were reflecting on how much fun it was.  We had a good day.  Fish hold number 2 is full now. 

  We're going to hang tight on the anchor tonight and start off here in the morning.  We wouldn't mind getting another taste of this before we see what other shananagans(still haven't found the spell check on here) we can get into next.  We're thinking we"ll hunt for trophies and make Halibut drifts in the afternoon.  Trophies being the 40-50 pound model yellowtails.  I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

September 1, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today was a slow day. We spent it offshore working some great looking water stopping on kelp and other floating things. However the fish we found were not the most willing to bite. However we did finish the day successfully making mackerel for tomorrow. Hopefully the tuna and Wahoo have a taste for these local Mackerel. Wish us luck, Team Supreme

August 31, 2024 st lawrence river Fishing Report

The guys are out at the islands with just 11 anglers this morning. They have 30+ yellowtail so far with lots of fishing time left. Capt Matt suggests a 20 or 25 lb bait rod a 40 lb yo-yo rod and your favorite jigstick and bass rod.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for st lawrence river are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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