snake river Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

🗺️ Location SNAKE RIVER
🌎 Country US
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March 12, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

Big Bluefin on the Brain! Were able to scoop up some big Flying Fish on our way up the line! These flyers will be the perfect size bait for the local giant Bluefin Tuna. Recently the hot ticket has been: Heavy Flat falls in the dark, frozen Flying Fish on the kite, and trolling the Yummee flyer. We individually wrap our flying fish in saran wrap so they do not stick together when we freeze them. These ones are ready and on stand by for the big ones!

March 11, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Hi friends. It's hot down here -- wicked hot. The bronzing was epic today. Charlie Middleton and Drew even got in on the action. Just kidding, but we did as if they would like to participate in a session with us but they respectfully declined. Bottom line, the weather was excellent today but we could've used about five more knots of wind not only for some circulation but to carry the kite out as well. Anyhow, our fishing was a little on the slow side but it was to be expected with the south swell that rolled through here and threw things off a bit. We trolled up some wahoo today and managed to land a few fish on various artificials and a few on live bait as well. The sign of tuna here wasn't anything to write home about this morning but in the afternoon, we rolled up to a spot of jumpers, kicked the anchor over, and proceeded to hook and land a few in the 40-80 lb. range. We did have our shark casualties today as well but we're hopeful that if we can get a few more fish hooked, we'll keep the sharks spread out and land a few more. We'll see.

Anyways, our plan is to stay here tomorrow and see what the morning brings and we'll base our next decision to stay or go off of that. Wish us luck. Good night.

P.S. Eddie wishes to say hello to Marla. Eddie managed one of those beautiful yellowfin today so he's pumped. He misses you and can't wait to get home and see you.

March 10, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

~~Oct. 15
 I forgot to mention yesterday how steamy it is down here.  Steamy, like we're boiling a giant pot of water or something, I can't explain it.  Anyways when you walk out of an air and conditioned part of the boat it's like POW!  Holy Toledo!  But after a little bit you get used to it and it's not that bad until you find some AC again and then come back out and it's like, POW again.  Anyways, we had a little more wind this morning which helped with the kite fishing and it stayed one direction which helped with the anchor fishing.  We had another decent morning.  George caught another over 200 and his bud Craig joined him with a 207.  The sharks weren't as ferocious this morning and this afternoon I'd have to say they weren't much of a problem at all.  We really did a number on the wahoo yesterday because today we only caught a few but thankfully we had a great day on the anchor starting mid morning or after lunch, I already can't remember.

 The boxed and vacuum sealed flying fish from Florida the gang brought down really paid off today.  That's mostly what I did this afternoon was rig flying fish for the kite and help gaff tuna when they needed me. For a couple hours they were hitting the baits on the kite as fast as we could put them out.  Most of what we're catching is in the 100-130 pound class. The big story was Charlie this afternoon.  He caught 3 bigguns.  A 194, 213, and a 204.  A nice afternoon for Charlie.  About half the gang are already releasing anything under 200 pounds.

 For dinner we had a lovely corned beef and cabbage and potato meal.  Afterwards I was waiting for the shower and i noticed all the tuna that was under the boat and I pointed it out to the chef.  So he went down there and sinker rigged a sardine right on top of one of the tunas heads and he got himself a 177 pounder shattering his previous personal best of 35 pounds.  Way to go Mike.  Most people at the time were tying on new top shots on there reels.  They all new what was going on and that they could most likely do the same but nobody did a thing.  Everyone was fished out so that shows we had a good day.  You just can't fish 24 hours a day.


March 9, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

Aug. 22

We kicked the you know what out of the yellowfin today. We engaged in battle and we won. We started our drift at 6:30 this morning and drove away from them biting at lunch. The fish were from 22-35 pounds and were snapping. I don't think I've seen that good of fishing on that good of a grade since the albacore days. Hopefully this lasts for some time to come. The weather was great today but the further north we go now the more choppy it's getting. Just in time for dinner.

We've just been traveling up since our only needed stop this morning setting us up for our last day in the bluefin grounds. It sounded slow up there today but maybe they're just waiting for captain Drew to get up there. Rent rod Ryan donated a 40 pound bluefin yesterday to the galley and we were planning on eating it for dinner tonight but in the middle of the mayhem today we lost it buried under the yellowfin so he donated a few yellowfin so we're having seared Ahi instead. Mmmmm.

March 8, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

15 anglers, 27 yellowtail from 12-20 lbs and lots of big bonito. Yo yo jigs and surface iron on 40 lb mono.

March 7, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in with an update regarding the Passports! We are going to be fishing offshore for Bluefin Tuna and Yellowtail. Mexican immigration has just informed us that every passenger will need a passport to fish the Coronado islands. Tomorrows trip will be an offshore US waters trip targeting bluefin and yellowtail. If you don't have a passport you should start the paperwork. If you plan on fishing in Mexican Territorial waters you will be required to have a passport. That means if you are at the Islands or within 12 miles of the Mexican Coast. Passports will not be required for Offshore Trips fishing more than 12 miles from the Mexican Coast. The San Diego will be fishing offshore for awhile until our passengers can get passports. However, we will eventually return to fishing at the Coronado Islands.

March 6, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

58 yellowfin 18 bluefin 2 skipjack. “Plunker” style long drifts require a perfect presentation to get a bite. Changing your bait often is key.

March 5, 2025 snake river Fishing Report

Wow what a first week of fishing.

There is a huge spectrum of fish to catch out there now. Some days it's 60-80 lb Bluefin, then 100-200 lb Bluefin , the next it's 12-20 lb Yellowtail and Dorado on kelp patties, then 20-40 lb Bluefin and Yellowfin tuna the next! The local waters are full of life right now. We can't wait to get back out there this Sunday for our open 1.5 day trip! 

Could be kelp patty Yellows, could be cow Bluefin tuna! 

We can't wait to find out! 

Hope to see you Sunday, 

Team Supreme 

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for snake river are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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