nw indiana Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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July 25, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

We had a nice afternoon hooking fish landing was okay lot of tackle failures
and losses to the sharks! But we still managed to put a nice afternoon
together. It's absolutely a beautiful grade of fish! Most of the anglers
hooked for five of these fish! We are having to fish the 30 and 40 lb. test
to get a bite here. Not ideal for getting the larger Tuna away from the
sharks. Hopefully they bite heaver line tomorrow!

July 24, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

Tuesday July 2nd, 2013

Hi friends. Well, here we are. Fingers to the keyboard once again and anyone who knows me, knows that I can't type without jamming out to my Wiz Khalifa! Anyhow, Team Supreme; living the dream, one nautical mile at a time. Yep. Our maintenance period is complete and we are bound for greater points south. Chef Schooler just kicked out the prime rib and all the passengers and crew are fat and happy. With that being said, you know it's our first night back on the boat and we're kicking off our 2013 Summer season with our amigo Archie and his Motley Crue that he's invited along with him. Here we go...

We departed Fisherman's Landing this morning and headed to the bait receivers to load up on some sardines, mackerel, and anchovies. With that, I'd like to say two things: One - I would want no part of being a bait boat skipper right now. No part. Those guys are busting their you-know-whats to load our wells with sardines and it's not easy going right now. Kudos to those men. Two - I've now witnessed a bait-making seminar on a five-day trip. Is this 1992? I feel like I'm a part of history. When the bait loading gets tough, the tough get sabiki rigs. One could moan and groan forever about what we don't have but as Jed and Sweet Georgia Brown like to say "ain't nobody got time for that!" Anyways, we've got an OK load of bait and we'll see how those little critters live in the morning.

We'd like to use said sardines, mackerels, and anchovies on some bluefin tuna, yellowfin tuna, and yellowtail tomorrow so we'll be in the hot offshore zone seeing if we can't put our bait to good use. I'd like to say a word about the bluefin fishing other than how much I love it: a boat caught a 175 lb. bluefin today and had the same size fish jumping around the boat. Bring the appropriate gear! Don't go elephant hunting with a .22. Bring yourself a two-speed reel and fill that bad boy up with some 50 or 60 lb at least!

Man, I'm all over the place tonight. So, back on track. We're going offshore fishing tomorrow, the weather is lovely, and everyone is pretty lit up right now and ready to pull on something. We'll see what tomorrow brings and we'll report it to you ASAP, you know that.

Before I go, one last bit of nonsense. Jed was attacked by a seal today. It was hilarious. The bait receivers are no joke, they've got this one knothead that has no fear and although I saw no fear in the seals eyes, I saw plenty in Jed's and I laughed. Next thing you know--after Jed nearly trampled me--his  eyes locked with mine and it was on! But, I was laughing so hard at Jed's reaction that I couldn't move and just like that, he vanished. Although we're clear of scars on our bodies, we're emotionally scarred and we're now damaged goods. Hopefully, we can recover and be able to load bait in peace with our friendly pelicans. Anyhow, that was my favorite part of the day and I had to share with everyone. Classic.

Alright, enough of my babble. Mark's driving, Springsteen on the Ipod, and we're talking about the glory days. Mark has a few more glory days under his belt because he's 97 years old but I've got a glory story to tell as well. We're out.

-The Supreme Team


P.S. I promise that I'll have a lovely FISHING report for everyone tomorrow. Mark says that I'm a bad, bad man. He wanted me to type that. Thanks, Mark.

July 23, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

25 pass. 17 bluefin 16 yellowfin. Most bluefin were 30-50lbs. The savvy angler would bring a 20lb rod and a 30-40lb rod with assortment of hooks from size 4-2/0. We are very light on reservations all next week. Call 619-224-3383 and make those resos. Bluefin is way better than turkey for Thanksgiving.

July 22, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

Hi friends. Yellowtail fishing was off the hook this morning -- or, on the hook, depending on which way you look at it. Fifteen to twenty-eight pound fish just kept coming over the rail and we also had a few flatheads as well. It was all you could've wanted on fly-lined sardines, yo-yo jigs, and surface jigs too but we only took a few boxes to break up the morning and from there, we ventured offshore with the hopes of finding something floating for dorado and wahoo.

Let me tell you, trying to locate kelps in eighty degree water is a difficult task and although we did get lucky and found a couple scraps, they weren't holding all that much. However, we did troll up a few legitimate ball-slappers, a marlin (healthy release), and one really nice wahoo at dusk caught by Mike Henry. His wahoo looks to be in the fifty to sixty pound range and he coaxed that fat skinny into latching onto a purple and black Marauder. Good going, Mike.

For tomorrow, we'll be fishing for all kinds of species but our main target is wahoo. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Our weather is just splendid and the all-day bronze-a-thon continues. I'm starting to look like Hulk Hogan out here. Supreme guns. Later.

July 21, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

August 21

Hello all of you readers. We departed on our Let's Talk Hook Up 4 day trip this afternoon and said some prayers as we headed to the bait receivers. So far as I write this I am still pleasantly pleased by the bait we got. It's still not a dynamite load of bait but compared to last trip we're holding our heads high. Only time will tell. Relaxing afternoon aboard the Polaris Supreme. The weather couldn't be better and it appears we should be blessed with another wonderful flat trip in the open seas.

It's 7 o'clock p.m. and I'm still not 100 percent sure of where we'll be tomorrow. I'm leaning towards starting off where we left off last trip. You'll find out tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Drew and the top notch crew of the beautiful Polaris Supreme signing out.

July 20, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

Nov. 8

Go fly a kite. We did. Awesome weather and great signs of big tuna all around us. We hit them with everything we had -kites, sinker rigs, fly line sardines, mackerels, flying fish on 100 lb then 80 lb, then 60 lb, then 40 lb, then 30 lb nothing. Chunking - nothing. Anchored, then drifted, then trolled. We proved that fishing does not equal catching. If you listened close enough - you could hear the cow tuna laughing at us. We found solace in chef Schoolers platters of sashimi, wonton cups filled with marvelous ahi poke and bacon wrapped asparagus. We heard of a place where 30 lb Dorado and mid sized yellow fin play. We are going there now.

Your charter head Mr. Lon Mikkelsen

Nov. 8

Timing is everything. And so far our timing for the most part has been a little off, whether it be wrong day or wrong time. This morning we caught some quality fish. Less of them then we were hoping but we caught a handful of 35-50 pound yellowfin mixed in with several handfuls of smaller ones and a couple of wahoo. It didn't take long for Tommy to figure out that this was the wrong day not time. So we took off from there in search of. We found a few more wahoo on our next spot but only landed one before we kept sliding down to new zones. We fished a couple other spots for just a couple more fish while setting ourselves up for some stellar bait making. We got that job done before dinner and as I write this we are anchored up in cow town. We're expecting a couple slowish days while we're down here but the fish we land should be trophies.

The weather down here remains good. Clear skies, little wind and it's hot and muggy. Well I'm going to go back to bed for another hour or so. Check back to see how many trophies we get today.



July 19, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 08-03-2016 Today we started our first full day of fishing on our annual Hampton four day. We started the morning fishing the beach in search of Yellowtail. Conditions were tough and we opted to head off shore and search the warm blue waters for a nice kelp or a biting school of tuna. We managed to find some nice kelps, with little on them. We managed to some playground grade Yellows and Dorado, but fortunately for them they were all thrown back so we may be able to catch them next year. However we did catch a few adults among the babies, they were a welcome addition to our frigid RSW fish hold. Over all a tough day with fish few and far between. We are making a move south tonight to put us in position for tuna and yellowtail fishing tomorrow morning. Wish us luck, The Supreme Team

July 18, 2024 nw indiana Fishing Report

Thank you to Vince and Phenix rods for making the Steele 2 day a great trip with some awesome raffle prizes. A few lucky anglers walked off the boat with some brand new Phenix rods!

We are out this weekend on a 2 day trip. Only one spot left!

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for nw indiana are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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