nw indiana Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location NW INDIANA
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February 12, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

A couple of jumbos for mark and Jeff on our izorline two day !

February 11, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

After spending all day yesterday searching for yellowtail without success. Today we decided to put the feelers out and look at some new areas. After a couple hours of searching we found exactly what we were looking for. The yellowtail we found today were really active for about an hour. In one hour our 15 anglers managed to put 20 very nice size yellowtail on the deck. Our yellowtail today were caught on yo-yo lures, surface lures as well as fly lined sardines. Make sure you bring a bait rod to go with your yo-yo rod from here on out.

February 10, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

~~Sep. 17
 We had bad odds today.  We fished for wahoo and our fish hooked to fish landed ratio was poor.  It always is with wahoo but I feel today was extra bad.  I think if you're landing half of what you hook with wahoo you're doing OK.  Today at best we were 1/3.  At best.  I called out to 2 of our anglers fishing today and asked what there ratio was for the day and I got a 1/2 and a 1/4.  Then my buddy Dave came up to the wheel house and said he was 0/4.  So that gives you an idea.  If we would've caught half of what we hooked today we would've had a really good day.

 Alright.  I'm done whining.  I'm still glad we came here.  Everybody got there chance at a wahoo and there's still a chance for some more tomorrow.  We're headed inside now and we'll be fishing for wahoo while we're looking for tuna first thing tomorrow morning.  The weather now is fantastic.  A little weird this morning with mixed swell and a wind coming from the southwest but it's beautiful now.

 We couldn't come to an agreement on a price for someone to wear Mark's shirt today.  Justin wanted 200 and Mike said he'd do it for 150 but I couldn't find enough people to chip in.  It was a good one too.  He was wearing a white shirt today, so by 9:00 this morning he could've entered a wet t-shirt contest.  He may have won too if you're into guys like Mark.

February 9, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

UPCOMING HOT TRIPS!!! We are planning on running some specialty trips sponsored by Berkley and Shimano These trips will be out of Santa Barbara, targeting White Seabass and/or shallow water Rockfish at the Channel Islands. They will have give aways and raffle prizes. Berkley Trips will be limited to 24 people and Shimano trips will be limited to 20 people. All trips will depart from Sea Landing at 9pm the night prior to the fishing date. Please email me at [email protected] for more details or to make reservations, call Sea Landing at (805)568-0460. The Berkley dates are fishing Fri. April 2, Fri. April 23, and Fri. May 28. The Shimano dates are Fri. April 16 and Fri. May 21

February 8, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

Nice bluefin making for a great starter and finisher for our 6 day trips. Next one leaves August 23rd!

February 7, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in tonight with an update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. We had 36 passengers today catch 180 Yellowfin Tuna (LIMITS), 7 Dorado, 50 Yellowtail and 50 Skipjack. We had a long run to get these fish but we had great. It was a one done deal!

February 6, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

POLARIS SUPREME TRIP REPORT 11-08-2020 TO 11-12-2020 Day 6 and 7 ( that would be the 8th and 9th) where very similar. Both days we had fair pickings on the wahoo on the sardine during the day and Incredibility Awesome fishing on 30 to 40 pound Yellow tail at nite. A couple of great days of fishing. Weather was a little breezy but not to bad all and all good weather except our traveling to get here that was rough going. Day 8 the 10th we spent the morning fishing kelp patty's for Dorado and Wahoo. The guys kept 14 Dorado and released the rest and we had 2 wahoo get away. The rest of the day was spent traveling and napping. We where really burning the candle at both end of the stick fishing all day for Wahoo and all night for monster Yellow tail. The sleep was well earned. Day 9 and 10. That's today and tomorrow. Today is scrub the boat day and we have great weather to do it in. Tomorrow we will be arriving early to unload a nice catch of fish. We would like to thank all of our great anglers for a fun trip and special thanks to Jim Stan and Clarence for bringing their friends together on the trip. Thank you Stan you ARE THE SWAG MASTER. We have the night in and will be leaving Friday on a 1.5 day private charter fishing Saturday. See you then. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 5, 2025 nw indiana Fishing Report

Hey guys, after two weeks of fishing for yellowtail in U.S. waters, we have now decided to head back down to the Coronado Islands. We have still been seeing plenty of yellows in the local waters but they just have not got with it like we wanted them to. Yellowtail have been spotted from the rockpile to Catalina island over the past week. I honestly feel that the Coronado Islands is going to be our best bet at finding some yellowtail that want to bite well. Our first trip to the islands is tomorrow, Friday 27th. Ticket price for this trip is $95 make your reservations at 619-224-3383.

"Where there is fish, you will find us!"

Capt. Ryan

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for nw indiana are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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