deschutes canyon Fishing Report 2024

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July 26, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

The morning started our ok. We scratched yellows for about 4 hours and kelps patties. Little sign of dorado. As the day progressed it got tougher with few patties. Overall it was a slow day.

Our weather is still great. Tomorrow we our on our way to do some Island fishing. Wish us luck.

Thanks for checking in. Tommy and the crew

July 25, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

8 Bluefin and 3 Bonito today for our group. The big one weighed in at 215 pounds gill and gutted (probably 240lbs) The fish was caught on a flatfall and 100 pound test.

July 24, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

~~Oct. 13-14
 Nothing to report on Oct. 13.  More of the same.  Though it was our last day so the cocktail hour was to a minimum.  We arrived to our destination around 1:30 in the am Tuesday morning.  We did a tour for flying fish (to use as bait) but we only caught a few.  We kicked the anchor over and most of us got a couple more hours of sleep.  Everyone got up at 0400 hours and got to work.  Some faster than others.  When I woke up George was the only one in the water so I thought I'd give him a hand.  I threw a sinker on a rig and dropped down a sardine and 5 minutes later we had our first tuna aboard.  About an 80 pounder.  It was our sashimi fish.  After that there was a whole lot of good shark and small tuna fishing going down so again during a time when no one was in the water (due to having to retie because of shark teeth), I dropped another bait down, this time on the rod Mark likes to call the OJ (no one knows why), and about 20-30 minutes later we had a 196 pounder aboard.  While that was going on George got hooked up and brought a 218 pounder over the rail.  It wasn't even light out yet.  After that the sharks fully took over.  It was pretty much unfishable so we didn't give it much time, we pulled anchor and got to trolling and for the next 8 hours or so it was steady striking on the wahoos.  Damn.  We caught about 5 per angler so I'd call that good for sure.  For the last few hours we got steady strikes on one of this groups favorite fishing methods, trolling the yummy fliers.  We caught a lot of tuna today on those and on the marauders and some on bait.  They were all mostly in the 120 pound range.

 The weather today sure was interesting.  The wind never had much strength but it couldn't pick a direction.  One minute it was coming out of the northeast, and the next it was coming out of the west.  It did that all day so for that and the sharkies giving us grief we never tried another anchor job today and we're spending the night adrift.  It also rained a whole lot this evening.  I'd say it was raining cats and dogs when I went to bed but it's cleared up now at 0100 hour as I write this on my watch.  One more hour and I'm going back to bed until 5 when we'll all be going back into battle.  Hopefully tomorrow these dang sharks leave us alone.


July 23, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

What a delicious meal whipped up by Chef Roger and galleyman Gringo! Simply outstanding!

July 22, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

July 13
    We had some good tailing today.  We were a little slow out of the gates.  We didn't get on them until a few hours after daylight but when we did it was good fishing on the 18-25 pound fish.  We had one of those good old long drifts where we were gettin um.  Of course after a while we had a lull so we went searching and found some mixed grade yellowtails eager to bite.  They were mostly 10-14 pounds with a few 16-18 pounders in the mix but it was still fun and they were biting.  We did that for a couple hours and left them biting to find the bigger grade of fish we were fishing in the morning and wouldn't you know it, we got an evening whack.  A sun setter.  Now this fish seemed to be even bigger than the morning grade.  I'm talking 22-28 pounders this time.  Maybe a few bigger.  At dark we decided we had enough yellowtail and we'd like to top off with some more yellowfin and try for some bluefin in a couple of days so we'll be running up tonight.  The weather for us was good
  and the forecast for the future looks tasty.  5 knots of wind makes my mouth water.  Everyone on board here is fat and happy.  What I mean by that is they're being fed well and are having a good time.


July 21, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

Incredible sunsets are just another day on the office. Not much traffic on the commute either. 

July 20, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

Ryan Bostian checked in from “The San Diego” this afternoon with an update from Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. The Bluefin Tuna are 20 to 120 pounds. Please make sure you are prepared. The Yellowtail are 5 to 10 pounds. Please bring one light rod and one heavy rod. A light rod would be 25 pound or 30 pound test. A heavy rod should be nothing less than 40 pound outfit a 50 or 60 would be better. The Bluefin are biting on a flat fall jig. A perfect out fit for he flat fall jig would be a Talica 12 filled up with 65 pound spectra with a short top shot of 80 pound fluorocarbon. Today we had Captain Cameron running the boat. He had a very respectable day offshore in a crowded ocean. FISH COUNT: 56 anglers caught 2 Bluefin Tuna and 52 Yellowtail.

July 19, 2024 deschutes canyon Fishing Report

~~Sep. 20
 The ride going up last night wasn't good, although I can't say it was awful either.  It was just your average windy rough ride up the line.  I'm just not used to it, that's all.  The weather for the most part these last couple months for me has just been so good.  It doesn't matter because the weather got good again for the important part which is the fishing.  And we took advantage of it.  We found our dorado kelp.  The dorado were small to big and they were plentiful.  It was our first dorado kelp of the year.  Finally. Though we've had plenty of other specie to keep us busy this year. If you know me you know I'm all about the competition so I like to make searching for kelps fun.  Today I challenged Mark to a kelp off which means the person who finds the loaded dorado kelp wins.  He found it and of course I couldn't be happier about it.  It may be the only thing I'm glad to lose to.  Of course he wanted me to tell you all about it.  He finally beat me. It was the cherry on top of this wonderful trip.  Another one in the books.  We're headed back to the barn all fat and happy.  Fat from too much eating and happy with all the fish we caught.  We'll be dockside tomorrow morning at 6:30 and yes, we will be heading back out to sea.  I'll be taking the LA Rod and Reel club out fishing for a couple days.

 Good fishing again today in the local tuna grounds it sounds like.  Let's make it one more tuna trip for the year before it's over.  Our October 3rd and 6th trips are both for sure goes.  Let's, and by that I mean you, make our September 26th and 29th trips a go too.  Come fishing!  My baby can be without her dad for another week if it means she gets those shoes she's been begging me for.  5 months old and she's already begging for shoes.  Holy Toledo.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for deschutes canyon are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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