carson river Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

🗺️ Location CARSON RIVER
🌎 Country US
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July 26, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Update List 08-11-2012


Upon arriving to the dock this morning I was reminded of how long I have been sportfishing and more accurately running boats (36 and 34 years respectively). My good friend and charter head Eric Rogger was just arriving for his annual 5 day trip with his nephew Alex in tow. I marked this as Eric's 30th year chartering he immediately disagreed and said it was only 20. I was able to find a 1984 Polaris Deluxe schedule And prove he had been chartering on boats I have run for at least 28 years strait.That is the oldest schedule I could find If you have a older one I would love a copy. To put this in perspective Drew was 4 years old and Richie wouldn't be conceived for another 2 years and 3 months. I have no idea where I was going with this except to prove that Eric and I are old so I will get back to fishing.

Eric has again put together a great group of guys and Tanya. Yes thats 3 trips in a row we have had a women on board and not strait smelly guys. Except for Richie who just went down to the galley and tore out one of the perfume or calogne pages ( I can't tell which ) out of the latest issue of GQ magazine and rubbed it all over his chest. Every one is pretty excited and ready to get at it. We will be fishing at 05:30 am tomorrow.wish us luck.

Tommy and The polaris Supreme Crew.

***Editors note***

I decided since Tanya has been riding with us every year in the six years that I've been here and she's our third female in a row on the boat, that I would pull out all the stops. I decided to rub Allure Homme Sport EAU Extreme by Chanel -- since my allure is so extreme. It's a hypnotizing musk that reminds me of my days attending the Cape Cod Classic, where my Ralph Lauren crew neck sweater rested ever so gently around the neck of my wrinkleless polo shirt, my khakis where high and tight, and my Sperry Topsiders were as fresh out of the box as the morning dew that rested ever so gently on the jibb boom of fathers sailing yacht "Br-easy Money". Arnie Palmers anyone? Mmm-hmmm, yes please, bar patron, put this round on my fathers tab and have Phillipe set the reservations for 7:30 at the Osprey Country Club . Ahhh, you're right, Thomas Rothery, where has the time gone? With that said, let's go kill some fish and get real stinky.

-Richard Henry Elias Jr.

July 25, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today we had another nice day of yellowtail fishing. We got a good morning jump on these guys and put quite a few on the boat right off the bat. There has been some tuna schools roaming around this area as well, we picked off a few mixed in with the yellowtail. However when we went out to try and find them we only had a couple jig strikes and skip jack breezers. That about wraps up our Seeker/Sadie Hawkins 3 day charter. We would like to thank Bev Seltzer for putting together such a great trip. We are looking forward to next year already! Until next time, Team supreme

July 24, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

July 18
    We had an action filled morning today.  The yellows were biting good.  The only downside was it didn't last long.  For whatever reason breakfast only lasts an hour and a half.  We found another area that we worked on for a little bit then it went down.  After about 10:00 in the morning things were lifeless here until 5:00 this evening.  We had a couple shots at them before dinner was over for the fishies.  We're going to stay the night and hope things change here for the better.  We're hoping breakfast lasts longer and that there will be a lunch.  Theres plenty of fish around here when they're up and the grade of fish is wonderful so we want to stay.


July 23, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in with an audio update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay, CA. Today we had excellent offshore fishing for Yellowtail. We ended the day with 131 Yellowtail and 1 Bonito. A 25 pound bait rod was doing the trick today. We did have some surface iron action too. Please be prepared with for the Bluefin Tuna. You will need a 30 pound bait rod for the small fish. But you should also have a heavier outfit fish fishing flat fall jigs.

July 22, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

Nov. 17th

                Well the plan worked.  We stayed tucked behind Cedros Island till 1:30 this morning.  That gave things above time to settle down.  The wind backed off at 10:00 last night and it was a surprisingly nice ride up this morning.  It was a little herky jerky but much better than we thought it would be.  We went full cruise and barely got the windows wet.  Due to the nice ride, we had some time to fish this morning and we found some action.  We hit up this little pinnacle and it had some 14-18 pound yellows hanging out.  We made a few drifts and an anchor job and managed to scratch up more then 2 per rod.  We all needed a little action.  We'll be a little late getting in tomorrow but it's worth it.  We deserved some action after being stuck in the lee yesterday due to the weather.


                And that's it.  That's the trip and that's the 2015 season for us.  It's time to hang with the family and be a dad and a husband.  Time for the rest of the crew to do what they do.  Until February that is.  Then we leave on a long one.  It's also time for me to thank all our customers.  Thanks for the year, and thanks for the years.  It's always fun and it's always different.  This year will have a special place in the old memory bank just like all the other years and it's because of most of you reading these posts.  And I just want you to know, that we all appreciate what you do for us, and mostly it's as easy as coming out fishing with us.  THANK YOU!!!!!!


July 21, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

~~Oct. 15
 I forgot to mention yesterday how steamy it is down here.  Steamy, like we're boiling a giant pot of water or something, I can't explain it.  Anyways when you walk out of an air and conditioned part of the boat it's like POW!  Holy Toledo!  But after a little bit you get used to it and it's not that bad until you find some AC again and then come back out and it's like, POW again.  Anyways, we had a little more wind this morning which helped with the kite fishing and it stayed one direction which helped with the anchor fishing.  We had another decent morning.  George caught another over 200 and his bud Craig joined him with a 207.  The sharks weren't as ferocious this morning and this afternoon I'd have to say they weren't much of a problem at all.  We really did a number on the wahoo yesterday because today we only caught a few but thankfully we had a great day on the anchor starting mid morning or after lunch, I already can't remember.

 The boxed and vacuum sealed flying fish from Florida the gang brought down really paid off today.  That's mostly what I did this afternoon was rig flying fish for the kite and help gaff tuna when they needed me. For a couple hours they were hitting the baits on the kite as fast as we could put them out.  Most of what we're catching is in the 100-130 pound class. The big story was Charlie this afternoon.  He caught 3 bigguns.  A 194, 213, and a 204.  A nice afternoon for Charlie.  About half the gang are already releasing anything under 200 pounds.

 For dinner we had a lovely corned beef and cabbage and potato meal.  Afterwards I was waiting for the shower and i noticed all the tuna that was under the boat and I pointed it out to the chef.  So he went down there and sinker rigged a sardine right on top of one of the tunas heads and he got himself a 177 pounder shattering his previous personal best of 35 pounds.  Way to go Mike.  Most people at the time were tying on new top shots on there reels.  They all new what was going on and that they could most likely do the same but nobody did a thing.  Everyone was fished out so that shows we had a good day.  You just can't fish 24 hours a day.


July 20, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

Captain Andrew Viola called in late last night at 11:15 PM.  We just wrapped up an overnight charter.  It was a tough morning the fish slept in.  The fish showed up later in the day and we managed 3 Bluefin Tuna (up to 120 pounds).  It was a very encouraging sign of fish once we got on them.  

We had a 2 day Izorline trip tonight and we have a SOLD OUT trip departing Friday night.

Upcoming Trips
Sunday Night 1.5 Day Trip - has spots
Tuesday Night 1.5 Day Trip - has spots

July 19, 2024 carson river Fishing Report

The San Diego checked in tonight with an update from Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Captain Cameron Cribben ran the boat today! We had 31 anglers and caught 56 Bluefin Tuna and 91 Yellowtail. Today was a big day and it looks like the fish are back on the bite.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for carson river are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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