blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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March 9, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in this evening with an update from “The San Diego” out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay, CA. Today we had a light load. We had 17 anglers catch 85 Yellowtail (up to 20 pounds). The Yellowtail are mainly in the 4 to 10 pound class but we did have a nice one today that was 20 pounds. There are Bluefin Tuna in the area but we did not catch any of them today. RECOMMENDED TACKLE 25 pound bait rod - 25 pound mono with a short 25 pound fluorocarbon. This outfit is excellent for the Yellowtail and smaller Bluefin Tuna. Be sure to use 1 or 1o hooks. 50 pound bait rod - 50 pound mono with a short 50 pound fluorocarbon leader. You will need 2o hooks for your heavy bait rod. Flat Fall rod - 7 or 8 foot rod with a Talica 12. Use 65 or 80 pound spectra with a short 80 fluorocarbon leader.

March 8, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 10-23-2012 End Of Day

After the seminar there was a group fitting of OTR harnesses and a rush to get rid of all 80 lb. rigs and less and switch over to 100 lb. plus on all rigs. you see all the fish where we will be in 44 hrs are over 150 lbs. Thats right the small ones are 150 lbs. Don't worry the boys can handle it. We had a little split pea soup and ...
turkey sandwich for lunch to fuel us for the wire tying party that ensued. There was also a gaff rigging party that you missed Richie. Staple gun repair, flood light cleaning and repair,bait siphoning, fixed the furuno-Navnet meter problem, got that waste of money USCG required DSC single side band radio working right, and a few more things fixed. I just wrote all that out so when we write the usual stuff in the future you know what we are talking about. All in all a very productive day. The anglers did a bunch of rigging and caught enough Dorado for tacos, a nice fillet meal, enchilada's and Dorado ceviche in the coming days. Right now its Tito's and Stogies while we wait for a little tender loin dinner. Weather is fantastic and the boys all said to say hi and they miss you all. Except the cat....

Sea Ya Tomorrow Tommy

March 7, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

Sep. 13

Good evening to all readers. We're fishing the second annual Bogart Construction short range trip. We departed this evening around four, got some bait and are currently serving our beautiful cuts of the prime rib as I write this. We'll fish all day tomorrow and head it back for home on yet another turn around. It sounds like it was a down day today in the offshore grounds with not so good of weather so we're glad we were at the dock today. Tomorrows forecast shows the wind backing off and with that hopefully the fish float. We'll see.

March 6, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 07-20-2016 Good afternoon everyone, Today we started out fishing off the central baja coast, in hopes of lots of large yellowtail and maybe even a Seabass or two. An early wake up call was in order to try for a premium sized yellowtail or Seabass. Unfortunately the fish had other plans. So we pulled the anchor and began searching for any sign of yellowtail. We were not able to find any breaking fish or breezers but the bait life around was astonishing. We worked bait ball after bait ball for nothing. After concluding that the conditions were not panning out we started working our way north. Spot after spot of scratch yellowtail fishing. However there were a few lucky anglers that landed some quality mossbacks. We worked at it till about high noon and then decided to head off shore in hopes of a boomer kelp patty or a biting school of tuna. Water is clean and our hopes are high, Team Supreme

March 5, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

Good times were had by all on the Prevost private charter. Light line live bait rigs and small colt snipers connected with 57 yellowfin tuna and 2 bluefin tuna.

March 4, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

We departed today on Don Fischbeck's annual 5-day charter, but without our charter head Don! Don we will miss you at the rail but we will bring some fish home for you. Don't be working too hard! Today the reports off shore are slow but there is some action at a few of the islands. So we loaded up with some good looking bait and are hoping for a possitive change for the albacore. Pedro is in the galley getting ready for dinner tonight which is going to be grilled tenderloin of beef with a red wine sauce. So we will update again tomorrow. Thanks for checking in. Tommy and crew

March 3, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

Friday, July 12th, 2013

Hi friends. For whatever reason, the nice, lengthy report I just wrote was erased. With that, here is the short version of what I just wrote. Sorry.

We 2 Bluefin until after lunch and just as we were about to call it a trip, we found a school and a ripper bite on 50-70 lb. Bluefins was upon us and chaos ensued. With some gear already broken down, some guys had to tie hooks to straight spectra or borrow rigs but we ended up getting 38 out of that stop until we ran out of bait and had to kick it for the barn.

Our ETA for tomorrow is 0900 hours back to the docks and we'll be heading out on the 2nd annual Billy Stephens Family Trip. Tommy will be leading us to the promised land. Wish us luck and we'll give you a departure report tomorrow evening. Take care and have a fine Friday.

-The Supreme Team

P.S. Bill Dunn says hello to Emily and Chuck.

P.S.S. Mom - If you can get a hold of Natalie, have her read this: Happy Birthday, sister!!

March 2, 2025 blue mesa reservoir Fishing Report

Another travel day to get to the tuna grounds. Good weather and good food. Fresh tuna steaks with oriental fresh vegetables for lunch and a tasty New York steak for dinner. We are ready to get our lines wet. Wish us luck. By the way, those of you up around Sacramento, go to the boat show and look for Dave Dunham in the Polaris Supreme booth. He will be in there to answer all your questions and take your reservation. 2008 is going to be a great season. Come join us.Tommy and crew

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for blue mesa reservoir are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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