apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report 2025

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February 9, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

June 28
We found some action early this morning on a kelp with some yellowtails.  Mark found it but I don't think I can give him credit for it.  "twelve  oclock, a trash can lid.  Oh I lost it. oh nine o'clock. ile in a half.  No, half mile.  Two trash can lids.  Oh I lost it".  The second time he lost it he looked ion the wrong side of the boat so i found it and  it was a good sized kelp.  Oh Mark.  Anyhow, everyone on the boat got to pull and tug on a little yeller and tag one or two if they chose.   We hit it a couple times before getting in tuna mode.  Things looked very similar to yesterday.  Many spots of yellowfin around, just no meat to it.  I'm talking 6-12 fish schools mostly and they weren't very interested in us.We worked very hard for just a handful of fish.  The good news is it wasn't boring as I think I mentioned last night.  The fish kept us on  our toes.  Good sight seeing.  Good fishing, bad catching.  Oh well.  We still had a good time out here on our first trip of the year and we have our passengers to thank.
Please excuse the spelling.  I'm sitting back in my chair as I write this and the letters on the screen are to small to see and the E on this keyboard keeps falling off.  We'll get everything under control real soon.


February 8, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Hello friends. Our day didn't set the world on fire by any means but it was an interesting day of tuna fishing out here. Our weather was calm throughout the day with only a mild groundswell and although the stops were few and far between, we did manage one of the better scores for the area. In the morning, we had some jig strikes to wake us up, shortly after, we had a whack on some Bluefin, and then our day was pieced together by a few Albacore stops. We had a few jig strikes that turned into us hooking a couple of bait fish each stop but like I said, they were hard to come by. We just didn't see a large volume of fish and we consider ourselves very fortunate and are thankful for our day. We finished the day with 11 gorgeous, fatso Albacore in the 28-38 lb. class and 13 Bluefin in the 15 lb. range.

Who knows, maybe this Albacore area will develop into something later in the season. Be sure to check the website for some more of these 1.5-day trips and 2 -day trips we've put on the schedule. There's still a lot of fish in a couple different areas and they show no sign of bailing just yet and with the success of these past short trips, we've put a few more on the schedule to target Albacore, Bluefin, and Yellowfin tuna along with some Yellowtail and Dorado. Give Susan a call in the office at 619 390 7890 to book these short-range trips on-board the long-range vessel Polaris Supreme.

So that is all. We're scheduled to arrive to the docks at 0600 hours tomorrow and will immediately turn-around for an 8-day adventure. Look for reports from Jed starting tomorrow. Good night and have a great weekend.

-Team Supreme-

Thursday, September 15th, 2011

Hi friends. We departed the docks this evening at 1800 hours for a 1.5 day trip, loaded up on some beautiful Sardines, and began motoring out to our fishing destination for tomorrow. It's a new area of fish that includes Bluefin tuna that range from the school grade of a 15 lb. average, all the way up to fish in the 40-60 lb. range, the area also includes a few Albacore in the 25 lb. category, and some school-sized Yellowfin tuna as well. Fishing two days ago was decent enough to garner our attention and gathering reports from the boats who were in the area today was that there is no shortage of fish out there, they just weren't in the biting mood today. Let's hope that tomorrow the fish get frisky and we'll see if we can't get lucky and find ourselves a school of willing biters. We felt that motoring out this way would give us the best chance of fish along with having more fishing time to spend out here. We'll be there first thing in the morning to see what's up and cross your fingers that we get something located.

So that is all. Our weather is a little choppy but we'll take it. The forecast calls for decent weather and we're praying that the weatherman is correct. Bottom line, this report pretty much sums up fishing in a nut-shell. We hope that we find some fish, we hope that we catch some fish, and we hope that the weather is nice. Wish us lots of luck and we'll report with you tomorrow.

-Team Supreme-

February 7, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

Oct. 17
 I think I'm happy with today. Another dorado kelp sure would have been nice though. When I told the other boats we were fishing with what we caught today, they all said good going on your day so I guess I can't complain.

We started off at San Clemente Island yellowtail hunting. It was pretty darn slow first thing. We gave it a while staying patient but we could only take so much, so we explored. For nothing. By mid morning I was concerned I'd be giving the Jackpot money back. No cause for worry though. We went back to our morning spot and the handful of other boats that were chilling there bailed out so we tried it again. We stayed steady for a while catching yellers. Mostly smaller ones though but with a sprinkling of nice ones. It quit biting at lunch so we went looking for a dorado kelp. We found one. It had a great big ball of flats on it. Nice ones too. Some would call them !@#$ slappers. It could've hung around longer but we caught a couple per rod while they were around. We also caught a wahoo. Perhaps the first wahoo this boat has ever caught in American waters. I'm willing to bet good money on it.

And that was pretty much our day as far as catching goes. We fished more. We tried our yellowtail honey hole again but it didn't work out. I think we planned it out good though. We fished a lot. Not a whole lot of long periods of driving like you can get on straight offshore days. We'll be in tomorrow and I'm not sure when we're coming back out. That all depends on you. Whether or not you go 1.5 day fishing with us. Regardless we'll be back out Nov. 8 on a 10 day. Which by the way, you can still book on that son of a gun too.

February 6, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

February 5, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

San Diego Anglers private charter wanted taco meat, so we put the yellowtail fishing on the back burner. We enjoyed the day and caught limits of calico bass 112 vermillion rockfish 13 barracuda. Back on the yellowtail hunt tomorrow.

February 4, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

Aug. 15
 Our day sort of reversed from yesterday.  Today it was a super slow morning that led into an action packed afternoon.  We looked for bluefin tuna this morning.  We started off in the zone where it had been in the weeks prior, but like yesterday, it wasn't around.  We caught one 12 pounder on the troll all morning.  We looked around there and in other places I thought it might have gone but we never saw an meat.  We went through one area where at least we were seeing little dabs of the BF but it was diving off on the meter.  We could tell it didn't want it.

 So we kept tracking around and ended up close to a possible yellowtail honey hole. So we took a look and that's exactly what it was.  For the rest of the afternoon till dark we stayed pretty steady on 12-25+ pound yellers.  It was good fishing.  A very pleasant surprise.  We're keeping this ball rolling.

 Needless to say, well maybe not needless, but we're going to spend the night here and see what this place looks like in the morning.

February 3, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

Trip update 08.09.2015

 Good afternoon folks. Today was pretty slow today, fishing wise. We certainly covered a lot of ground today looking for that boomer kelp and just couldn't find the cherry patty. Not too long after the crack of dawn we were dragging jigs and had the crew up top looking hard. There was no shortage of stuff to stop on, there just wasn't that one holding in our zone today. Such is offshore fishing. Fish being who they are, the really hold you to being in the right place at the right time. Never the less, today still put us in position for a couple days of yellowtail fishing with another great chance of putting some tags on some nicer grade yellowfin too. I have to say though, you couldn't have asked for better weather out on the water today. For most of the day whether you were going up swell, down swell or in the trough, you really couldn't which was which. Gorgeous conditions out here for the passengers on a boat ride or the crew up top looking for fish. We'll take that for the rest of the trip!
 Chef Mike and kicked out an awesome lunch today making his homemade crab bisque served with a chicken ceasar and garlic bread. The only bad part is he didn't make more of it. I know I had at least 3 bowls of it myself. It seemed to be a crowd favorite.  We ended the day with a nice Thanksgiving style turkey dinner topped with a mushroom gravy and stuffing on the side.
 So tomorrow we're gonna be "chasin some tails". Looking to get into some quality yellows, maybe some nicer yellowfin and who knows what else we might come across. Check back in tomorrow evening.

Jed and Crew

February 2, 2025 apache pier myrtle beach Fishing Report

Big Bluefin on the Brain! Were able to scoop up some big Flying Fish on our way up the line! These flyers will be the perfect size bait for the local giant Bluefin Tuna. Recently the hot ticket has been: Heavy Flat falls in the dark, frozen Flying Fish on the kite, and trolling the Yummee flyer. We individually wrap our flying fish in saran wrap so they do not stick together when we freeze them. These ones are ready and on stand by for the big ones!

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for apache pier myrtle beach are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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