san diego Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location SAN DIEGO
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February 11, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE!!! January starts Rock cod season here at Fishermans Landing. APOLLO has trips scheduled to start January 1st. You can get on these trips by booking Online or giving us a call at FISHERMAN'S LANDING at (619)221-8500.

February 10, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Skipper Drew Henderson took a look at the San Benitos Islands on a four-day Polaris Supreme trip with 24 anglers. He arrived in the afternoon to find fair to good fishing and some seals that were hungry but not ravenous. He said his anglers got yellowtail there up to 30 pounds. Next day he fished at Cedros Island.
"We got 80 big ones there," he said, "at the South End." Eric Thomas of Palmdale won first place for a 46.8-pound yellowtail. He bagged it with a sardine on a 5/0 Eagle Claw hook and 50-pound Big Game Line. Thomas fished with a Trinidad 40 reel and a Calstar 6460 H rod. He said he got the big β€šΠ”Ρ‚tail in 15 minutes.
Shannon Nutt of Palmdale was second for a 37.8-pounder, and Edward Agadjanian of Glendale, home of Newell reels, said he used a Newell reel to take his third place 34.8-pound yellowtail.

February 9, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Our private charter had to display some good old fashioned patience today. In a typical 3/4 day trip we can expect to make about 3-5 moves thru ought the day looking for fish. Today however, we did not find what we were looking for until our 9th stop of the day. The rapidly changing conditions coupled with the short windows of biting fish have been driving yours truly crazy the past couple of days. Today's photo will show you why we have been putting ourselves thru such mental anguish. Today's final count for our 31 passengers is 11 yellowtail 20 calico bass 16 barracuda 7 rockfish. Our yellowtail today weighed 20-35 pounds and were biting the fly lined sardines the best.

February 8, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in last night with an update from the San Diego out fo Seaforth Sportfishing in San Diego, CA. Today we had 24 anglers catch 2 Wahoo and 52 Yellowtail. The fishing was very good. We did have lose 4 Wahoo. The grade on the Yellowtail was very nice. The majority of the Yellowtail was 12 to 20 pounds. Amazing fishing and very low pressure at the islands. I would not be surprised if we see some Bluefin Tuna. We can now keep Bluefin Tuna in Mexican waters. Call Seaforh Sportfishing at (619) 224-3383 or BOOK ONLINE at

February 7, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme arrived under Drew Henderson's hand October 27 after a ten-day trip with 20 anglers that visited the southern banks, an offshore kelp area and Cedros Island. Drew tied the rig at Fisherman's Landing and weighed the best of his catch. "We had good fishing the first day at the banks," he said, "until about eight in the morning. Then we had a good sunsetter. We got yellowtail on the 23, and about a dozen wahoo on offshore kelps. We had good dorado fishing on the kelps." The trip's best yellowtail was a 45.3-pound mossback caught at Cedros Island by Stan Katkansky of Lincoln City, OR. "I got him on a mackerel," said Stan, "on 60-pound line."

February 6, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

Hello everybody. Good times this morning on the sea anchor. Biting bluefin tuna with a smattering of nice yellowtail to start off our day made breakfast taste that much better for everyone who attended the meal call. A half pound breakfast burrito tastes just a little better after pulling on fish for a couple hours after the sunrises. Anyhow, we had another decent day today of catching bluefin and yellowfin, mostly on blind jig strikes, and shaking off "neck-tie" yellowtail and dorado's to fill in the gaps when the tuna had their noses in the mud. For the most part, their noses stayed in that mud but when they did pop up, we made the most of it with some quality tuna fish.

Another solid day made for the decision to head coastal and see if we can't find us some yellowtail's with some size to them. We'll give this offshore scene another try later but for now, we're going to get out of the wind for a bit and give the anglers a change of scenery. We'll fill you in on our day tomorrow evening. Take care.

February 5, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

18 yellowtail and our quota on reds and rockfish. A fine December day.

February 4, 2025 san diego Fishing Report

During these later trips the Tuna definitely got bigger. In addition the sharks have been non existent! Love those conditions!

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for san diego are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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