perch Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location PERCH
🌎 Country CA
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February 12, 2025 perch Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today was a slow day. We spent it offshore working some great looking water stopping on kelp and other floating things. However the fish we found were not the most willing to bite. However we did finish the day successfully making mackerel for tomorrow. Hopefully the tuna and Wahoo have a taste for these local Mackerel. Wish us luck, Team Supreme

February 11, 2025 perch Fishing Report

~~Aug. 27
 Today we looked at an awful lot of schools, non biting unfortunately. I heard Tommy throw out a number and I'll share it with you. 17. That's the number of schools we stopped on today. We caught 2 bluefin all day. A 65 pounder and an 80 pounder or so. So that's our day in a nutshell. I think most of you all have been there before. We're headed in. I'll be taking the boat out tomorrow for 9 days.

February 10, 2025 perch Fishing Report

Sept. 25

Today we got nasty aboard the Polaris Supreme. And I mean nasty. When I use the term nasty I mean it in a good way. Unless I'm talking about the weather. If I say the weather is nasty I mean it was nasty. And by the way the weather was nasty today. It was windy windy windy and the swell was up and it was steep and we were rolling baby. It didn't bother us though because we were getting nasty on those bluefin tunas. Shortly after firing up after daylight Jed called down from above "tern birds pickin starboard bow". So I turned toward starboard bow and there was tern birds a pickin and when we rolled up on them, wouldn't you know it there was a big school of bluefin under them. I love those beautiful little white tern birds. They're the best of the fish finders. Find tern birds and you usually find game fish. For two hours it was game on. I mean they were snappin! 35-50 pound tunas? Yup. After the initial two hour whack things became civil and we scratched at them for another five hours. We could of kept picking at them but we had enough and the weather was getting worse so we headed east for the rest of the day and found nice weather in there. Night and day compared to what we had out west. We didn't catch much in there, a few small yellows and dorado but we didn't care. We had a heaven of a day already. We're on our way in. We have one night in and then we're back at it again. See you then.

February 9, 2025 perch Fishing Report

Jody called in with this fishing wrap-up, "We were able to fish San Miguel all three days. These 1 Day Trips produced excellent Rockfish & Lingcod fishing. If you are looking to go out on an Open Party Trip you and schedule a trip by going either to the Apollo website or give Sea Landing in Santa Barbara a call 805-963-3564.

February 8, 2025 perch Fishing Report

Today was mostly a travel day. We check around for albacore but the fish were down. The wind picked up this afternoon but we are good south so the ride is fine. This is our second day out on an eight day trip. So we have plenty of time to find the fish.

February 7, 2025 perch Fishing Report

Tom Savage with 1 of our 3 bluefin today. We have decided to switch our run back to the Coronado Islands until further notice. Please bring a 25 lb bait rod, a 40 lb yo-yo rod if your a lure guy don’t forget your jig stick. Who knows we may even see bluefin at the islands soon. Passports required.

February 6, 2025 perch Fishing Report

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Hi friends. A little weekend wrap-up for you all to update our doings down at the boatyard. The hull and outer bulwarks are completely finished and it looks amazing. Jesus and the boys did a fantastic job and the only parts left to paint are the inner bulwarks, the deck and we've spent the better parts of Friday and Saturday sanding, grinding, and acid washing the "bus stop" and the bait tank so that they can be painted this upcoming week. Starting on Monday, along with the painting, it's time to get prepared to ready the boat to get back in the water and hopefully, we'll be placed back in the water on either Friday or next Monday. Our fingers are crossed!

With that, we'd like you all to keep Jed in your thoughts and prayers. Last Friday, Jed was involved in accident with a machete and severed a tendon in his thumb. He is supposed to have surgery this week to repair the tendon and his expected recovery time will be all the way until August. Obviously, Jed won't be on the boat for a few months so keep him in your thoughts and we'll let you know how he's doing now and then.

With that, take care and we'll chat with you tomorrow.

-Richie & Team Supreme

February 5, 2025 perch Fishing Report

Sep. 10

Well, today was just swell. We caught bluefin. Yup, lots of them. We found a school a little while after breakfast and stayed drifting till a little while after lunch. I've just now been staring at this screen for a few minutes drawing a blank on what to write. Mark just woke me up for my watch and I guess I'm not a midnight writer so I'll keep it simple. It was a lot of fun. The fish were in the 30-40 pound range with our spring scale calling the biggest at 49 pounds. After that school wouldn't bite anymore we went on search for another and found just a dandy of a school but it would have nothing to do with us so we search, search, search. About an hour maybe longer before dark we found what we were looking for and stopped the boat on a school of biting fish and had another nice shot at them before and into and after dark.

I'm going to have to give Tommy the credit for todays fishing. For a while today I thought maybe it was all about my lucky 7-11 cap I've been wearing but I think Tommy just did a good job of finding those schools today. Hat or no hat, we just nailed them today. The weather was good today and we're still drifting and my legs aren't very spread apart so you know it's good drifting and good sleeping. We're going to give it a little while tomorrow before having to call it a trip and head for home.


Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for perch are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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