perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 9, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

POLARIS SUPREME TRIP UPDATE 10-02-2020 Great fishing today on Bluefin from 35-160 and yellow fin 40-70 pounds in slick weather! The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 8, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

~~Sep 13
 Thank goodness for slow speed.  Even though we got a really good jump yesterday, we weren't going to be getting anywhere down below till late tomorrow.  Our speed was horrible.  1.5 knots below average.  But we sped up this morning.  Yup.  This morning we were only making .75 knots below average.  That all costs a whole lot of time when you're traveling great distances so we decided we'd have to be stopping short.  So that's what we did this afternoon, arriving at 4:30.

 Wow!  It didn't take long before everyone had a tuna on.  And they weren't those 8-14 pounders either.  There were some of those, but the majority of them were those 20-30 pounders.  I say again, "wow".  It bit steady the whole time we which is a couple of hours.  During the stop, I had tied a few hooks and cast a few baits out, you know , like we do, and quite a few times the hook would fall off and I would scratch my head and ask myself, " are my knots failing"?  They weren't.  It took crew member Justin to spot a wahoo flying out of the water to figure it out.

 So we wound them in and threw back the marauders.  Before dark, which wasn't long, we had a little binger for 5 and then one for 1 50 pounder.  Say it with me now.  "Wow"!  We aren't going anywhere tonight.  We'l just kick back and see what the day has to offer.

 My buddy Glen caught the 50 pound wahoo today.  Every year for a while now he has been the last member of the little troll team that I like to call, " the troll of shame"  That's the last few people on board who have not yet caught a wahoo.  He will not be joining that team this year.  Nope.  This year he can join the heckling party.  He get's to see what it's like from the other side.  Way to go Glen.


February 7, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

We had been running steady before the big blow with a mix of local Cod trips and Offshore trips. This week we are mostly inshore fishing cod with an offshore adventure on Tuesday. 

February 6, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in this evening with an update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing. Today we had 24 anglers catch 1 Yellowtail, 1 Bonito, 30 Barracuda and 44 Rockfish. We see schools of Yellowtail but most of them are totally addicted to one inch anchovy and difficult to hook. We are going to stick with the Islands for awhile and tomorrow is a definite go.

February 5, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

22 yellowtail, 65 calico bass, 1 bonito and 3 barracuda. Tony Brough and his charter group had good action fly lining sardines.

February 4, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

GOOD 2 DAY TRIP!!!! APOLLO came in with 18 Anglers & they caught 90 Yellowfin & 90 Yellows. Check out for any open spots. For information & reservation call Fisherman's Landing @ (619)221-8500.

February 3, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

Andrew Viola called in with an update from the 1-day trip from the Pacifica out of Seaforth Landing in San Diego, CA.

We have Yellowtail limits (5 per person) on the boat already this afternoon with most of them between 8-12 pounds.Β  We are still looking for more and we’ll see if we can get some Dorado or some Tuna on the boat next.

We have an Overnight trip leaving on Sunday at 10pm and a 1.5 day trip leaving on Tuesday at 9pm with open spots.

February 2, 2025 perch fishing lake erie report Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Report 07-22-2016 Happy Friday everyone! We elected to stay the night at the same place as yesterday, in hopes of another action packed day of yellowtail fishing . We got the anchor down and started fishing around 5:30, to stage ourselves for the morning hit. As the misty morning came upon us we began to hook some nice yellowtail. We were finally starting to hit our stride when the fish quit biting. As the sky cleared it seemed as the yellows did too. We tried several spots that amounted to a slow pick throughout the day. Unfortunately we finished off the day without the wall to wall action yellowtail hit we were hoping for. However we still scratched up some quality fish. We feel very fortunate to have had such a great day of fishing yesterday. After fishing hard into the early afternoon we finally set a course for Point Loma to and wrap up this great 5 day trip. We have smooth sailing for the ride up and are looking at 7:00 am at the dock. We currently have a four day online departing August 2nd that still has a couple openings. If you would like to join us on this fishing adventure please give us a call and lock in your spot today. Also the Polaris Supreme Website now has its pictures in high resolution, available for everyone to download! From all of us here aboard Team Supreme we would like to thank Paul Hess and friends for putting on a great charter! We would all like to give a special shout out to Sandy, Dave, and Sydner! We wish you were out here fishing with us and are looking forward to next year! Thanks for stopping by, Team supreme

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for perch fishing lake erie report are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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