paul burt Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location PAUL BURT
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March 10, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

I have space on some trips coming up. Saturday May 7 a charter needs 5 people cost $185. limited to 20 people. Contact John at (661) 718-8487. Sunday May 8th is Open Party limited to 20 people max. Cost $175 Contact Sea Landing. (805) 963-3564. Thursday May 12 Shimano will be Sponsoring all the tackle and giving away swag. Inside Sportfishing will be filming this trip. Contact sea Landing. (805) 963-3564. Friday May 13th Berkley sponsored trip. There will be swag give aways for all. Contact Sea Landing. (805) 963-3564. Sunday May 22nd Shimano will sponsor all the Tackle and give away swag for all. Contact Sea Landing (805) 963-3564. Saturday and Sunday 2-day charter Limited to only 20 people. Cost $400 includes food. Contact Alan (562) 818-6563. We hope some of are able to take advantage of these great opportunities.

March 9, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

4 bluefin(3 over 100lbs) 15 yellowtail. A few good shots at very large bluefin. The opportunity to catch a fish over 100lbs on a day trip is truly amazing. Don’t miss out.

March 8, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

Our biggest one yet tapped out to 353 pounds ! Thank you @g_fly_premium_flying_fish for the bait, congratulations on the fish of a lifetime @tunajugend !

March 7, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

Hi friends. Fishing today was just beautiful today on 16-22 lb. yellowtail down here. We had a few of those "premiums" in the mix and a few shakers but for the most part, it was a really nice grade of 'tail. Our key to success today was finding--as Tommy puts it--fresh balls [of yellowtail]. Classic run 'n gun fishing for the morning as the guys on jigs and fly-lined sardines were getting their fill but once our drift was established, the dropper loop guys got in on the action too. Anyways, it was a good morning bite in the "drift zone" but a little after lunch, things shut off and we toured around trying to find another ball without much success. Speaking of lunch, chartermaster Joe Gigliotti did it again. He owns the pizza game and made a really awesome lunch for the guys. Sausage, pepperoni, olives, barbecued chicken, chicken and pesto, and smoked fish, capers, and onions were being devoured by the gang. Joe rocks. I only had a couple bites of each because my nutritionist, Chef Shawn, didn't think I needed the extra carbs and fat. I had salad and a banana. Eyes on the prize, baby. Anywho, it was definitely a morning thing and we'll be here for one more morning to see if we can't connect on some more fresh balls [of yellowtail] and let the weather fade out before we boogie out of here to get in some offshore tuna and dorado action. Oh yeah, we need to make some bait too.

As I type this, the time is 0245 hours in the morning and it's starting to rain, Gunny is all slicked up downstairs braving the elements, and I'm up here in the cozy wheelhouse contemplating typing a report for another hour and fifteen minutes until we have to wake up Tommy and Mark. Nah, I can't do Gunny like that. Anyhow, bait-making isn't all that great as Gunny has made a couple pieces and a couple of flying fish for next trip and I've made one lizard fish. Pumped.

Speaking of pumped, the gym here on the Polaris Supreme is overloaded with muscle right now. Last night before dinner, Tommy was in the wheelhouse gettin' his leg and core workouts in while I was out back in the "gun zone" getting my diesel on with some upper body workouts. Tommy was rockin' out a few sets of crunches, squats, and toe raises, I was in the gun zone jackin' out sets of chin-ups, tricep dips, push-ups, and leg lifts. It was on. So my fellow pump brother, Riddler the Ripped One, and I were getting all swollen and admiring each others work, and here's Gunny taking a shower. He doesn't have a membership to the gym yet but we'll find a way to get him one, don't you worry, Tommie. If you're nickname is "Gunny", you'd better be shredded to the max and not applying cocoa butter moisturizer when Riddles and I are getting wrenched. I'm proud of you, Riddler, I'll be your spotter anytime. If only we could get him bronzing...

Staying with the last topic, Drew and I took what might be the best photo ever this evening. A rainbow showed itself in the distance and what a beautiful rainbow it was. Instinctively, Drew leaped into my arms and I held him like a baby lamb in my toned arms and Mark snapped a photo of the exchange. The picture is just fabulous, Drew being held up by "Richie Gun Racks", his smile ear-to-ear, and a beautiful rainbow in the background. Just lovely.

So that's all. Life on the Supreme is grand right now and I've got to go and make some bait. Like I said, we'll be here tomorrow trying for some more 'tails. Hopefully, the action is a real fat burner and we're just going crazy all day. We'll see. Okay, I gotta go. Bait, bait, bait!

-The Supreme Team

March 6, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

 Arrive/depart.  A quick one too.  We were out before 9:30.  We got our bait and we were gone.  We started fishing after lunch.  We had one little area that was loaded up with 5 pound skipjack.  We stopped a few times to let everyone pull and jerk on something and practice following there fish around the boat and stuff.  We had a couple kelps with a few small yellows we caught.  We unfortunately made it to our destination before dark.  I say unfortunately because we were hoping to bump into something sooner.  We saw only a few little dabs of tuna while we had light.  I mean just a few fish, and they didn't bite.  We're currently anchored in the cove here and we're enjoying a nice prime rib dinner and I think we'll sleep well tonight.

 It sounded like it was a better day around here.  Not just catching wise but fishing too.  Never thought I'd say that but what I mean is there was a bigger spread of fish seen today.  They weren't all seen in the same honey hole like most of last week.  We have high hopes for tomorrow.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going on break.

March 5, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

Oct. 8

We all slept in today as it was our first day off from fishing in a week. We had a later breakfast of pork chop, bacon, eggs and hash browns. After that we broke down and cleaned all of our big tuna gear and put away the harnesses and the terminal tackle and things. Then the crew scrubbed the boat to a nice shiny color while the passengers watched a movie or two. Then we ate cheeseburgers and they were great. And after that it was nap time. So we're all rested and we have a clean boat. We still have a little bit of live sardine left over and some time to use them so we'll be rolling by some fishable waters the next few days and if we see something we'll be able to stop and give it a try whether it be wahoo the next couple of days or bluefin the day before we get back to San Diego. The weather today was as good as you could ever ask for. Flat calm seas and the sun was shining. Lovely. Dinner was wahoo enchiladas and that's all we have to report.


March 4, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

13:53 hours update:

Hi friends. After a brief snafu (spelling?) with the sea anchor, we rolled right into stops on Bluefin tuna with our best drop yielding 35 of those tunas. Most of the fish were in the 14-22 lb. range but we did manage a few whacks on that 40-60 lb. grade as well. Our good friend Travis Donahue decided that throwing a 9'3" Ulua with 40 lb. test was just a stellar idea and managed to hook a dandy of a fish. I'm pretty sure a new style of angling was invented; it was crouching Travis, boot camp deluxe, and an antenna. Travis did his best but Gunny couldn't take it anymore and had to assist little Travis and the battle ensued. Guns had that fish about 2 feet out of the gaff reach of Mark and myself and just like that, sorrow. The Bluefin tuna won this battle and looked to be in the 120 lb. range. Oh brother.

Anyhow, we've been underway for a few hours now, headed to greater points south. Up next on our itinerary is do some Yellowtail fishing. We have a lot of water to cover and we're hoping to be fully engaged in a miracle and stumble upon something this afternoon when we get out of this cooler water and into some of that warm H20. We're hopeful. The gang just enjoyed a spaghetti and meat sauce lunch and Little Chappy just threw on "The Hurt Locker". Everyone is either playing Siskel and Ebert or snoozin'. Our traveling weather is absolutely gorgeous and we'll report back to you tonight with an update of how our afternoon went. Talk to us, Goose. Talk to us...

20:00 hours update:

Well, we never stumbled upon something glorious, or anything for that matter, but we gave it our all and when that failed, the gang had a poker tournament. Anyhow, Chef Shawn and Sweet Dee are preparing some type of shrim and scallop feast and the knock just came under my size 11, not-so-Tuff boots and that means it's dinner time. We'll be to the Yellowtail grounds tomorrow morning and we're hoping for a clobber fest. Take care. Happy Birthday, Zeb.

The team you dream about,

-The Supreme Team


P.S. Hi Drew!

March 3, 2025 paul burt Fishing Report

Hello Everyone, We had another nice day today. Mainly catching good Yellowtail and Bluefin. It was a slow pick in the morning and slowed around lunch time. The second half of the day we focused on the larger tuna. We were able to get one bite, unfortunately the hook pulled. Slower action on the larger fish today. Tomorrow we will be switching gears to Kelp patty fishing. In hopes of Dorado and Yellowtail. Wish us luck, Team Supreme

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for paul burt are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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