perth Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 15, 2025 perth Fishing Report

We started in the rain, loading passengers and loading bait. Now we're full steam rolling down in nice weather. There is reports of bad weather down below but we're traveling the correct direction for it not to effect us. We hope this trip is in perfect time with the perfect weather. We'll most likely start the trip off with an afternoon of yellowtail fishing before we decide on where we're going from there.

February 14, 2025 perth Fishing Report

Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Hi everyone. A fun day was had by all here on the Polaris Supreme. For a while, it was looking rather bleak, but we got on a breezer a little after lunch time and "put the wood on" some Bluefin. That last quotation was a Mark Clark-ism, I don't know what putting the wood on means but he apparently says it when he would like our anglers to hook up and pull on some fish. Well, from lunch time until sun down, they were looking like they all worked at the lumber section of Home Depot. We also had a nice sonar school towards the end of the day that gave us a ripper up until dark. Lots of good times for the boys today here on the Polaris Supreme. All the kids had a blast and we're throwing out the "sack" tonight to hopefully do this again tomorrow. Hopefully, the time of day thing gets straightened out and we have some action in the morning time. We'll chat with you tmorrow.

Richie and Team Supreme

P.S. The Phrase Is "putting the wood to them" not on them. Thus the Clark-ism variation. The Term comes from a time when your father would make you go to the wood pile to pick your own piece of lumber to spank you for lipping off or what ever you did wrong. So we spanked the tuna, put a hurt on them, or put the wood to them! Tommy.



February 13, 2025 perth Fishing Report

Hey guys:

We are still seeing plenty of yellowtail at the Coronado Islands. Our counts for the past week have been anywhere from 3 to 48 yellowtail per trip. It seems like if you get around the right school at the right time they will bite. We have seen schools at just about every spot at the islands. Today we went out with 28 passengers and caught 12 yellows. The biggest fish today was a 36 pounder caught on a fly lined sardine. Most of our fish have been in the 20 pound class and have been taken on fly lined sardines on 25 lb. and yo-yo jigs on 40 lb. The weather has been absolutely perfect. We are running everyday. Please make reservations at 619-224-3383.

Captain Ryan

February 12, 2025 perth Fishing Report

 We have traveled all day today doing the usual rigging and eating! We really don't have a whole lot to report. We will be fishing first thing tomorrow morning and looking forward to dinner a good night sleep and waking up to a good weather and great fishing tomorrow. Wish us luck.

February 11, 2025 perth Fishing Report

Nov. 14

                We had very good wahoo fishing today. We caught a lot of wahoo.  You don't see it much better then what we had today.  At least for a few hour window there.  We got our scratch on early, then we got our catch on mid to early afternoon, and then we went back to scratching till dark.  It was good.  I think I may of seen it better, I probably have in 15 years but this was pretty darn close to as good as I've seen, again, at least for that few hour window mid morning. 


                As much as myself and the rest of everyone on board would love to stay here another day, the wind is coming.  We'd have good weather tomorrow but we'd have to seriously pay for it on the ride home if we stayed.  So we're headed across to the Cedros area and we're expecting good weather during the ride across.  Who knows, maybe we'll find a kelp for some dorado and more wahoo tomorrow morning.  If not, we should be fishing for yellows by or after lunch tomorrow. 


February 10, 2025 perth Fishing Report

Hello Everyone, We are rolling down today, mainly a rigging day. We are trying to get all of our gear ready for the rest of the trip. From wire leaders to dropper loop rigs we are getting it all set up for the 7 days to come. Great food, great weather, great company. Will report again tomorrow, Team Supreme

February 9, 2025 perth Fishing Report

I hope this post finds everyone well. I just had a party of three cancel on Augusts two day trip. Aug. 19-20 Leave Aug 18 @9:00pm. 20 People for $515.00. If you are interested please contact the chartermaster of the trip, Allen Cheriton at 714 379-1140 ext. 225.

February 8, 2025 perth Fishing Report

We have a trip that is departing tonight that is a go! You can call Fisherman's Landing at (619) 221-8500 to get in the action or call me directly at the number below.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for perth are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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