nowra Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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March 13, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

Nov. 7

                First of all, what the heck was that?!  Did you see that tonight?!  Holy Toledo!  It was like a rocket or something, blasting through the sky, then all of a sudden, boom!  It just lit up.  For a second there, I thought that was it.  I thought, see you later world,.  This is it.  Then it was just out of control.  I watched it with the gyros for a while and it was zippin and zappin all over the place with a huge green glow in it's wake.  Wow!!  And the whole fleet saw it.  From here, out to there, and into there and all the way down there.  I can't wait to hear the explanation.  I'll remember that forever.


                  OK.  Onto fishing.. Today, we had a bad day.  Just an old fashioned bad day.  And I wish that was all I had to say about that, but you make me write more to you.  That wouldn't be good enough.  So I'll explain it.  Last night I downloaded what I thought was a tasty looking water chart.  It shows much much less warm water around but there was a lovely looking strip of warm headed southeast from Clemente.  So I thought I had this great idea to start at the Island, and leave when they closed it down at 11:30.  Well it's what we did.  We started at the Island, only we didn't catch a whole lot.  A handful of nice yellows and some junk was all.  So we stuck with the plan and headed down that strip of warm water.  You know, the promise land, so I thought.  I was wrong.  And that's all I have to say about that.


                We did experience some great flat calm weather.  And we caught our first ever American wahoo in November, so that was cool.  Good boat, good crew, and good food.  We just missed the good fishing.  Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you.  Sometimes you're sitting field level, and sometimes you're sitting nose bleed.  That's all a part of the game.


March 12, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

Aug. 21

We had a good morning today. We managed to be the lucky boat and found a school of bluefin that stuck with the boat and we were able to scratch at them for several hours before having to move. The grade of fish was all mixed up from 15 pounds up to 40 pounds. After that we searched a lot of water and only found 1 school that wouldn't have anything to do with us. It just swam away. There were a few other schools in the area for other boats that did the same thing.

The weather today was OK in the morning then breezed up pretty good in the afternoon and then it backed off at dark. The forecast was down graded from what it was calling for and is now showing pretty good weather for the next few days so we're stoked about that. We hope they're right this time.

We're currently heading for the yellowfin grounds due to the poor reports in the yellowtail grounds. There will be a few of us looking around there tomorrow so hopefully we'll be able to get them located.

Drew doo di doo doo doo

March 11, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

Dan and his brother David spent the day with us landing 6 Yellowtail and 2 Yellowfin tuna. Fun fishing the weather was excellent.Β 

March 10, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

Capt Mike Pritchard called in for the Tribute, absolutely excellent Bluefin Tuna fishing again today. We ended the day with 136 Bluefin Tuna, 36 Yellowtail and 82 giant Bonito, we had very success with the kite today. We are going to continue with our trips as long as these fish are around, we can let it go! We are changing some of our weekend trips and now will be headed out to either Cortez Banks or Tanner Banks where ever the Bluefin are. You can go to our website at or call the landing at 619-224-3383. You can also go to and sign up. Please check out Facebook page at Tribute Sportfishing and see the pictures from recent trips. Lets keep this going!

March 9, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called up early this morning with an update from "The San Diego" out of Seaforth Sportfishing in San Diego, CA. We got in really late last night so we were unable to call in a report. However, we had very good Bluefin Tuna fishing for tuna in the 20 to 40 pound class. Our group of 30 anglers ended up with 54 Bluefin Tuna. We did see some bigger fish jumping around but we did not hook any. The 20 pound bait rod was the ticket with a 1o or 2o circle hooks.

March 8, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

Tuesday June 28, 2011

We arrived today at Fisherman's Landing at 7 am after a nice smooth ride last night.  After weighing up the jackpot we were pleasantly surprised with the fact that the yellows were larger than we thought.  Joe Beck took 1st place with a 42.6 lb yellowtail.  Mike Grella took 2nd with a 41.3 yellowtail and Tim Walsh followed it all up with the 3rd place 39.6 lb yellowtail.  Congratulations to our jackpot winners.

The Polaris Supreme will be departing next on Thursday afternoon on a private 1 1/2 day charter sponsored by Optima.  We still have openings on our 3-day departing July 10 as well as other trips throughout the summer.  Give Susan a call to get on board.

Thanks!  Tommy and crew

P.S. Yes Kub, that was the yellowtail Joe hooked on the jig on his first cast of the morning.  Thanks to you, for waking him up for the bite!

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Good evening. A sloppy ride last night was forgotten about around 1000 hours this morning as what was a crummy ride a few hours before turned into a stable ride for most of the day. With the bucking seas last night we only had an hour or so of actual stop time if we got into anything special but it never happened. We trolled through beautiful water today but were unable to locate or catch anything. Lack of bait species in the water is probably the reason we didn't see much and hopefully, it's just a matter of time before everything gets in order and we get a shot at some offshore action. We'll see.

The gang broke down tackle today and got caught up on sleep that a bouncy ride deprived them of. The crew scrubbed the boat and took care of a few maintenance projects before days end. Our traditional fillet and lobster dinner was served promptly at 1800 hours and a bow was put on the 2011 Beck/Wagstaff party. We had slow fishing for a couple days to start off the trip but we finished up with a bang and all in all, we call this trip a success. We're grateful for the guys being a great group to have on-board regardless of catching fish or not. They are a fun bunch of passengers to hang out with and for that, we thank them. We also thank Joe Beck and Mal Wagstaff for year after year putting together quite the mix of personalities that make this trip an excellent one to start the season out with.

We're heading home in nice weather and we're prepared for a date with docks tomorrow. Our ETA to Fisherman's Landing is 0700 hours Tuesday morning and we'll be back out Thursday night for a day and a half trip. Time to get local. Chat with you then, good night.


Team Supreme

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

March 7, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

We have only 5 spots remaining on our June 1-6, 5.5 day trip! This trip is limited to only 18 passengers and is filling quickly!! Trip departs at 6pm May 31st, and returns 6am on June 6th. We will be fishing Cedros and Benitos targeting Yellowtail and calico bass. As well as fishing offshore for those early season bigger bluefin tuna! Ticket cost is $1300 per person. Contact Jodie at 858-220-1593 or [email protected]

March 6, 2025 nowra Fishing Report

~~July 12
 Today was just slow. There is no way to sugar coat it so I won't try. The wrong kelps had no fish, the right kelps had no fish. We had a pretty good spread of boats working it with us too but it was a no go. We gave up on the offshore thing in the afternoon and tried to salvage a day at an Island but it didn't work out. Poor sign of fish with a great sign of seal.

 We're going to regroup and try again tomorrow. We're thinking a nice nights sleep on anchor should do the trick. Hopefully I have some good news for you tomorrow.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for nowra are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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