mildura Fishing Report 2025

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February 14, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

Tom Rothery docked his Polaris Supreme September 28 following the 10th annual Jeffery Hall charter. He tied up at Fisherman's Landing and weighed the top fish from the five-day trip with 22 anglers. Dick Langlois of Rancho Cucamonga won first place for a 69-pound tuna from Guadalupe Island. He said the fish bit on a sardine and a 4/0 Mustad hook. He used 50-pound Ande line, a TLD 20 reel and a Calstar 765 L rod. "I got him in 15 minutes," said Dick setting up for the punch line. "It was 90 percent skill." Dick's son Tom Langlois of Rancho Cucamonga was second, for a 57-pound tuna, and Kalob Hall of Victorville won third place, for a 45-pound yellowfin tuna.

February 13, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

Aug 18

Today was a good day. We got into the yellowtail mid morning and it was game on till lunch time. The grade wasn't the best but it was good enough. 12 up to 22 pounds and all in between. We had the passengers save some tags for the bigguns though the common grounds looked dead so we traveled to new grounds and connected near the end of the day. Everyone had a few more shots at them before we had them wind um up so we could put ourselves in position to be at the bluefin grounds before daylight.

The weather today was great. Cold but windless and on a boat thats all we care about. No wind no sea. Shawn through out a kick but appetizer spread and we're preparing to eat a seared ahi dinner. Can't wait. Gotta go.

Mama Bear- Little Bear still has both feet planted on the boat and is doing great.

February 12, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

POLARIS SUPREME TRIP REPORT 11-08-2020 TO 11-12-2020 Day 6 and 7 ( that would be the 8th and 9th) where very similar. Both days we had fair pickings on the wahoo on the sardine during the day and Incredibility Awesome fishing on 30 to 40 pound Yellow tail at nite. A couple of great days of fishing. Weather was a little breezy but not to bad all and all good weather except our traveling to get here that was rough going. Day 8 the 10th we spent the morning fishing kelp patty's for Dorado and Wahoo. The guys kept 14 Dorado and released the rest and we had 2 wahoo get away. The rest of the day was spent traveling and napping. We where really burning the candle at both end of the stick fishing all day for Wahoo and all night for monster Yellow tail. The sleep was well earned. Day 9 and 10. That's today and tomorrow. Today is scrub the boat day and we have great weather to do it in. Tomorrow we will be arriving early to unload a nice catch of fish. We would like to thank all of our great anglers for a fun trip and special thanks to Jim Stan and Clarence for bringing their friends together on the trip. Thank you Stan you ARE THE SWAG MASTER. We have the night in and will be leaving Friday on a 1.5 day private charter fishing Saturday. See you then. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 11, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

~~Aug 2
 Today was a bit on the slower side.  Until the end but I'll get to that.  We woke up in hopes of getting a sea bass bite going but that was only a fairy tale.  We got a few yellows is all.  After, we made some grouper drifts and caught some more of those Broomtail Groupers.  Something like 4 or 5 of them along with some calico bass and yellows while we drifted along.  And for the rest of the day we pretty much hung out in the lee of the island and drifted here and there and caught a handful of yellowtail here and there.

 Like I said, we fished the lee today.  No wind for us.  It was lovely.  We had plans for dinner at 7:30, so at 7:00 i hopped in the shower to get cleaned up because I was serving, and while I was in there, I heard some cheering, and then again some hooting and hollering hen I was getting out.  It turns out the first round of cheers came because of a nice sea bass they brought in.  The second was for a yellowfin tuna that was landed.  I went down and got the tables set and while I was doing this they kept catching yellowtail, tuna and seabass.  After we made first call we had a whopping 1 person come in to eat.  Team galley understood though.  We knew that there may possibly be no fishing time for the next day due to bad weather running up the line.  So we kept catching fish and one by one, passengers would come in and scarf down some dinner, which was a lovely meatloaf that was fantastic, and then go back out and catch some more fish. 

 This lasted until after 9:00 and then we took off.  We ended the stop with 30 yellowtail, 5 white seabass up to about 40 pounds, and something like 6 or 7 on the tunas. We prepared the deck for a rough ride home, and set sail toward the beach  to try and improve our conditions.  The swells always less on the coast rather than offshore.  I doubt we'll have any time to fish tomorrow.  Travel day.

February 10, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

The Lupe was poop. Heading up for a couple days of albacore fishing.

February 9, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

Great early start at Guadalupe Island. Got the Tuna located and off to a great start! 

February 8, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

Captain Mike Pritchard just checked in to report that Captain Jake found a school of Bluefin Tuna off the bank and they are up to 18 fish right now. Stay tuned ...

February 7, 2025 mildura Fishing Report

~~Aug 23
 Good morning to you all from over here on the Polaris Supreme. As I write this I'm on watch at 2:40 in the am. We arrived from our 4 day "Let's Talk Hook Up" trip this morning and as soon as the RP was out of our way we off loaded a beautiful catch of yellowfin and 30-40 pound Bluefin. Jackpots went 96, 68, and 43 I think it was. Close enough. We did a super fast turn around. We smoked team galley that's for sure. Things at the bait receivers went well and we were back at it again yellowfinin it. It wasn't some crazy start like it had been lately but judging by some of the counts we were hearing we were very happy with what we got. We got spoiled these last few days with the power counts out here that when things got back to normal, which is still good, it seems slow. We ended up with a couple rounds of mostly the upper grade of yft and we're currently drifting in lovely sea conditions and we're ready to go at it again tomorrow.

 Tommy is back out here with us so in a way, it's like having a trip off. I'm not stuck here in the wheel house all day thinking of my next move. I spend lots of time down hanging with the customers and being a goof ball with Mark. I love running the boat but like I said, sometimes it's nice not to have to think so much out here. See you all tomorrow. We're out.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for mildura are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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