yakima Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location YAKIMA
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March 6, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

Sept. 25

Today we got nasty aboard the Polaris Supreme. And I mean nasty. When I use the term nasty I mean it in a good way. Unless I'm talking about the weather. If I say the weather is nasty I mean it was nasty. And by the way the weather was nasty today. It was windy windy windy and the swell was up and it was steep and we were rolling baby. It didn't bother us though because we were getting nasty on those bluefin tunas. Shortly after firing up after daylight Jed called down from above "tern birds pickin starboard bow". So I turned toward starboard bow and there was tern birds a pickin and when we rolled up on them, wouldn't you know it there was a big school of bluefin under them. I love those beautiful little white tern birds. They're the best of the fish finders. Find tern birds and you usually find game fish. For two hours it was game on. I mean they were snappin! 35-50 pound tunas? Yup. After the initial two hour whack things became civil and we scratched at them for another five hours. We could of kept picking at them but we had enough and the weather was getting worse so we headed east for the rest of the day and found nice weather in there. Night and day compared to what we had out west. We didn't catch much in there, a few small yellows and dorado but we didn't care. We had a heaven of a day already. We're on our way in. We have one night in and then we're back at it again. See you then.

March 5, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

~~Sep. 19
 Today was mostly a travel day for us.  We did have a nice little surprise in the morning.  We had a double jig strike on wahoo.  Then we had a couple more singles.  Then we had one more single a little later along with a few dorados.  When we got to the yellowtail grounds in the afternoon we found mucho wind.  It was blowing 25-30 knots right through the grounds we were planning on fishing so we fished elsewhere.  We found a little spot with some current before dark and we captured 6 cow yellows, we're talking 30-40 pounders, to go along with lots of 10-12 pounders and some bonito.  Action is what we call that.  We now have to head north and we'd like to find some dorado tomorrow.  It's going to be a bumpy/windy ride up tonight and we hope for it to back off tomorrow for our fishing and ride home.

March 4, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

Hello Everyone, Today we had another awesome day of fishing. A huge variety of species including Yellowtail, Grouper, Wahoo, Yellowfin Tuna, Pargo, and Dorado. The Pargo we caught were off a school that was breezing on the surface. An incredible sight that was amazing to see. A patch of water was literally red with Pargo. We only caught a handful, hopefully we will be able to figure out how to catch them next time. Slightly breezy but nice on the anchor. Will Report again tomorrow, Team Supreme

March 3, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

~~Sep 13
 Thank goodness for slow speed.  Even though we got a really good jump yesterday, we weren't going to be getting anywhere down below till late tomorrow.  Our speed was horrible.  1.5 knots below average.  But we sped up this morning.  Yup.  This morning we were only making .75 knots below average.  That all costs a whole lot of time when you're traveling great distances so we decided we'd have to be stopping short.  So that's what we did this afternoon, arriving at 4:30.

 Wow!  It didn't take long before everyone had a tuna on.  And they weren't those 8-14 pounders either.  There were some of those, but the majority of them were those 20-30 pounders.  I say again, "wow".  It bit steady the whole time we which is a couple of hours.  During the stop, I had tied a few hooks and cast a few baits out, you know , like we do, and quite a few times the hook would fall off and I would scratch my head and ask myself, " are my knots failing"?  They weren't.  It took crew member Justin to spot a wahoo flying out of the water to figure it out.

 So we wound them in and threw back the marauders.  Before dark, which wasn't long, we had a little binger for 5 and then one for 1 50 pounder.  Say it with me now.  "Wow"!  We aren't going anywhere tonight.  We'l just kick back and see what the day has to offer.

 My buddy Glen caught the 50 pound wahoo today.  Every year for a while now he has been the last member of the little troll team that I like to call, " the troll of shame"  That's the last few people on board who have not yet caught a wahoo.  He will not be joining that team this year.  Nope.  This year he can join the heckling party.  He get's to see what it's like from the other side.  Way to go Glen.


March 2, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

Andrew Viola called in with an update from the Pacifica out of Seaforth Landing in San Diego, CA.

We have Yellowtail limits on the boat, most of them around the 10 pound range and a fair amount in the 15 pound range. We also have 3 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Dorado.

We have an Overnight trip leaving tonight at 10pm and a 1.5 day trip leaving on Tuesday at 9pm with open spots.

March 1, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

The Pacifica called in with 2 Overnight trips coming up in March out of Ventura Harbor Sportfishing.

Overnight leaving March 5 10PM and returning the next day at 7PM. And another Overnight leaving March 6th 10 PM and returning the next day at 7PM.

Contact the landing at 805-676-3474 or check us out online

February 28, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

Yellowtail fishing fell on its face today we had about 1 around. But we managed to keep busy have fun and catch some killer table fair. Thats right Rock Cod. You should see the rock cod fishing we had, it was pretty darn good. We where lucky the yellowtail and the Rock cod grounds are one in the same and we could do both while waiting for the yellows to bite. The lings and reds made up most of our catch today. All of us are looking forward to dinner tonight, it is going to be fresh tuna we caught a few days ago. We will be back in the tuna grounds tomorrow to finish off our trip. Tommy and Crew.

February 27, 2025 yakima Fishing Report

Ryan Bostian called in to give his Coronado Island Fish Report, "We went out with 50 passengers,we came back with 19 Yellowtail, 3 Calico Bass and 25 Rockfish. Things are definitely on the upswing here at the Coronado Islands. We had a little bit of weather go thru late last week. We had phenomenal fishing right before the storm last week. When the weather went thru it knocked the water temperature down. Things are definitely on the upswing. The water is anywhere from 63 to 65.5 degrees. Very, very clean water. We've had pretty darn consistent Yellowtail fishing down at the Coronado Islands for the last two months.

If you'd like to catch a Yellowtail come on down. You can book your trip on line at Seaforth Landing or call our office at 619-224-3383. Bring a fly line sardine rod, 25 lb. test, a 2/0 hook. We also caught some fish on the yoyo lures 40 lb. test."

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for yakima are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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