west branch angler Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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October 21, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

The Apollo came back from a 1.5 day trip with 26 anglers and landed 50 Giant Squid, 20 Lings, and 200 Rockfish. They have some great Colonett trips lined up, then they'll be headed up North and running out of Sea Landing in Santa Barbara. Check out their availability and ride with the best! Make your reservations today (619) 221-8500

October 20, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

OK tired of boat work! Need a little motivation To go out fishing on The Polaris Supreme? We have a 6 Day trip coming up in 2 weeks and it still has 7 openings on it! SUNDAY JUNE 25th. We will be targeting the 50 to 300lb Bluefin that are 10 to 100 miles just out side San Diego as well as all the other usual species. The following pictures are from Rick Maxa (AKA Rock Cod Rick) Of Lets Talk Hook Up Fame. These Bluefin Where all caught by Rick and his Buddy's , some as close as 9 miles. THEY WHERE NOT CAUGHT ON THE POLARIS SUPREME! THAT'S WHY WE NEED YOU ON OUR FIRST TRIP ON THE 25TH! OK now do you want to go fishing! 6 days too long? We have 2, 3 day trips with openings right after that. Just call Susan At the number at the top of the page.

October 19, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

Aug 16

Today started off on the slow side. For a few hours after daylight we saw virtually nothing. A little bit in the dark and even less in the day light. A couple of the boats found schools and were drifting so of course the stress level goes up. Thankfully we found a school after 9:00 and drifted with them till after lunch. They didn't bite full speed by any means but it was steady picking for most of the time. And oh yeah, they were the 50-70 pound grade. Yes baby, they're back! For today anyways. Who knows when they'll disappear again. Maybe tomorrow. Anyways after that drift, that was it for us for the day. We never found another deal. But I chalk this day up as a good one because that's just a beautiful grade of bluefin.

We're headed down now and we're going to try for some yellows in the morning and try our hands at some yellowfin in the afternoon. That's the tentative game plan for now anyways. Things change out here constantly. That's fishing. The weather today was top notch. I give it a 9.5 in the morning and an 8.7 in the afternoon. See you tomorrow.


To mama bear- Your little angel did great today. 2 record breaking bluefin for him. They were bigger then he was. He's currently sleeping in bed safe and sound.

October 18, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

103 yellowfin 12 yellowtail 1 skipjack. After hours of driving without hardly seeing a scale we found the right school at the right time. Never give up!

October 17, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

Sunday, June 17th.

Hello everybody. First off, we here on the Polaris Supreme would like to wish all the dad's out there a happy Father's day and we would like to assure all the mother's back home that the young men on-board are beat. Tired and happy as can be from an eventful first day of fishing. Worry not about them, they are sleeping soundly and are looking forward to doing it all again tomorrow morning.

We arrived to our destination on schedule due to our phenomenal weather and proceed to look around for a bit. To no avail, we made a move a little ways to some fresh country and upon arrival, spotted a breezer of Bluefin tuna. Most guys went out with their 30 lb. outfits as we hadn't yet seen a boil to get a size estimate. After a couple minutes of drifting, the ocean, which was peaceful and calm for the past twenty-four hours, was now full of big, beautiful Bluefin tuna erupting all around the boat and it was a classic scenario of hunting elephants with deer rifles. We hooked a few on the lighter gear and actually managed to land a couple and as for the rest, you all can guess what happened. Once we started fishing a little bit heavier gear, the bites diminished a bit but what we did hook, we landed and they were some real beauties. It was one of those classic Bluefin deals that warrants a stealthy, 50 lb. rig with the best bait you can find and although we had very little wind (which is a problem when trying to fly a kite) we did successfully hook a couple on the balloon rigs and what a show that presented. We drifted for four hours and came out with a couple handfuls of gorgeous 50-100 lb. shortfins but that wasn't without a few heartbreaks as well. Like I said, a short topshot of fluorocarbon with a 3/0 hook, two-speed reel and a strong, castable rod is the best bet for landing these trophies. It was truly a spectacular show that these fish put on for us as fish were blowing out all around the boat. Kind of gets frustrating at times seeing all those fish and not hooking them like you should but that's how Bluefin fishing is sometimes. We're just thankful that we had our shots and connected on a couple o trophies. Some of them are bigger than the kids that landed them. Pretty cool.

Anyhow, the rest of our day consisted of a spot of jumpers that produced some 25 lb. Bluefin, a couple Yellowfin tuna jig strikes and a kelp loaded with rat Yellowtail. Going from 100 lb. Bluefin to 3 lb. Yellowtail might disappoint some, but the kids sure weren't disappointed, they were pumped! We had a good ole time catching and releasing all of the juveniles to grow but like I said, it was the most fun the kids had all day. So with that, our day was complete and we've decided to make a move into some more coastal waters to not only elude the wind that is forcasted for tomorrow but to also try for some Yellowtail of greater size than the ones we caught today. Fun day, awesome weather, we're out. We'll chat with you tomorrow.

P.S. Mark would like to tell Ana, " ti amo". Happy Father's Day once again to all the daddy's out there. Chat with you tomorrow.

October 16, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

Tax evasion. Today had a slow start but really heated up after noon. It was more of the same when it came to the sharks, but the second half of the day we really got on these fish when we had the opportunity. Pulling hard the whole time and bringing in some nice fish through the sharks. Here we have Aiden with a great Tuna he was able to pull away from the tax man! (aka Shark) Way to get on him Aiden!

October 15, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Hi friends. Flat calm weather, sunshine, and Yellowfin tuna was on our wish-list today and our wishes were granted. It took the fish a little while to wake up this morning but when they showed their faces, we located them and introduced ourselves. We caught fish all sorts of ways today; jumpers, puddlers, breezers, jig strikes, meter marks, sonar marks, and the fishiest birds of all, Tern birds, were helping us locate schools today. We never had a really great stop but we pieced together a lot of good stops and we ended up with a fine catch for our anglers. Throw in some Bluefin and a few nice Dorado for color and you have the recipe for a fantastic day on the water. I honestly feel that with a little less boat pressure, the schools would've been more bountiful but it's hard to find much more to complain about today other than that. Everybody had a shot at a good school and we feel fortunate to be in the zone when they did pop up. It was easy to see them pop up from just about anywhere with the weather we had today. Jock straps and sun visor weather for sure.

So that's all. We're headed up the line and wish to arrive sometime around 0900 hours in the morning. We'll see what kind of speed we make rolling up. Our next report will come to you on Thursday evening as we depart on a 1.5 day trip. Take care.

-Team Supreme-

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

Good evening folks. We arrived this morning at 0800 hours, unloaded our fish and guests, and departed the docks @ 1300 hours to embark on our 2-day trip. Our bait looks OK, plenty good enough for some offshore fish to accept our offerings. The reports from the area are different. As of 1830, the boats were just now starting to get some jig strikes and see more sign of fish. Nonetheless, we'll be there first thing tomorrow morning to give it a full day and see what we can come up with. The weather here and for most of the coast is absolutely gorgeous, so we like that a lot. We also like that the forecast calls for more of the same. We're hoping the weatherman is correct and the fish pop up here for us tomorrow. Wish us luck and have a great day.

-Team Supreme-

October 14, 2024 west branch angler Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in this evening. We had 18 passengers catch 6 bluefin tuna from 70-110 pounds. We landed about 1/3 of what we hooked. All you need is a 20 lb Rod for smaller yellowfin. A 50 lb bait Rod with 3/0 circle hooks and a couple 4 oz. torpedos for big fish. And a 60 lb. Rod to fish a flatfall.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for west branch angler are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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