todays Fishing Report 2025

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February 21, 2025 todays Fishing Report

Had a nice day of fishing today. Great weather and conditions. We had to work hard for our Wahoo and Yellowtail but the ones we did land were very nice grade. Hopefully the Yellows bite a little in the dark. Wish us luck! Also we have a 1.5 day trip leaving on July 20th that still has openings, jump on it to try your shot at some quality local Bluefin! Will report again later, Team Supreme

February 20, 2025 todays Fishing Report

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Hi friends. We had ourselves a pretty eventful day for a rather slow day of Yellowtail fishing. I'm not going to lie; I think the entire crew had visions of hundred-plus fish drifts and not looking at breezers of non-biting fish, but rather breezers of snappin' fish. Well, the Bluefin worked their magic on our favorite Yellowtail hole and the Yellowtails acted just like Bluefin all day. We saw multiple breezers and we'd be lucky to capture two or three fish. We did have one nice drift this morning but for the most part we just picked and scratched to make a score. But, we did what we had to and made a day of it.

Other notable events of the day: We started bronzing at 0622 hours, it was sunny and toasty out for the majority of the day. We also caught and released about a dozen Black Sea Bass, we had a nice snap on the Calicos, Stephen Pistone took a sabiki rig hook to the finger, and Mark did everything that you would expect of Mark. I'll just leave it at that.

Anyhow, we're on our way up to finish off our trip at the Bluefin grounds and Chef Shabba and Shawn are kicking out sesame seared Ahi with fried rice and veggies. Tasty. We'll chat with y'all tomorrow. Good night and just know that your friends on the Polaris Supreme love you. Especially you. Yes, you. Wish us luck, lovers.

-The Supreme Team

February 19, 2025 todays Fishing Report

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

Hi friends. We arrived back to the docks this morning at 06:30 hours and did our usual offloading procedures. Unloaded Tom and the boys, their gear, their beautiful load of Bluefin and Yellowtail, loaded groceries, cleaned the boat, cleaned the fish holds, refueled, changed oil/fuel filters, the girls made up the bunks with fresh linens and cleaned, freshwater the boat, vaccuum the upper deck/wheelhouse, clean/restock the galley, do the windows, load our new passengers and their gear, and take off for another adventure all within 4 hours of docking. We hustle, we know. We also managed a mass substitution of team members. Riddler, Jed, Shawn, and Dee headed for home and Drew, Matt, Schooler, and Ali relieved the gang from last trip.

With that, we headed to the bait recievers, loaded up on a decent load of sardines, and cleared the point by noon. After Schoolers famous bratwurst lunch, we knocked out our tackle seminar and hung out for a bit until we started fishing around 17:00 hours.

Our fishing was just OK. We managed to land a couple handfuls of Bluefin in the 30 lb. range before the sun settled below the horizon and nightfall ended our day. It was a very picky bite but the quality is what we're likin' the most. We're going to enjoy our traditional first night dinner of prime rib, idle downswell for a calm dinner seating/comfy nights sleep, and hit this again first thing tomorrow morning.

In closing, we're hopeful about the potential for tomorrow. Our weather is a bit sloppy but it's plenty fishable; just a tad bit wet and windy. Anyhow, we're here and we're looking forward to snappin' Bluefin tomorrow morning. Wish us luck.

Your friends until the end,

- The Supreme Team


P.S. Mark would like to say thank you to Mal "Mole" Wagstaff for the clothes. Thanks, Mall.

February 18, 2025 todays Fishing Report

~~Sep 13
 Thank goodness for slow speed.  Even though we got a really good jump yesterday, we weren't going to be getting anywhere down below till late tomorrow.  Our speed was horrible.  1.5 knots below average.  But we sped up this morning.  Yup.  This morning we were only making .75 knots below average.  That all costs a whole lot of time when you're traveling great distances so we decided we'd have to be stopping short.  So that's what we did this afternoon, arriving at 4:30.

 Wow!  It didn't take long before everyone had a tuna on.  And they weren't those 8-14 pounders either.  There were some of those, but the majority of them were those 20-30 pounders.  I say again, "wow".  It bit steady the whole time we which is a couple of hours.  During the stop, I had tied a few hooks and cast a few baits out, you know , like we do, and quite a few times the hook would fall off and I would scratch my head and ask myself, " are my knots failing"?  They weren't.  It took crew member Justin to spot a wahoo flying out of the water to figure it out.

 So we wound them in and threw back the marauders.  Before dark, which wasn't long, we had a little binger for 5 and then one for 1 50 pounder.  Say it with me now.  "Wow"!  We aren't going anywhere tonight.  We'l just kick back and see what the day has to offer.

 My buddy Glen caught the 50 pound wahoo today.  Every year for a while now he has been the last member of the little troll team that I like to call, " the troll of shame"  That's the last few people on board who have not yet caught a wahoo.  He will not be joining that team this year.  Nope.  This year he can join the heckling party.  He get's to see what it's like from the other side.  Way to go Glen.


February 17, 2025 todays Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 09-08-2019 What a sweet ride down we've had beautiful weather! Made good speed and had a nice early arrival this morning into the fishing grounds. Fishing started off tough. Actually it was brutal! You would catch and release 30 skipjack just to catch one keeper yellowfin tuna. We would catch a Wahoo here and there to spice things up but it just wasn't working. Finally after 10 hours of get in all jacked up, AKA skipjack, Things started going our way. It was like somebody flipped a switch! For the next four hours we had a very consistent bite on quality yellowfin tuna ,right into the dark. Our weather stayed great all day and were going to try our luck here again tomorrow. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 16, 2025 todays Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Update Nov.5


We weighed jack pot yesterday. Big fish went like this. Bernie 218, Charlie 208 I think, Jeremi 206. So once again myself and the crew thank George and his guests for another fun trip. J.C. thank you for the sun glasses. We'll see you guys on the golf course if we ever get it going. If not we'll see you in Big Sky. Can't wait!

I'll leave this trip with a story about a few of the crew and my friend," big fish" Charlie Middleton. At the beginning of the trip Mark the crow member Clark thought it would be a good idea for the crew to have a personal jackpot for the tuna they catch during they're watch. The rules were simple. To qualify your fish had to be caught between 8 at night and 5 in the morning. They allowed passenger Charlie Middleton to join them too. Immediately I'm out. I know better then to go up against that man but the rest of the crew did not. Unfortunately the fish didn't bite this time during those hours but Charlie managed to get one the second to last morning at 4 30 in the am. On the way home the crew finally paid him. I come to find out the morning we got in Charlie gave the crew they're money back and they excepted it. I am very disappointed in Jed, Gunny and Mark. They excepted it! Can you believe it? If it were me I would have burned the money before taking it back from Charlie. I know that's illegal but come on. I think that was in Charlie's plans the whole time. To just demoralize these crew members.

Now we've left on Lon Mikkelsen and this years co charter master John Esler's 10 day adventure. We have an awesome load of bait on board. Best of the year. We're going to have breakfast in the morning, have our seminar and then we're going to spend tomorrow pulling on nice yellowtails. It makes more since to Tommy to fish this species early in the trip as apposed to later on in the trip due to where the rest of the fishing will take place later on in the trip. So that's the game plan to start. Check back tomorrow for more details. As I was typing this I thought of a Hedburgh joke. If I lost 9 fingers I would still type just as fast. So true for me.

See yah. Drew

February 15, 2025 todays Fishing Report

Good evening everyone and thanks for checking in. So after a couple of days if traveling, rigging and getting done with all of the final touches on the gear, we finally arrived at the fishing grounds. The group was definitely eager to get some lines in the water. Our primary target was wahoo to get things started. The area we first started trolling has been notoriously productive over the past few weeks, so we thought that was a great starting point. Not long after we got the trollers back behind the boat, we did get a jig strike. We put a few on the boat that strike, but after that, they didn't really want to get on us so we decided to continue on to other spots. A number of the other areas we looked at seemed to carry the same trend, just not having conditions conducive to catching a wahoo or yellowfin tuna. A major factor in having current, you must have current to catch fish. The beauty of fishing this area though, is having a large number of spots to look at throughout the day. We continued down the line looking, trolling and stopping, but it seemed to be just a little bit of an off day. That being said, we'll make a little over night move and start it all over tomorrow with high hopes. Thanks for checking in and we'll be back tomorrows update. Team Supreme

February 14, 2025 todays Fishing Report

35 bluefin 8 yellowfin. Long “plunker” drifts were the name of the game today. A rubber banded 4-6oz sinker on 40-60lb line got most of our bites.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for todays are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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