sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report 2024

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September 7, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

Hi friends. We had ourselves a very productive morning down here on the yellowtail grounds. We awoke this morning to beautiful, balmy conditions and after catching only a couple of premiums, we bailed back out to the drift zone. The drift zone once again was kind to us, as that quality 16-22 lb. grade bit the jigs and dropper loops for us all morning. Really fun fishing on a really nice grade of 'tail. Unfortunately, as the wind picked up speed around lunch time, our lines went slack and the yellows stopped biting. Bummer. To throw salt on the wound, the weather kept freshening up and we had to make a run for cover for the afternoon.

I'm thankful to say that we did find shelter for the evening. Although it's still blowing thirty-plus knots with gusts up to forty knots, there isn't the washing machine sea conditions that we had in the afternoon. The wind this evening was like the clock concept of the arena in the second book of the Hunger Games series "Catching Fire". It would blow from the east, then the southeast, then the south, and so on. Every time the wind direction changed, we ran for cover and hid until the direction would change again. We're very smart!

Like I said, we're sheltered away for the night and the wind is letting up now, so we're pumped. We'll try for bait throughout the night/morning and then try for some yellows when we're all finished with the bait-making. After that, we're hoping to bust a move offshore and focus on tuna for the remaining three days of the trip. With a favorable weather forecast, our excitement is high and let's see if we can't get on some of that nice grade yellowfin and bluefin. Stay tuned.

-The Supreme Team

September 6, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

Oct. 13

Well we struck out on the bluefin today. It wasn't a called third strike, I mean we went down swinging but they definitely beat us today. We saw one good school in the dark hours of the a.m. that didn't stick and then found one deal that didn't react all that bitchen after daylight. We only landed five but they were beautiful fish. 35-50 pounders. Our afternoon was spent traveling down. We left that zone after lunch because we didn't have high hopes for the afternoon based on what we and the other boats had seen.

Our weather was good today. Cold, but not a whole lot of wind. We're going to be fishing for yellowfin tuna tomorrow at first light. They'll be a few of us looking around there so hopefully we get them located early.


In other news Mark tried to tell me that Steve Nash was as tall as he was and I called him out on it, bet him 20 dollars in which he agreed upon, and then I had to call my lovely wife to get her to Google it. I was right, he's 6'3" and now I'm 20 dollars richer. Here's the thing though, I spent almost 20 dollars in the phone call to win that bet so was it worth it? Absolutely. I would gladly spend more money then I'd win against Mark, he's fat, just to prove my point and make him 20 dollars less rich.

September 5, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

Friday, June 14th, 2013

September 4, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

Regardless of how may people sign up! This doesn’t happen often. Jump on this special opportunity before it passes you up.

September 3, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

July 28
    Today we had about as good of yellowtail fishing as you can get.  Quality to quantity ratio, holy Toledo.  18-25 pound fish and they were biting pretty much as full speed as yellows bite for a couple hours and after that it slowed down but they were still biting well for a couple more.  If you have read my past reports you know that surface iron fishing on big yellows is my favorite kind of fishing and it was pretty much wide open on the surface iron.  Holy Toledo!  I'm not the only one who felt this way either.  We have a Polaris Supreme first timer on board, his name is Josh and he may love it more then me.  He named his dog after a surface iron.  Tady.  How cool is that?  We've had a tank of mackerel on board for about 3 weeks and we finally let them go today.  On hooks that is before getting eaten by yellows.  In the late afternoon ewe looked for bait and found some a couple hours before dark and caught a tank full of nice mackerel.  We restocked our supply.  We made a couple drifts along a kelp line while the sun set and tugged on a few calico bass and now we're headed up to fish tuna tomorrow.  Sweet dreams.
    Oh yeah, Happy Anniversary to Renee.  I think you know who that's from Renee.


September 2, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

2 days of searching was rewarded with a bottom of the 9th rally on good grade yellowtail. Flylined sardines on 25 lb is the most productive right now.

September 1, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

Hi friends. Tough day for us here on the high seas. No sugar-coating anything today, it was a slow day. We saw multiple good schools of yellowfin but Tropical Storm John really has things screwed up down here. We only managed a few handfuls of yellowfin in the 12-35 lb. category along with a couple of nice bluefin and a few various bottom dwellers for our final tally. Like I said, no shortage of fish running around but they are just not cooperating all that well.

We're hoping for a banner day tomorrow as the weather is supposed to straighten out and be flat calm and sick hot. I was a hot little potato today even though it was rather windy and choppy. We can only hope tomorrow that it snows or something because it is going to be a scorcher. Bronzing isn't even an appropriate word for what we did today, we got down-rite ethnic with our tans today. My goodness it was hot. Speaking of hot, our team in the galley is hot. Schooler and Shawn, aka "The Dream Team" are just magnificent. Along with the world's greatest deckhand, they really are the heart and soul of this operation and I feel that it is a pleasure to not only be worthy enough to eat their creations but to also know them as people. Thank you, Schooler and Shawn, thank you for making my life so wonderful and all of the passengers too. You're so dandy and thanks for getting us fat.

Anyhow, our fingers are crossed for tomorrow and yours should be too. Pray for snow and lots of tuna. See ya.

P.S. Dennis McNeely says "LYT" to Judy, Jennifer, and Mikey.

August 31, 2024 sardis lake oklahoma Fishing Report

I apologize but we are having problems sending out emails from the boat so I couldn't give a daily report. It should soon be taken care of. Our first day was mostly a travel day due to the lack of fish offshore. We were in great looking water most of the day but could not find any fish to work with. That seems to be the trend offshore lately. The next two days we fished for yellowtail at the beautiful island of Cedros. Our first day there we scratched most of the day on anchor doing well on the great great quality fish. They are averaging close to 30 pounds this year again. In the late afternoon we took a tour and found big balls of the yellows at the surface feeding on krill. They were being very stubborn and didn't care to much about us but were very interested in the krill they were eating. Jerks. After a great nights sleep in the calm of the island we began our next day. We had very good fishing. The grade was a bit smaller averaging 15-20 pounds but that is still quality fish. They were hitting good for most of the morning. Just after lunch it sizzled out so we went in search of some more trophies. We found them but again they sure didn't bite like you would have thought. We had 30 more of the trophies before taking off up the line to put us in position to fish offshore for tuna our last day. We found an area of jumping bluefin late morning and fished two hours there before we had to head home. We tried quite a few different spots and they laid under the boat each time for as long as we sat there but were reluctant to bite. We caught two bluefin from 25-35 pounds and lost a nice albacore. I'm pretty excited about what I saw offshore today. It looked much better than it has in the past week. The water is warmer and cleaner and there is fish in it. The offshore season is here. Thank you once again Mr. Larry Brown and to all the kids and dads aboard this trip. Me and my crew had a blast. Drew and the greatest crew around.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for sardis lake oklahoma are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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