nickajack Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 15, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

Great day of fishing our first day out.We cleared the doc at 8 AM with bait on board. 2 hours later we where pulling 12 pound yellowtail over the side till 7pm. The weather is great and we are going to try our luck at this tomorrow.

 The Polaris Supreme Crew.

February 14, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

Saturday Aug. 4th, 2012
Hello from the bridge of the fabulous  Polaris Supreme.
Fishing for Saturday was another mixed bag out here on the offshore tuna grounds.
Like yesterday, it started out slow, but by mid day we had found our stride and started connecting with those beautiful 35-45 lb yellowfin tuna. We scratched at them all afternoon and by the end of the day, we had put another fantastic day together. We also came upon a nice school of Blufin to cap things off.
The rack of lamb dinned with all the trimmings was a great way to end things. Chef Schooler has been fatting us up nicely.
Weather is still good and knowing the potential for Sunday, well were pretty pumped up!
Check back tomorrow for a detailed recap.
Todays report was compiled by Charter Head Tom Chaparro.

February 13, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

Saturday, July 28th, 2012

Good evening, friends. We departed on an open party 5-day trip today with a healthy load of people and a healthy load of bait. Our weather traveling down is quite nice and we're looking like the weather is going to clean up for the next few days, so we're pumped. As far as the fishing outlook, one boat in the area today did equally phenomenal on bluefin and yellowfin. Straight up.We'll be in the area tomorrow and we'll chat you up tomorrow on our day.

Getting back to yesterday, we'd like to thank Paul Hess and his crew that tagged along with him this year. If I recall, this was Paul's 12th annual trip and we look forward to seeing him, his son, Matt, and the rest of the gang that comes back year after year (thanks for bailing, Boomhower. More bluefin and yellowfin for us.) Anyhow, It's a fantastic trip, one of my favorites every year, and we'll see y'all next year.

So that's all. We'll chat with you tomorrow.

February 12, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

Hello Supreme fans, Today we had a great day of fishing on quality Wahoo and some nice Yellowtail mixed in. The yellows were a great surprise, but didn't come without many casualties. The yellows were big and strong, they had a mission for the rocks from where they came. Rocking many individuals. If they however were lucky enough to make past the rocks the sharks were waiting eagerly above to get their chance at our prized yellowtail. Needless to say the fish that made it through the gantlet were big and highly celebrated. All and all a well rounded and exciting day. Large Wahoo and Yellows were there for the taking. It was very exciting trying to get the targeted fish on the boat through all the obstacles the sea had to throw at us! Cannot wait for tomorrow! tight lines, Team Supreme

February 11, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

~~Sept. 1
 Hello again everybody. I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely Labor Day today. I know we sure did. It's hard not to with the kind of weather we're having right now. We could have not caught a fish today and we'd still be enjoying it. That's not how it went though. It went as planned. I knew we wouldn't have the kind of day we had yesterday. Wahoo fishing doesn't work that way. They need a rest after a whoopin. I told the passengers we'd stay until lunch and if we caught a quarter of what we caught yesterday we'd be stoked. We caught more then a quarter of what we caught yesterday and we're stoked. Distance wise it didn't make since to stick it out until dark for a few more handfuls of wahoo as apposed to leaving at lunch like we did to get into tomorrows fishing grounds at a reasonable hour. So we took off at lunch time and we'll be in the yellowtail grounds tomorrow at daylight. At least I'm hoping it's the yellowtail grounds.

February 10, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

~~Nov. 18
 Well, we just finished up our last day of our last trip of 2014.  We fished the coast for yellowtail and junk this morning.  And remember by junk I mean the small good eaters.  It was a successful morning.  The sun wasn't even up yet and we were getting yellows and others.  It was good fishing.  The grade was small, 10-12 pounders but we didn't have more then 8 yellowtail on board prior to today so we were tagging them.  For a little while anyways.  We let everyone get a few along with there junk before looking for something else.  We made a few drifts after that for another couple handfulls of yellows and some whitefish and stuff and then it was mid morning and we had to call it and head for home.  So that's what we're doing now.

 Another successfully trip I'd call it.  We had some action the first couple days fishing, then we got to see the 2-300 pounders boiling around(unfortunately none would bite but they were there), and then we had some great action on wahoo and tuna, and then we finished her off up above getting action on the yellers.  We'll be unloading at 6:30 tomorrow morning, and like I said, we'll be tied up for a while.  So it's that time.

 It's time to write this.  I write this at the end of every season.  I should just copy and paste it every year because it's the same, as it should be.  I'd just like to thank everyone who fished with us this year and in previous years on behalf of myself, the crew, and all the way to Tommy and Susan from the bottom of our hearts.  You're what keep us going year after year.  You're the reason we can take care of ourselves and our families.  You're why we can enjoy life off of the boat and on the boat.  You make our world go round.  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          It's been a fantastic year.  We'll see you all at upcoming fishing shows and on future trips.  See you around. 

February 9, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

22 yellowtail, 65 calico bass, 1 bonito and 3 barracuda. Tony Brough and his charter group had good action fly lining sardines.

February 8, 2025 nickajack Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in this evening with an update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Today we had 19 anglers catch 13 Bluefin Tuna. The best way to get a bite was finesse live bait rigs (20 lb floor #2 hook) or an 80-100 gram flat fall. I would bring both your heavy outfits and large flat falls for the bigger Bluefin Tuna.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for nickajack are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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