keystone lake Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 12, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

Good evening. We spent our morning getting the Supreme and her passengers out of the weather for a bit, attempting to locate some coastal species for a morning while we gave the offshore scene a rest. We didn't quite connect like we were hoping but we did manage to catch a few yellowtail for our efforts, so all was not for lost. We made the decision to get back offshore and see what was going on and what was going on was scattered jig strikes on yellowfin tuna with some bait stops to go along with it. There is still some good hits to be had out here on both bluefin and yellowfin but we just didn't locate the right batch of fish. For tomorrow, we'll be fishing a little bit closer to home as we'll give it a try for a few hours and then have to book it for home. Wish us luck and sorry for the short report, the weather traveling up isn't the best conditions for typing but it's still okay to traveling. It could be a lot worse but we don't want that. Take care and we'll chat with you tomorrow.

February 11, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

July 19
  Today went well I thought.  Starting with our ride up last night.  As good as it gets.  Flat calm.  The only swell was a long swell that would slowly, gently rock the boat.  We slept like babies.  In fact, I think I woke up with my thumb in my mouth.  I let everyone sleep in if they chose to.  We didn't start fishing until just before 9:00 in the morning.

  We were pleasantly surprised with the fishing.  It was good.  We tried for some more yellows, for us, and to check out the grounds for future trips as well and they bit well.  We kept 2-4 going the whole time until we drove away from them.  "We left them biting".  Our favorite thing to say out here.  After that we ran up and made a few drifts for some Cod.  We had the time and I had a few requests so we caught a few rockfish.

  Now we're headed home.  The crew's scrubbing the boat, I'm writing this, I think there may be a poker game going on, and we're just hanging out and enjoying ourselves and the beautiful ride up.  The wind and swell are on our stern.  That storm out there is blessing us with a lovely ride home.  Its like we're riding down but we're going up.  Timing is everything.  Sometimes it all comes together and this trip was one of them.

  So we'll be home bright and early tomorrow and of course we'll be headed back out a few hours later.

February 10, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

We had a fun day fishing beautiful quality yellowtail. Most were 30 lbs. or larger. Our weather is gorgeous. We will be heading off to look for bluefin and albacore tomorrow. Thanks, Tommy

February 9, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

Reed Fiori checked in this evening with an audio update from Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. Today the San Diego fished at the Coronado Islands. They had 18 anglers catch 25 Yellowtail, 42 Bonito and 56 Red Rock Cod. The Yellowtail bit late in the day. The Yo-Yo Jig was the ticket and there was a couple fishing caught on the surface iron.

The San Diego is a go this Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Call Seaforth Sportfishing at (619) 224-3383 or BOOK ONLINE at our website.

February 8, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 07-30-2016 What we started out our first day fishing with great hopes of success catching yellowtail right off the bat on the anchor. Those dreams ended quickly with only a handful of fish off-color dirty water and really not that much life compared to what we had seen in this area before. Knowing we needed to make tracks heading towards what we hope will be tomorrow's hot tuna grounds we quickly departed for offshore kelp patty fishing the rest of the day. Although we were in excellent water and saw plenty of kelp's we had no success. Beautiful weather fun group of guys no fish. That pretty much sums up yesterday. Thanks for stopping by our website and remember those of you who just got off the boat you will be able to download high resolution images of pictures from the last trip on the Polaris supreme website. Also we have openings on our next four-day trip departing on August 8 Tuesday. Call Susan if you'd like to go fishing with us.

February 7, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

A nice one!

February 6, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

Fishing yesterday was absolutely fantastic. The grade of albacore that we were catching was beautiful with half being 30-40 lbs. and the other half averaging 22 lbs. Weather yesterday and today is excellent. This morning we are already into albacore, blue fin and yellow fin. Looks like a another great day on the water. Check our schedule if you want to come out and get into some of this good fishing. Thanks for checking in. Tommy and crew

February 5, 2025 keystone lake Fishing Report

Capt Mike Pritchard on the Tribute calling in a fantastic fishing this morning, we have over 100 Yellowfin Tuna kelp hopping around the temporary pens. We have seen lots of Dorado in the area putting on show jumping, although we haven\'t been able to entice any to bite yet. We still have lots of time to fish today, the fishing has been the best we have seen in years. Now is the time to get out, call the landing to check for available spots on upcoming trip. See you on the water.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for keystone lake are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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