eagle nest lake Fishing Report 2025

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February 12, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Hello Supreme Fans, Today was our first day of fishing after two days of travel. We spent the morning trolling around for Wahoo which seem to have lock jaw. However the tuna wanted to bite, but they were not the grade we were looking for. So right around lunch time we made a 2 hour move which paid off for us. It was game on! biting Wahoo and tuna until first call for dinner was made. The grade of the Wahoo was excellent many fish were well into the 40 lb range even some pushing the 50 lb mark. What a way to end the day of fishing. We plan to stick around here tomorrow and try for these great quality Wahoo again. Also we still have a few spots available on our next 10 day. If you would like to get in on some of this hot Wahoo action give Susan a call so she can get you all squared away to join us come November 6th! Will report again tomorrow, The Supreme Team.

February 11, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Tom Rothery docked his Polaris Supreme at fisherman's Landing October 13 after an eight-day trip with 22 anglers.

"We had another fantastic day fishing the 30 lb. class tuna," he wrote Friday, October 10. "Our weather is beautiful. We are going to finish up our trip with some yellowtail fishing before heading home. The guys are having a great time. We've had good fishing, good company and good food. And on that last note, for dinner we had a really good honey dijon mustard crusted wahoo. Just superb. Our next trip is full but if you have some time our 10-day with Larry Brown on Oct. 25 still has some open spots. He has over 15 sponsors for many freebies and raffles. Give Susan a call in the office, at 619-390-7890."

Rothery reported water temps along The Ridge as 79 to 84 degrees, and 72 degrees at Alijos Rocks. He stayed just a day at The Rocks, without seeing much sign of tuna that wanted to bite.

"The Ridge was excellent for dorado, yellowfin and yellowtail. We got off the high spots and off floating kelps," he said.

Two brothers, Scott and Neil Langlois of Rancho Cucamonga, showed off a typical dorado and a wahoo.

Kevin Veal of Huntington Harbor won first place for a 37-pound wahoo that ate his Tady 45 jig in a new green/gold combination. He said he fished with 40-pound P-Line, an Accurate B2 870 reel and a Seeker CBJ 100F.

Steven Belardes was second for a 36-pound wahoo, and chartermaster LeRoy Balardes won third place for a 31.6-pound yellowfin tuna.

February 10, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Oct. 21


Trip wrap up: It was a hell of a trip with a great group of guys, with great tackle from Accurate and great food from Shawn. Yes we had some nausea from hurricane Paul but that's something you have to deal with sometimes in long range sportfishing. Thank you so much Mr. Joe Gigliotti and The staff at Accurate for letting us use and lend out your Accurate tackle.

Jackpot goes as follows: Dale Goss took 1st with a 52.6 pound wahoo, pizza man Joey G. took 2nd with a 50.4 pound yellowfin tuna (I told you Joe), and Gary Rogers took 3rd with a 40.2 pound yellowfin tuna. An Honorable mention goes out to Steve Lowe for his 56.4 pound wahoo he caught on the troll.


Today we left with our good friend George Davis and his group of dudes on a 14 day trip. Yup, a glory run going down down down. Our bait was fair and seems to be swimming in circles in the tanks and not dying off so that's good. We rigged up our rods and reels today taking our time because we have some time with some travel days ahead of us. We haven't had a true departure travel day for a long time now and I have to say it's nice not being in a rush to get everything done at once. There were some movies played today and a lot of sleep going down in the staterooms. Chef Shawn put out a nice little Sushimi snack that went down quick. Tomorrow we'll do our tackle fishing seminar for Wahoo after breakfast and then I'm sure there will be more movies and naps in everyones future. Travel days are nice. Can you say 1492 and Titos ! See ya.



P.S. We may loose satellite phone service on Wednesday and if we do we will try to keep you updated through Susan via the Radio and have her type up the reports and email them out.

P.S.S. If you have received this email directly from the boat the guys have asked me to put you on the email list. You now have the boats direct email and you may send the boys emails. Girls please be careful what you say the crew and I will be able to read what you put out.

Thanks for tuning in Tommy.

February 9, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Hi Fishing Friends:

This trip will depart on Saturday night the 26th at 9pm and fish Sunday the 27th, returning Sunday evening. We welcome everyone to come join us for a chance to catch white sea bass, halibut and quality rock fish. The trip will be limited to 24 people and the cost will be $185 per person. Please contact Sea Landing for reservations, (805) 963-3564.

Thank you,

The crew of the Apollo

February 8, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Hello Everyone, Today we had another nice day of fishing. We mainly focused on better quality fish today. We were very selective on the Tuna, Yellowtail, Dorado, Wahoo, Grouper and Pargo we tagged. There was lots of life around today, of all species. With the warm water fish in our holds we are headed up the line to look for bigger grade of Yellowtail. Will report again tomorrow, Team Supreme

February 7, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Steady stop and go action with an end of the day finale. Our 30 anglers managed limits of bluefin and 12 yellowfin.

February 6, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 09-03-2016 Today was departure day for our Simpatico five day charter with Vernon Burke as our charter head. We got off early without a hitch and picked up some nice bait at the bait receivers. We should make the fishing grounds by 6 PM this afternoon and be able to fish a hour and a half and before dark. We will probably be fishing the large grade Bluefin this trip that is out west of San Diego. This grade of fish is a beautiful size it is 50 to 100 pounds most of it right around 80. This should really test our anglers fishing skills. Wish us luck the Polaris supreme crew.

February 5, 2025 eagle nest lake Fishing Report

Many of you know Captain Ray Montera who has been involved in sportfishing most of his life. In March, his 32 year old Chris son was severely injured in a C4 blast in Afghanistan. We are holding a fundraiser on October 8th at the Bali Hai on Shelter Island. He is one of our own and we are rallying to support him.

As an Army soldier, Chris Montera was often taken aback when people would thank him for doing the job he loved. On a fateful day in March, he came to face the sacrifice. He was on a dismounted mission and was hit with explosion of C4, which literally blasted and propelled him into a grape field. He suffered major issues with blast lung and severe burns over much of his body. For 9 days he was on ECMO (lung bypass) until he was stable enough to be transported to BAMC in San Antonio for the treatment of his shrapnel wounds and third degree burns. On April 2 a fungal infection set into the wounds on his lower extremities and Chris underwent bilateral AK amputation of his legs. He was further diagnosed with an incomplete spinal cord injury in the thoracic area of the spine at VA Polytrauma Center in Palo Alto.

Through all of this, Chris remains focused and committed to rehabilitation. It is estimated that he will remain in Palo Alto for 3-6 months while he works to regain his upper body strength, which will be necessary for the next stages of rehab in the C5 program at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego where he will be fitted with prosthetic legs and with determination will learn to walk again. There is no doubt in our minds that Chris will recover to live an independent life. The goal of this fundraiser is to be able to assist Chris with expenses he will no doubt encounter on his journey to independence.

The event will be held at the Bali Hai Restaurant on Shelter Island On October 8th from 6:00-10:00 pm. There will be food stations serving food from many San Diego restaurants along with a no host bar. A raffle, live, and silent auction will take place during the event along with live entertainment by Mango Bay and World Famous Jim Gibson. The outpouring of support of raffle and auction donations from the sportfishing community, tackle, fishing supply manufacturers, and local businesses has been phenomenal. The evening will be great fun for all and will serve to help a young man who put it all on the line.

There are several ways you can help:
First and most important is attend the event.

Tickets are $50 in advance or $450 for a block of 10

Advance ticket purchases will include 3 raffle tickets and assorted swag

Cannot attend but would like to help, make a cash donation in any amount.

Donate an item for the raffle or auction. Anything from fishing items, art, gift certificates, clothing...anything is greatly appreciated.

We look forward to having you at the event. The sport fishing community has come together to take care of a wounded warrior of their own, and it promises to be a fun filled evening for all.

To purchase tickets for Island Nights at the Bali Hai, please visit our website at http://christophermonterasupport.com/island-nights-at-the-bali-hai

To donate items for our raffle/auction please visit our website and complete the donor form http://christophermonterasupport.com/sponsors-anddonors-supporters/donor-form

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for eagle nest lake are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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