craig alaska Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

🗺️ Location CRAIG ALASKA
🌎 Country US
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October 17, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

Incredible sunsets are just another day on the office. Not much traffic on the commute either. 

October 16, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

The guys did it again. Another killer day back to back in more jock strap and sun visor weather. Scott released a 150 lb., 165 lb., 185 lb., another 185 lb., 145 lb., 175., and kept a 210 pounder. Bob released a 135 lb., 185 lb., and kept another 220 pounder. Al released a 170 lb., and kept a 215 lb., 170 lb., 165 lb., and 135 pounder. Craig released a 125 lb., 175 lb., 180 lb., and kept a 175 lb., and 180 pounder. Roger kept a 160 lb., 175 lb., and a 180 pounder. Sheridan released a 170 lb., and kept a 180 lb., and 198 pounder. Tom released a 180 lb., 190 lb., 186 lb., another 180 lb., and kept a 165 lb., 185 lb., and 190 pounder. George released a 100 lb., 110 lb., 120 lb., and 160 lb., and he kept a 160 lb., and 170 pounder. Lunch today was chicken breast burger and dinner was steak Neptune. That's a fillet mignion with crab and Bearnaise sauce. Hors d'oeuvre s were sushi and sashimi. Two more days to fish! Tommy and Crew P.S. The boys say "Hi" to Jim and Charlie. We wish you were here.

October 15, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

Hi friends. Same type of scenario today just as it was yesterday; we saw tuna everywhere but could only scratch up some fish on the troll throughout the day and our weather was hot, humid, and sunny. Hard to get a fish to eat a bait with a hook in it today and it was also hard to not sweat off all of our sunscreen on our faces. Like I said, it was a difficult day as we had to troll up most of our catch with the exception of a few handfuls of quality yellowtail on the yo-yo jigs and dropper loops on one of our many anchor jobs. Maybe these fish will get with the program and bite but we won't be around to see it as we have to start making our way up the line. We'll do a little fishing on the way up tomorrow and we'll probably give it a full day on the local tuna grounds on Friday. Our weather is just dandy and we're enjoying our traveling at the moment. We'll report back to you tomorrow.

Before I go, a couple of things I'd like to address. First, Mark finally had himself some good ole' fashioned hardhat time today for being a humongous dork while winding in a yo-yo iron. Second, we'd like to issue a congrats to our good buddy and former Polaris Supreme family member Derek Waldman. Derek ran his first trip as master of the Red Rooster III and had himself a very solid first trip. For those of you who don't remember, Derek is a solid dude and has one of the biggest hearts a person could have and we're thrilled for him. Good job, Derek. Here's to many more.



-The Supreme Team

October 14, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

Awesome fishing once again for these butterball Yellowfin. 110 Yellowfin and 8 Skipjack for our 24 Angler’s today in some of the most epic weather of the season.

October 13, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

We returned from an 8-day trip on the day before Thanksgiving. The trip was slow overall with a few great highlights. We had one good day of tuna fishing where we landed about 75 tuna ranging in size from 15# to 75# topped with 6 fish at the end of the day which weighed from 156# to 224#. A few wahoo and good yellowtail fishing on medium grade yellows ballanced out the trip.

October 12, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

~~Sep. 11
 Hello all and welcome back.  Or welcome me back or... you know what I mean.  I'm back.  5 days off and I'm back on the water and reporting to you.  I met the boat at the dock at 6:30 in the morning and was pleased to see the stern deck loaded up with tuna.  A good catch they had.  Well we off loaded everything and everyone, went and changed oil and put enough fuel on board to last us a while and left on our Bogart construction 2 day charter.  We got a good enough jump to fish a few hours before dark in the latest hot tuna zone but hot it was not.  The fishing there in the morning was good but it took a dump late morning and on.  We wound up catching 3 tuna before dark.  Obviously we're hoping for a good morning tomorrow and we're also hoping the bite stays on for longer then it did today.

October 11, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

Today we went out with 19 anglers and caught 15 yellowtail. Bring your bait rod with 25 lb. your yo-yo rod with 40 lb. and a surface iron rod. Make those reservations at 619-224-3383.

October 10, 2024 craig alaska Fishing Report

~~Oct. 3
 Hello October and hello you all and welcome back to the Polaris Supreme.  We were off for a week if you didn't notice.  The crew, we all did our own thing except for Tuesday and Wednesday we all got together for a little maintenance.  And now we're back out here. We all came back to the boat talking about how great we cook wahoo.  "I cooked it this way, you should try it". "Oh no, you should try it my way".  Basically I think wahoo is just good.  We left for 2 days this morning and we're pumped.  We had a report of a floating kelp pattie that was producing good days for many boats this morning so we thought we'd give it a try too.  Thankfully it was all rigged up with a flag and a reflector and stuff because the sun was getting low by the time we made it out there and I'm not sure we would have found it without it.  Anyways like most rigged kelps there was a school with it and it bit pretty well  for us for about an hour and then it got dark.  The fish were tuna.  A bit on the smaller side but that's what's around and that's what everyone's been catching so we were cool with it too.

 Tomorrow we're hoping to get down and crazy with some dorado.  We heard of a zone with some floating kelp with schools of those colorful fish and we're going to try and find some.

 We have a new PA system on board and that thing pumps.  Holy Toledo can that thing put out some power.  I think I could take that thing to Petco Park and announce a Padre game with it.  Just some more raw power for the Polaris Supreme.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for craig alaska are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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