cleveland Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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March 12, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

Hi friends. Tough day on the Bluefin grounds for us. We got on a spot around breakfast time and boated a kill box full of those school-sized Bluefins but after that, we never found anything worthy of our time and effort. With that, we bailed from the area and made a move to lower latitudes. The rest of our day was spent hitting various kelp paddies for mostly "neck tie" Yellowtail but we also found ourselves in a couple of stops on Common Dolphin for some 18 lb. Yellowfin tunas that hit the trolling feathers. All in all, it wasn't quite what we had hoped for but with the great weather we had going for us we gave it our all and the gang kept in high spirits throughout our day.

With that, we're headed down to do some Yellowtail fishing tomorrow. We'll see what happens. We'd like to get outside and get on some of that Yellowfin tuna that is biting a little bit but timing wise hitting the yellow's first fits in better. We'll chat with you tomorrow and have a fine evening.

P.S. Jed would like to tell his mom hello and that he wants the meatloaf now. He'd also like to tell Rachael hello and that he'd like your meatloaf too. Ma, the meatloaf. He wants it now.

March 11, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

The offshore beat goes on! Funny how things just seem to work out when you try as hard as possible and keep a positive outlook. 2 weeks ago when the fleet received word that we had to check in at Ensenada in order to fish the Mexican coast. Many boat owners including myself were very concerned about the remainder of the 2012 season. With our backs against the wall and very little options we headed offshore. Our first few trips we scratched at bluefin tuna and yellowtail.

In the past five days we have been averaging 20-40 mixed fish, a nice mix of dorado and yellowtail. Today we had a very welcome visit from an 18 lb. albacore. While the political issues concerning the Mexican coast are being worked on we will continue to fish offshore. These offshore trips are 5:30-7:00 and are limited to 50 passengers cost is $115 and includes a fishing license. Past history shows that the offshore bite should only improve for us as we move deeper into the summer and into fall. Come join us!

March 10, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

Hi friends. Well, we finally did it, we fished the tuna pens today. At first, we thought it was pretty cool; roll on in, find a school, and catch some. Well, after our initial whack for 17 bluefin, that was about it. The rest of our pen fishing was kind of lame as we never found another biting school. I can see what a real zoo this would be with fifty plus sportboats and skiffs out here. Anyhow, we're rolling on down to hunt for some yellowfin, bluefin, yellowtail, and dorado. Our weather is pleasant and we'll check in tomorrow.

March 9, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

146 yellowfin tuna 26 skipjack tuna. Finesse live bait setups, 100 gram colt snipers and butterfly jigs as well as a few on poppers.

March 8, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

Good evening, friends. Sorry for the lack of reports. Not a whole lot of excitement going on the with us on the Supreme but around the fleet, is an entirely different story. More on that later.

For us, it's been a lot of work down in the guts of the vessel, ensuring that the Polaris Supreme is running at tip-top performance. On Friday, the day finally arrived: Coast Guard "top side" inspections. At times, the thought of Coast Guard can be somewhat daunting for some boats. For us, it's no big thing. With our weekly maintenance schedules that we perform throughout the year and quality of care that Tommy has given to his beautiful ninety-two foot sportfishing yacht, Coast Guard is no big thing. We appreciate what these people do for us, which is make sure that the vessel operates properly and continues to take our passengers time and time again and return safely. On this day, they also made sure that our crew could properly handle a man overboard situation. In short, we passed with flying colors and as for the operation of the vessel, all is fine for the exception of a couple "minor" things, we passed. We're pumped. This next week Drew, Tommie, Mark, Jamie, our electrician guru Greg Hibbs, master carpenter Steve Russo and myself will take care of the few items that we need cross off the list before our follow-up appointment with the USCG. Our fishing season is nearing and things are starting to get very interesting on the water.

I'm sure most of you read the reports from the boats our on trips right now. Bluefin tuna in the 25-40 lb. class as well as some beauties in the 60-100 lb. category are biting, the Royal Star has captured the first Albacore of the season, a couple Bluefin have also been captured in the day and a half range and spotter planes have been flying around some of the local waters and have seen a few fish as well as some tasty looking conditions. Bottom line, it's time. It's time to get yourself on a trip. Call Susan ASAP, ask what trips have openings and get on a trip now. This crew is ready to go. Let's make it happen. It's just around the corner and you aren't going to want to miss a shot at what is shaping up to be a tasty summer season.

Take care everyone. We'll report back in a few days.

-Richie & Team Supreme

March 7, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

We don’t ever take for granted just how lucky we are to have perfect weather and phenomenal fishing in the end of October. 177 yellowfin tuna.

March 6, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

Capt. Jodie called in with this trip announcement for the Apollo. "We have an overnight trip leaving from Sea Landing this Saturday night, fishing on Sunday. The cost is $145, we will be targeting White Seabass. If you are interested in this trip give me qa call at 805-963-3564.

March 5, 2025 cleveland Fishing Report

Well, fishing was cut short as we had to perform an emergency air evacuation for a passenger. Coast Guard did their job with perfection and the reports are the passenger is going to be ok.

Some blue fin were caught for the day and a yellow fin. We will be back at the dock tomorrow and head out on Joe Beck's 5 day on Monday. We still have some open spots on his trip and a couple on the father/son, father/daughter trip with Larry Brown on June 14th. Give Susan a call if you can come out and join us.


Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for cleveland are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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