belmar surf Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location BELMAR SURF
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September 7, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today we had an exciting day of catching Bluefin Tuna and BIG Yellowtail. The Yellowtail mainly came on big Greenback Mackerel we caught ourselves. They were bruisers, once you were bit you had to pull as hard as you could to get them out of the rocks. We had many casualties but the fish we landed were very large. We are looking to try again for these Yellowtail tomorrow before looking offshore for a bigger grade of tuna. Wish us luck, Team Supreme

September 6, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

Yesterday we went out with 21 anglers. Final fish count for the day was. 2 lingcod 9 sheephead 67 red rockcod 132 miscellaneous rockfish. We fished deep water in the morning and shallow water in the afternoon. We are scheduled to fish everyday. Make those reservations and come join us.

September 5, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

We got into the albacore grounds late in the morning. Most of the guys there already had a mix of around 30 albacore and yellowfin. We struggled and just couldn't find the right school until about 4:00 in the afternoon. Then it was wide open albacore fishing until 6:30. As we sat down to a superb dinner of Veal chops with Port and Mushroom sauce we reflected on what had started as a brutally tough day had turned into a simply great day! We will definitely stay here and try this again tomorrow. Thanks, Tommy

September 4, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

Capt Mike Pritchard of the Tribute called in with a early morning update, they are off to a fantastic start to the day with over 50 Yellowfin on board already up to 30 pounds and some really nice Dorado. Hot, breezy conditions are making for a great day on the water, to get in on this actyion give the landing a call to reserve your spots 619-224-3383. Your can also sign up on our website at, see you on the water soon.

September 3, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

Oct. 11

Today wasn't the trip saver. Nope, that'll have to be tomorrow. There was a signal of that big yellowfin in the morning. We had a stop for a few 45-50 pounders and some jigging on the smaller yellowfin thats been around. We also had some of those late as well. The highlight of the day as would be the highlight on most any day of any trip was just before lunch time we found a beefer(that means about as big as they get)beefer school of big bluefin. We hooked about 10 or 12 of those beasts and landed 5, 75 pounds to over a 100 pounds. There were a few other schools seen today, a school of 40-60 pounders, and a school of 25-35 pounders so along with the beautiful weather we have high hopes for tomorrow.

Oct. 11

Polaris Supreme is back on line. Good evening folks. We had one of those very rare incidents happen out here that we just dread happening. A passenger took a fall on deck and broke his femur bone during the second night of the trip. Our only option was to bring him back to San Diego so that we could get him to a hospital so he could get the care that he needed. Unfortunately we were 250+ miles south when it happened and it cost us a couple days of our trip getting him back home. When I say rare incidents I mean that it's the first and hopefully last time I have seen it happen in my 12 year career on the Polaris Supreme. We safely got him off the boat yesterday afternoon and headed back out with 2 days in the trip now to get things done. Get well Bob. All of our thoughts are with you. We are now a blue fin boat. The weather has come down beautifully and with signs of blue fin yesterday up to 70 pounds we're excited to get our day going. Just waiting for the sun to rise as I'm writing this. Wish us luck. We'll take and deserve some good luck.

Your friends on the Polaris Supreme

September 2, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

Sep. 2

Well we started in some traditionally tasty grounds today. The weather was magnificent and so was the water we were in. Warm and a beautiful glassy blue. It was also lively as could be. There were birds buzzing around all over, little dabs of dolphin, big herds of dolphin that were "all birded up"(that's code for "looks right"), a dead animal floating,(known for holding lots of dorado),kelp paddies and floating fishing gear buoys(also known for holding mucho dorado and wahoo). Well none of it was holding !@#$. I'm just bummed about it too. We had this area all to ourselves for 3 days in early September with beautiful weather and fishing conditions and it stunk. I can't sugar coat it. We covered a lot of good looking spots for not much fish. It just wasn't there. If I had a time machine I would go back 5 days ago and do it all over again. We would start above and fish our way down instead of starting below and fishing our way north. At least then my stress level wouldn't be high because we'd have fish in our holds. Fishing would be so easy with a time machine. Maybe I shouldn't write such downer reports but my friend Rob on board says he enjoys reading the good with the bad and you know what, this sort of thing happens. Fishing can be good and it can be bad. Oh well but hey, our trip is only half over, we're going to catch a bunch of yellows tomorrow, get some bait, maybe catch some more yellows and some more bait then go and whip on the tuna. Right? I hope so.

Your bummed but still very high spirited captain, Drew

September 1, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

Here is my squid report regarding the 2 squid jigs I purchased at the Candy Catcher booth in Long Beach. Went out of Seaforth Landing on the New Seaforth Monday night. We were done in about 1.5 hours ... all the squid you wanted. Started off slow, but within 30 minutes it was wide open. I used the Candy Catcher gold colored 1.5 pound jig it was perfect. I like the action of it sinking compared to the longer jigs. I had both types and tried yours and compared to the other Monster jig. Your's did perform better when squid fishing was slow, but when it was wide, well you know the story from there. I did not lose a squid with your jig and fished buttoned down on my 2 speed. Robert

August 31, 2024 belmar surf Fishing Report

Wow what a first week of fishing.

There is a huge spectrum of fish to catch out there now. Some days it's 60-80 lb Bluefin, then 100-200 lb Bluefin , the next it's 12-20 lb Yellowtail and Dorado on kelp patties, then 20-40 lb Bluefin and Yellowfin tuna the next! The local waters are full of life right now. We can't wait to get back out there this Sunday for our open 1.5 day trip! 

Could be kelp patty Yellows, could be cow Bluefin tuna! 

We can't wait to find out! 

Hope to see you Sunday, 

Team Supreme 

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for belmar surf are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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