baudette mn Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

🗺️ Location BAUDETTE MN
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March 13, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

108 yellowfin 27 skipjack. These tuna stops have been going from boredom to chaos in a matter of seconds. Knowing how to tie your own hook and leader, having your own pair of pliers, and listening to the crew and making slight adjustments during the stop will keep you in the game. We recommend taking some time before you come out or on the way to the fishing grounds to practice tying on your hook/leader. Our crew members can inspect and show you the right way to do it so when we’re in a hot bite you’re ready for action.

March 12, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

We had excellent fishing on the smaller grade yellowtail. We only kept 49 of the bigger ones and the rest were released. We looked for wahoo but they weren't around. But we weren't done. We got into a fantastic bite with marlin. We released them all but it sure was fun. We had carne asada for lunch and and a good old fashion roasted turkey with all the trimmings for dinner. The weather is kinda choppy but we are going south and our ride is good. When all was said and done we had a fun day of fishing but didn't keep much.

March 11, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

On the second of May we hauled the boat out of the water and started boat work and today on the 10th of June we are still hard at it. Our main goal this year is cosmetics we have painted the whole exterior of the hull above and below the water line the inside boat works the house bait tank storage racks and the wraparound and the decks. We're now starting on interior cosmetics carpeting all the floors ceilings and walls of the whole boat. Quite the extensive maintenance definitely the most boat work we have ever done at one time.
Captain Tommy Rothery

March 10, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

Retired LA motorcycle officer Joe Beck served as chartermaster aboard the Polaris Supreme, and came back June 16 with the best yellowtail of the boat's five-day visit to Cedros/Benitos. Owner Tom Rothery skippered the trip, and docked his rig at Fisherman's Landing.

Beck got a 36-pound yellowtail with a sardine bait, and won first place. Gene Lujan of Salinas won second place for a 35.4-pound yellow, and Karen Jackson of Acton tied with Tom Mortenson of LaVerne for third place. Both had 32.6-pound yellowtail. Scott Chapman of Mira Loma caught a 41.2-pound halibut, a thick, sand-colored flatfish.

March 9, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

The big tuna are around and close! Be sure to have 80- 100lb gear ready with 130 LB leader so you land your fish of a lifetime! 

The last 1.5 Day produced this 190 lb beauty! 

March 8, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

~~Sep. 7 "Feeling Better"
 I can't say I had the highest of hopes for this morning.  It seems like up and down this whole coast in the mornings has no current.  As you know, no current = no fish.  So we bailed on our yellowtail spot after 8:00 am and went kelping.  I believe we found our first winner ohhh around 10:00 or so.  It was good for 20 dorado.  Another 1/2 hour later we found another that was good for another 20.  Another 1/2 hour later... and so on and so on.  We had a good day of kelping.  Most of our passengers on board have never been in a dorado bite before today.  It was jaw dropping for them.  Lots of fun.  We're feeling better. 

 Now we're going to catch our yellows.  We're going to head into the coast for tomorrow and try and get a bunch of those.  See?  I write short reports on good days.  Hopefully I keep them short.

March 7, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

"We released over 200 fish in our four days at the Rocks," said Polaris Supreme owner-skipper Tom Rothery September 6, after his nine-day trip with 20 anglers. "They were yellowtail and yellowfin tuna."
Rothery's anglers had just over half-limits of wahoo and near-limits of tuna, the best score so far this young fall season. Wayne Campbell of Huntington Beach managed a quick limit of 15, he said, on bait and 58-pound single-strand wire leaders.
Chuck Eiser of Rancho Mirage won the jackpot for a 106.8-pound yellowfin that chowed down a squid under the kite, using one of the boat's kite rigs.
Brent Hough of Palm Springs used a sardine and 50-pound line to take a 91.4-pounder and Simon Housman of Palm Springs nabbed a 74-pounder in just 15 minutes on a sardine and 30-pound line.

March 6, 2025 baudette mn Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in tonight with an update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay, CA. We have been fishing offshore. Today we had 39 Yellowfin Tuna and 1 Bluefin Tuna. Our last trip we had 52 Yellowfin Tuna. Most the fish are 15 to 25 pound range. We are starting to see some bigger fish too. Please be sure to have a light rod (20#) and a heavier rod. Be ready to catch fish between 15 and 100 pounds.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for baudette mn are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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