wi Fishing Report 2024

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July 25, 2024 wi Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Update 9/24-25/2011

Good morning friends and trusty followers. We arrived at the docks this morning right ontime at 7 o'clock. The crew has been hard at it since 5 o'clock pulling out our healthy catch of mixed tuna, limits of yellows, limits of dorado and a few other colorful bottom fish. The anglers were up not much after us to start bringing up the gear from their staterooms and enjoy a continental breakfast on the way in. It was quite enjoyable to spend a few minutes in there with them and bid farewells till next year. All in all, listening to the guys chat, everyone sounds like their expxectations were met and exceeded. All of you friends and families reading this better be ready for some really fun stories! We appoligize about not checking in yesterday with you. The crew got up nice and early to start on our chores to prepare for our arrival and to make sure that all of the guys had a very relaxing travel day back home. I can tell you that there is more than and handful of them flat out need some rest. Sore arms and achey fingers prevailed on this last day. But I guess that's how it goes when you're pulling on fish for a week straight. It was a pleasure to take a break in between working and talk with everyone and reflect back on the last 7 days on the water and share some fun stories from the trip. It sounds like once again the Polaris Supreme crew : Captain Drew, Jed, Justin, Joey, Mark, Chef David and his awesome galley assistant Jaime aimed to please and succeeded. If it meant keeping the lines tight or serving up and A+ cuisine, we got it done. I'll give it 2 thumbs up from the bridge for this whole 8 day trip!!

As we speak, the results are in from the scales. Jackpot results are in: 1st Place winner is Mr. Paul Briscoe with a 34.6 lb Yellowtail, 2nd Place goes to Henry Proo with a 27.2 lb Yellowtail, and 3rd Place goes to Dave Miera with a 27 lb Yellowfin Tuna. Congratiulations guys! Way to go!

Polaris Supreme Update 9-23-2011

Hello friends and happy Friday! We hope that all of your work weeks went as great as ours did. If so, I know one thing is for sure, I bet you didn't have as much fun as we did! Being out here on an epic 8-day fishing trip on the Polaris Supreme and calling it work is nearly impossible. As we brought this one to a close, we had most of a day to cruise up the coast and get some lines in the water before we had to officially call it a ball-game. Those who wanted to tag just a few more ended up getting rewarded for hanging in there. With the fish holds already stuffed with beautiful tuna, yellowtail, and dorado we had a day to kind of mess around fishing for fish we don't normally target. The best stop of the day was a wide open bite on lunker calico bass that we let almost all go to live the life calico's do along with some better than keeper sized white sea bass! Glenn Briscoe capturing 2 himself, way to go Glenn! We also caught a few handfuls of big yellows that we set free as well. The guys who decided to sit the afternoon out just sat around and enjoyed watching their buddies tug on their final few fish while sipping on some cold beverages. Drew finally had to call it around 3 o'clock so we could start making way towards San Diego. Tomorrow is an all day travel day with the last of the gear break-down and a nice list of deck chores for the crew. Let's hope the weather prevails for us on the ride up. It's been pretty nice for us almost all trip so hopefully we can squeeze one more day out, especially for Chef Schooler so he can work his magic in the galley for the always tasty surf and turf.

Tonight on the Polaris Supreme menu, the passengers were so kind as to donate some yellowfin tuna for some awesome sesame seed crusted seared ahi. Tuna doesn't get any fresher than having it out here 24 hours after bringing it over the rail. I can't wait. Well, I'm going to sign off til tomorrow gang. Check back in tomorrow afternoon for our ETA or you can always call the office as well to find out when we hit the dock so you can come meet us and check out our amazing catch. Til then, time to go start enjoying your weekend!

Jed and The Supreme Crew

Polaris Supreme Update 9-22-2011

Another pleasurable day today aboard the Polaris Supreme wouldn't you know. We spent the first half looking for a wahoo once again coming up dry. The rest of the day was spent on anchor. I love anchor fishing. Bow in the wind, engines off and the captain on deck. Yellowfin tuna was on the menu. Good scratch fishing today. Steady most of the time with a few lulls. And wouldn't you know it, we even threw some Bluefin tuna on deck today too. Plenty of dorado and yellowtail to pull on also but we were letting them all go because we have plenty of those in refrigeration already. With the fish holds plugged and the last one ready we head up the line for a day of D, all of the above. We're going to try for every thing from wahoo to sea bass tomorrow. Who knows what the day will bring. I'll let you know tomorrow though. Talk to you then. We'll see ya!


Drew and da crew

Polaris Supreme Update 9-21-2011

You know when you walk into the galley at 11 in the morning and see 8 passengers sitting down drinking a beer that fishing is either slow or very good. In our case today it was because fishing was great. We woke up this morning and brushed our teeth, had a cup of coffee, then put the jigs in the water, in that order. Seconds later the jigs got bit and it was game on. A couple hours later we were done fishing dorado. A beautiful grade of dorado it was. 15 to 20 pounds with a few bigger in the school. A half hour later we put the anchor down on another spot and again it was game on. A couple hours later we were done fishing yellowtail. A good grade of yellowtail it was as well. 16 to 18 pounds with a few bigger ones. We then took a break and enjoyed a lovely lunch. After that we went on a quest to find wahoo and grouper coming up unsuccessfully. Beautifully weather today if you like it hot and I do with the perfect breeze to keep you from overheating.

We're heading up the line now to try it tonight on anchor for grouper, Pargo or whatever else will bite the lines and will try for tuna tomorrow. Wish us luck.

Team Supreme


Polaris Supreme Update 9-21-2011

Not much to report today. We started our morning out at the Rocks and didn't see much sign. A handfull of tuna and a handfull of yellowtail. We got out of there mid morning and went kelping the rest of the day. From two oclock on we were in pristine warm lively water. Clouds and clouds of flyers around and we got the feeling that with a boomer kelp, we'd get down to business. Unfortunately all we saw were small kelps. We're going to head inside tonight and try for some action on all of the above. It's time to go eat some babyback ribs and hit the rack.

Team Supreme

Polaris Supreme Update 9-19-2011

Hello everyone. Not a huge report today. We got to the yellowtail grounds just before sunrise. As the sun cracked, so did the bite. It was anywhere from steady pickings to full speed for an hour and a half. Then, like a light switch, it shut off. For just having a few hours to soak some baits at those grounds, we got what we wanted. Time to continue south once again to 8-day range and start looking for wahoo, fatter tuna and maybe a kelp with some dorado. Time for me to turn in and get some zzzzzzz's for tomorrow's action. See ya tommorow!!


Team Supreme

Polaris Supreme Update 9-18-2011

Hello everyone. So here we are at the end of our first "travel" day on the Polaris Supreme. Wait a minute, why did I just call it a travel day if we fished all day? I"ll tell you, because we had an awesome score of yellowfin tuna "traveling" right over the rail and into our 30 degree RSW holds all day long! It looked like 5 minutes after 6 in the AM was breakfast time for the tuna down here. They wasted no time getting our blood pumping and adrenaline flowing as the clickers went screaming. The morning continued with no breaks with the crew eating breakfast on deck wihle they were always on the run. Easily piecing together a late morning, it was now time to shut down on the boomer of the day. You could have called it what you wanted, a buffet at sea with all you can eat, or simply a Wal-Mart Superstore: one-stop shopping. I thing you get the point; if an angler wanted to get rid of some tags, it was game on. To add some color to the afternoon, a couple nice kelps were so generous as to hand over about 30 or so 14-28 lb flatheads (dorado to the non-fisherman). So, for the most part that was the program today. Right around the pre-dinner hours Drew got her pointed in a southerly direction for some o'dark 30 "cow" yellowtail fishing. Wish us luck on our start to day 2.

From the galley for the evening, Chef Schooler served up his famous shimp and scallop seafood pasta which is always a crowd favorite. It's a sure sleeper after a hard day of fishing! Before i go for the evening I would like to let all of you that just can't quite get enough time off of work to ride one of our long-range trips, we have something JUST for you! Tommy and Susan were so gracious as to work some 1.5 and 2 day trips right in the middle of our summer schedule. Come join us out here and fish a short-range trip in long range luxury! The yellowfin are snapping and the dodo's have officially moved into 1.5 and 2 day range! Call Susan at the office : (619) 390-7890 for all of the details. Hope to see you out here.

Til tomorrow,

Jed and The Supreme Crew

July 24, 2024 wi Fishing Report

~~Sep. 9
 We spent today offshore mostly looking to top off on dorado.  There were 7 of us long range boats looking to do the same today.  There was plenty of this warm water for all though.  Unfortunately there wasn't enough kelps with fish on them for all.  We were one of the more lucky ones.  We didn't completely top off but we were only 20 fish shy.  Along with the dorado we caught some small tuna off a few spots.  3-5 pounders.  Now keep in mind most everyone on board have never fished out here in there lives.  When everyone on board hooked one of these tuna at once, it was great.  They were all so excited and they all just loved it.  Don't worry, I very much encouraged the release of these fish.  This was a great group of guys.  Great.  Super laid back and just enjoyed every minute out here.  Caught a bunch of colorful jumping dorado, lots of yellers and even a marlin.  I can't wait to have them back.  And you know it's true too because I usually don't write that.  I love all our passengers.

 Tomorrow we get in and leave again for just 2 days this time.  Hopefully we get out of there good and early and then et some fishing in tomorrow.  I have no idea what we'll do after that though.  Time will tell.

July 23, 2024 wi Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 07-17-2016 Good morning everyone. We ended up driving around most of the day yesterday and seeing only a few schools after the first two hours. That Bluefin was not up and foaming and boiling and crashing and jumping and breezing like it has been. Late in the day we got on eight Breezers that were the size of Midtown Manhattan that we made long drifts flying the kites, fly lining, sinker fishing, jig fishing etc. with no luck. Just as we were getting ready to take off to the Yellowfin tuna grounds after dinner we had a nice school come under and managed to hook a 115 pounder and landed it. Quite a long day but we ended up with two beautiful tuna both caught in the dark and both caught on iron. The majority of the Bluefin that is caught, is caught that way or on fly fish trolled with the kite through big schools. Today we will be fishing Yellowfin tuna and hitting kelp patties for Yellowtail and Dorado. Our weather is good and were looking for a little bit more action than one in the morning and one at the end of the day. We will check with you later. Have a great day. The Polaris supreme crew.

July 22, 2024 wi Fishing Report

Today we saw incredible sign of 25-40 bluefin tuna. Make sure you bring a 25 lb bait rod to go along with your 40,50 and 60 lb rod.

July 21, 2024 wi Fishing Report

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Hi friends. Different style of reporting from me today. I'm going to give you little segments of information from our day. Before I forget, Travis Donahue would like to say hello to the lovely little flower that is his wife, Jackie, and hello to his lovely little garden that he calls his children. So sweet. Also, Tex wanted me to share with the worldwide web that he is slayin' the yellas. He also shared with us that there is a better vodka out there than Tito's. We're skeptical, because anyone that knows Team Supreme knows that it's Tito's or get out of our houses. You've got 7 bottles to send your boys, Tex. Anyhoo, here is a few short segments of how our day transpired.

-Started the morning off with a nice worklist. Various engine room and upkeep that is needed on a boat to maintain proper working order. Fixing leaks, changing light bulbs, cleaning under mains, and various other little projects. Nice to be sweaty and greasy before breakfast.

-Gunny got the gang into the galley and gave an in-depth dropper loop seminar. How do you dropper loop? You drop your loop and hang on tight. Thanks, Guns.

-Breakfast was baller. Huge breakfast burritos with whatever you desired. I had the works, complete with chorizo, eggs, potatoes, bacon, salsa, queso, and avocado. Oh yeah, get on my level, bro.

-I was off last trip but I came onto the boat to be pleasantly surprised that the boys had dusted off "The Big Banana" after a brief hiatus. Never ceases to amaze me that the only piece of saltwater gear I own is so very popular to passengers and crew alike. We put that thing to use today and The Banana was on fire! As she usually is, we bent the hooks on our surface iron. Yep.

-Mark, after a long dry spell, was issued 10 minutes of hard hat time. His offense was tying a halibut dropper loop, on fluorocarbon, and not only tying it but tying it wrong. Gunny took one look, wrapped the line around his hands and snapped it like a Popsicle stick. Maaaarrrrrk!

***03:54 hours update*** For anyone that knows me, I enjoy me some channel 46 on the Sirius radio. Channel 46 is the Old School Hip Hop station and it plays a certain song that gets me fired up and that song usually comes while I'm typing up a report about a great day of fishing, and right now is no exception. The song is "Today Was A Good Day" by Ice Cube and today was just that, a good day. Riddler just flashed me the "Westside" sign with his fingers from his bunk. Right back at ya, Tommy!

-For all of my nonsense in my report thus far, our morning wasn't all that sweet, considering the boats here in the previous two days absolutely clobbered the Yellowtail. We scratched a few handfuls of 'tail in the 15-22 lb. range but it was nothing to write home about. We fished hard and then the lunch call was given. Per request of Tom, we do a custom sandwich station on table 3 complete with all the various ingredients to build yourself a baller sandwich. While we were making some sammies, Riddles put us on a nice drift and they came up boilin' right next to the boat real nice and we had a decent drift some 'tail. I saw a few sandwiches go flyin' but the beauty of our setup was that you could just go make another one when the bite was over. Fantastic. I made myself a deli quadruple, all the fixins, and a pickle.

-A couple hours after our lunch drift, we got on the mother lode. For the next few hours, the Yellows were snappin' real nice. As wide upen as you could ask for on the fly-lined sardines and jigs and an excellent grade to boot with most being in the 18-25 lb. category. We were busy, busy, busy. Fun times! The sun was shinning, the weather was great, and the staple guns were firing. Just what the doctor ordered. The gang had a blast.

-During the melee, Chef Shawn rocked out a Bluefin poki, Tequila Lime chicken wings, and white rice for an afternoon snack. I managed to sneak in and eat 14 bowls of poki and rice. Wowza! Good job, Shawn, now get out on deck on help us out!

-Throughout the day, I was designated "camera guy" so I got to play Austin Powers and snap away. Hope y'all enjoy the photos. Not going to lie, we were so busy that it was hard to find the time. We were also so busy, that we forget to write down one of our box drops into the RSW. For the life of us, we couldn't remember if we had missed one. We got things squared away and our count looked plenty better. We had a fantastic afternoon!

-We tried for squid and seabass at dark but no dice. I got showered up and served a fabulous dinner that Chef Shawn and Sweet D prepared. I had to take photos and write down what the heck we were eating. Sesame and spicy seared Bluefin tuna, with a Sriracha vinaigrette and ginger/carrot sauce, wasabi mashed potatoes, and sesame stir-fried green beans and edamame. It was bananas. For dessert, Mama D gave us plenty of choices but most chose her "brownie delight" that we enjoyed a couple nights prior, I know I did. Great job, Team Galley.

So that is all! A lengthy report for just a dandy of a day. It was truly a lot of fun and a really nice change of pace for the gang. We're currently headed up the line to drop a few lines on some coastal high spots to hopefully load up on some reds and lingcod. We'll only have a very limited time frame to get down but we'll be at it first thing in the morning. In closing, our weather is OK, our day was splendid, and judging by my food intake today, I am now a diabetic. See ya. Wrap-up report tomorrow. Take care.

-The Supreme Team

P.S. Hi again, Drew! I have to go prime the watermaker. My bad!

July 20, 2024 wi Fishing Report

Nov. 15

                Not much to report from us today.  It was a pretty uneventful day.  We traveled all morning until after lunch when we arrived to the Islands, and we never saw a yellowtail.  It was dead as can be at this place.  We took the tour, well as much as we could in a few hours, and ended up back here in the lee.  We were and still are catching calico bass and things.  We did hook something big, a yellow or a big halibut or even a seabass, but we'll never know because the hook straightened out right before we could see it and the fish got away.  And that's it.  We're going to try and keep our anchor hung right here and see what kind of conditions we have here in the morning for our last day of fishing.  As soon as the wind backs off enough for a tolerable ride offshore Tuesday morning, we'll be on our way home.


July 19, 2024 wi Fishing Report

211 yellowfin 2 bluefin out of one 5 mile drift. Hook size is crucial in getting bites. Match the hook size to your line size and bait. Check with the crew on the way out to make sure what you’re tying on is what we recommend.

July 18, 2024 wi Fishing Report

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

The boat's E-mail program is down at the moment but Tommy called in to say that fishing for yellowtail was very good on Tuesday and they left them biting. Today they fished tuna and had very good fishing on two stops for bluefin and yellowfin. The weather is up but Tommy says that the passengers are hanging in there. The boats eta tomorrow is set for 7:00 am and hopefully the E-mail issues will be taken care of. Any changes in the eta, please call the office at 619 390 7890. Thanks, Susan.

Monday, August 22nd, 2011

Hi folks. We rode with the wind and swell last night and found ourselves in the familiar Yellowtail spots. Our first spot of the day produced quality sized Yellowtail on long drifts. This mornings fishing was a yo-yo fisherman's paradise on the Polaris Supreme as we hooked most of our fish on the heavy jigs. We didn't exactly set the world on fire with our numbers but we always managed a handful or two on every drift until after lunch when things finally dried up. It took us a couple of hours to locate something that we liked and our last couple hours of the day were spent bent. Sonar schools of Yellowtail charged the Supreme with reckless abandon and it was as good as it gets there for a while. This particular spot was surface iron-friendly so that's always exciting and we finished our day on a high note. The fish we caught this morning were in the 18-22 lb. range and the fish this afternoon were a notch smaller. Big fish of the day was a 30 pounder caught around dinner time by Dan "Re-Ride" Burns.

So that is all. Just another solid day of Yellowtail fishing and with the offshore weather still on the up, we're going to spend a half day here tomorrow and then move on up the line back to the tuna grounds. Fishing sounds the same as it has from the area. If you're the lucky boat, you're pumped. If you're not, well, it's going to be a long day. Anyhow, we're going to give it a try for our last day of fishing but before we get too ahead of ourselves, we need to do some more work on Yellowtail. Wish us luck.

-Team Supreme-

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Good evening friends. It sure felt like a slow day from the tuna grounds today but judging by the scores from the other boats, we did just fine. Some boats would've killed for our score and some boats would've said that we did have a slow day, so we were smack-dab right in the middle and the range of scores was quite large. Some boats really had a tough time of it today and some boats were the lucky few that managed to get a nice hit on the Yellowfins. We had a slow morning with a jig strike here or there and then mid-day, we had a couple of schools that rushed the boat and we had a nice whack on 'em to boost the count and our morale. But other than a few more jig strikes later in the day, it was a mediocre day and with the weather up and forecasted to stay up, we're heading down to do some Yellowtail fishing tucked behind an island somewhere. With the lack of sign for most of the fleet, we feel that the fish in the area are just weather sensitive, so we'll give them some time to regroup and will give them a try later in the trip when things hopefully settle down with the weather.

So that is all. Our traveling weather is decent and we're getting prepared for an island invasion of some sort. Wish us luck and we'll chat with you manana.

-Team Supreme-

Saturday, August 20th, 2011

Good evening everyone. We arrived to Fisherman's Landing this morning promptly at 0630 and busted out the usual routine of unloading passengers/gear, unloading fish, refueling, cleaning, outfitting the bunks with fresh linens, loading groceries, and loading a whole new batch of passengers and their gear. This morning, there was no particular order to all of our chores as eight long-range boats returned to the various landings and we just wanted to get the heck out of that mess at the top of the docks. Kudos to the "Red Shirts" as they were just as busy as us unloading gear, unloading fish, organizing carts, pushing carts, and loading everyone in a civilized manner. Anyhow, here are the big fish winners from Ryan Christianson's Let's Talk Hook Up four-day adventure: Henry "Blue" Maine - 58.8 lb. Yellowfin tuna, Kiyoshi Nakagawa - 34.0 lb. Albacore, and Kevin Graff - 31.8 lb. Albacore. Congratulations to the gang and we issue a big thanks to Ryan for putting on a fine trip.

Later this morning, we departed on our annual Bob Vance/Joe Beck five-day extravaganza with a bunch of their good pals. We tried fishing the local-local zone but for fear of losing our title of being a "long-range" boat, we decided to motor on down to the hot area from the past couple of trips. Reports still sound good on the Yellowfin tuna and one boat saw a few schools of those bigger Bluefin and they managed to land some 60 lbers. We'll be giving it a go tomorrow morning at first light. Wish us luck and take care.

-Team Supreme-

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for wi are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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