~~Sep. 14
Well, we got our tail on today. We started up there and caught a few, then we went there and had a couple of real nice drifts. Good tailing on medium sized yellows. We'll call them 12-14 pounders with a few smaller and a some in the 16 pound range. We were completely OK with them. I spent my whole time there in the pit with my butt in the air stapling tags on the customers fish while the rest of the crew were gaffing. After a couple good drifts, and I mean good ones, the fish stopped biting. No one knows why, they just quit biting so we had to make a move again. Now if I had remembered there was a Charger game on at that moment it would've been a great time to listen to it being we were making a 3 hour move. But I forgot all about it. I was too busy thinking of our next move and the future moves of this trip. It was a good game too. If you weren't paying attention we beat the 2014 super bowl champs. !0 point under dogs. Beat them up. That's right Seattle. Look out nation.
We didn't catch much when we arrived to our new hot zone. A couple of handfuls of nice yellowtails and then it got dark so now we sit on anchor. We can safely fish one more day here before the storm pushes us out of here. Which direction we'll go? I'm not sure yet.