For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.
🗺️ Location | KOOTENAY LAKE |
🌎 Country | UK |
⏰ Fast Updates | Every day |
🐟 Species | All Species |
🗓️ Next Update | Tomorrow |
🏅 Rating | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
You also can get helpful information from the Fishing Forecast.
Captain Ryan Bositan called in today at 12:50 PM with an audio update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in San Diego, CA. We are currently drifting right now. We have two 70 pounder Bluefin Tuna on the deck. We have dumped 5 or 6 of them. They are not coming in too easy today. We also caught a half dozen Yellowtail on the way to the tuna grounds.
A 25 pound outfit for fishing the kelps for Yellowtail
A flat fall outfit with Spectra and a 2 speed real for the Bluefin
We are fishing offshore tomorrow come and join us.
Today we saw yellowtail, dorado, yellowfin and bluefin of all sizes. Unfortunately we were only able to catch 1 yellowtail. Hopeful for tomorrow. The wise angler would bring an assortment of setups from 20-60 lb.
One stop shop. 111 yellowfin 146 skipjack 54 yellowtail 15 dorado.
~~Sep. 8
Today was not a bad day at all. We tailed it. The yellowtail bit a little. We fished a fun little pinnacle rock most of today. Conditions weren't perfect for drifting today. For starters it was windy as heck here last night and yesterday. We didn't see any of that because we weren't here but we got some of the after effects of it. We had no wind at all yet we were rolling our pa toots off for the first couple hours of the morning. Because we had no wind we were drifting with the current so it made fishing that spot difficult. The fish wanted to be right on the edge of it and we would end up drifting right on top of the pinnacle and we were losing a lot of the fish we would hook. The simple solution would be to anchor up off the edge but we tried that and the fish wouldn't bite on the anchor. So it was really good fishing but landing them was tough but we were still able to land plenty.
After lunch things straightened out and we were able to make a few good drifts but then I watched the entire school on my meter swim to the deeps and vanish. After that we couldn't find the fish on that spot anymore. They swam away. So we looked else where and we were unsuccessful at finding any more yellers. That was fine though. We still caught plenty today. It was a good day.
Tomorrow we're going to finish the trip off looking to top off on dorado. If we can get it done early enough we may have some time to try for some more yellows. Otherwise we'll just be rolling on home after wards.
Fishing reports for kootenay lake are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.