anchorage daily news Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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May 2, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report

Good evening Polaris Supreme family. Today was our first full day of fishing at the tuna grounds. We got here about 0800 and went straight into wahoo mode. The skinny's didn't wait too long to show themselves. Getting a troll fish here and there, they sure seemed to like the live bait when we stopped on the jig strikes. Things change from day to day, wherther it be bait, bombs raiders...this morning, live sardines looked to be the bait of choice. After tagging a few dozen of the toothy critters, we got anchored up and went into big tuna mode. Kites out, lines in the water, time to try and chum up the big boys. It wasn't too long before Chuck hooked into something real nice. On his first long trip, he wound up putting a 145 on the deck for a new personal best. The afternoon showed to be pretty slow which can be pretty typical. The guys fished hard though. Eventually the sharks got on us, but not too bad. Could be a lot worse. We hooked a couple more throughout the afternoon and lost them, but that's why they call it fishing, not catching. After snack time, Bill hooked into a cow that took him into sundown that he ended up losing right at color. That's just part of the game though, and we have many more days of fishing time. Shake it off and tomorrow is a new day. The guys all hit the rack right after Chef Mike's amazing veal chop dinner to recharge the batteries because 0400 is going to be coming pretty early. Speaking of that, it's time for me to do the same. Thanks for checking in, till tomorrow friends.


Jed and the Supreme crew

May 1, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report

~~Oct. 13-14
 Nothing to report on Oct. 13.  More of the same.  Though it was our last day so the cocktail hour was to a minimum.  We arrived to our destination around 1:30 in the am Tuesday morning.  We did a tour for flying fish (to use as bait) but we only caught a few.  We kicked the anchor over and most of us got a couple more hours of sleep.  Everyone got up at 0400 hours and got to work.  Some faster than others.  When I woke up George was the only one in the water so I thought I'd give him a hand.  I threw a sinker on a rig and dropped down a sardine and 5 minutes later we had our first tuna aboard.  About an 80 pounder.  It was our sashimi fish.  After that there was a whole lot of good shark and small tuna fishing going down so again during a time when no one was in the water (due to having to retie because of shark teeth), I dropped another bait down, this time on the rod Mark likes to call the OJ (no one knows why), and about 20-30 minutes later we had a 196 pounder aboard.  While that was going on George got hooked up and brought a 218 pounder over the rail.  It wasn't even light out yet.  After that the sharks fully took over.  It was pretty much unfishable so we didn't give it much time, we pulled anchor and got to trolling and for the next 8 hours or so it was steady striking on the wahoos.  Damn.  We caught about 5 per angler so I'd call that good for sure.  For the last few hours we got steady strikes on one of this groups favorite fishing methods, trolling the yummy fliers.  We caught a lot of tuna today on those and on the marauders and some on bait.  They were all mostly in the 120 pound range.

 The weather today sure was interesting.  The wind never had much strength but it couldn't pick a direction.  One minute it was coming out of the northeast, and the next it was coming out of the west.  It did that all day so for that and the sharkies giving us grief we never tried another anchor job today and we're spending the night adrift.  It also rained a whole lot this evening.  I'd say it was raining cats and dogs when I went to bed but it's cleared up now at 0100 hour as I write this on my watch.  One more hour and I'm going back to bed until 5 when we'll all be going back into battle.  Hopefully tomorrow these dang sharks leave us alone.


April 30, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report


Good evening folks. Here it is, the final day of the Garry Roberts 9-day adventure. How we spent it was waking up first thing in the morning, collapsing/retrieving the sea anchor, and attempting to locate some Yellowfin and Bluefin tuna. It took us a while to get some located and after a jig strike here and a jig strike there, we found a real meaty stop for a mid-morning bite. Along with a ripper Yellowfin bite, we managed a couple handfuls of Dorado, a handful of Bluefin, and we also released two Skipjack, our first of the year. After our busy stop, that was pretty much it and after Chef Barry kicked out his Mahi-Mahi enchiladas, we had to call it a trip and begin the trek back home. Not a bad half day of fishing for us and we're content with out tuna tally for the trip. The weather remains a bit breezy but the consensus amongst the fleet, including us, is that once the weather comes down a bit, the fishing will start to get better. We'll see.

April 29, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report

~~Nov. 16
 I told myself yesterday that if we caught 30 wahoo today it would be worth the move.  We caught 31.  Scoooore!
 It was good in the morning.  By 10:00 we were moving right along on pace to have one heck of a day.  Then things went slow.  We were able to scratch just enough, and with the expectancy of an evening hit, we still were feeling good.  That hit never happened.  One here and two there was the rest of our day.  But like I said, I'm very pleased with what we caught.  It was definitely worth the ride.  It helps that every wahoo we caught this trip is a toad.  40-50+ pounds baby.

 We're headed up now.  We'll have to be making headway toward home for the rest of the trip.  We only have a couple of days left.  We're going to give it a shot and finding a dorado kelp in the morning.  The 3 boats that tried it prior to us struck out so we'll have a back up plan.  Our plan B is to fish yellows at an island tomorrow afternoon.  See you tomorrow.

April 28, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report

Today we went out with 19 anglers and caught 15 yellowtail. Bring your bait rod with 25 lb. your yo-yo rod with 40 lb. and a surface iron rod. Make those reservations at 619-224-3383.

April 27, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report

The day after the first Coronado island yellowtail are caught is always a very exciting day. After hours of searching high and low for yesterday's yellowtail it became obvious that today was a different day. The conditions were basically the same as yesterday but unfortunately we never found a school. We have seen this behavior in the past and I would not be surprised if our yellowtail show themselves tomorrow. Limits of rockfish provided the entertainment today. We will try again tomorrow.

April 26, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report

Iven moving on up! We had a great a day of fishing today. Our fishing started today at noon and we had non stop action all day long. We landed some nice Yellowfin tuna between 40-80 lbs. However with great tuna action came great shark action. Our resilient passengers were hooking these tuna very well, but the lurking Great White Sharks were hot on their tails. Eating a large majority of our nicer tuna hooked. Pictured here is Ivan with his prized tuna that he was able to hustle in through the sharks! Very different than last years fish ( other fish pictured). Great improvement!

April 25, 2024 anchorage daily news Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in with the Coronado Island reports. Today we went out with 36 passengers 43 Yellowtail. There are two bodies of fish out at the islands. There is a school of 23 to 30 pounders and another school of 11 to 17 pounders. The fish are biting the fly-lined sardines and mackerel. And for those who like fishing iron the surface iron is working too. The San Diego departs daily from Seaforth Landing in Mission Bay. You can call (619) 224-3383 to get in on the action or you can book online.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for anchorage daily news are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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