northeast sd Fishing Report 2025

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February 9, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

Aug 12
    Today was awesome.  We woke up drifting catching fish and that's about what we did until dark.  I'm not kidding you.  We moved the boat just a handful of times but never for more then 10 minutes.  It was drifting with always at least one on the hook.  In the morning until after lunch it was mostly bluefin in the 30-45 pound range with the occasional 60-80 pounder.  I have to tell you that that's a much more manageable grade.  It's a much better fish to start off on than those 60-80 pounders.  Don't get me wrong, you know I love catching those beauts but they make a much better cherry than ice cream if you know what I mean.  We had that kind of day where if we catch them tomorrow it will be the cherry on top.  The rest of the day we got into yellowfin tuna mode and it was game on for those fish.  Tommy decided to save our sardine on board it being they were feeding on the anchovy that went over the side so that's what we used.  Chovy baby.  I can't ever remember fishing anchovy for tuna on this boat.  I have to go back to my mission bay days to remember that but I didn't forget how to do it.  I wrote this in the beginning of the season and I'll write about it again.  If you're coming on a future trip, please remember to bring the lost art of anchovy fishing skills.  A big part of that is an anchovy rod and reel.  Something light that's meant for 20-25 pound test with a nice free spool to help you toss those anchovies away from the boat.  I hate to say it but if that means you need to bring your coffee grinder so be it.  
    The weather is still good!  Man I hope this can hold up for at least my buds on the upcoming Heil 5 day trip leaving the day after tomorrow.  We're staying put right here for our last day fishing tomorrow.  We're hoping we can get more of the 60-80 pounders tomorrow but we will be stoked with the 30-45's as well.


February 8, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

Our final day went perfectly as planned. We fished a few hours drifting for cod in flat calm weather. Good red and ling cod fishing. We then shot outside and found a couple kelps holding some nice grade yellowtail and a few dorado. We enjoyed a nice easy ride home and spent the rest of the day lounging, cleaning, some read, watched movies and some took naps. We get in tomorrow at 7:30, unload, load and the big guy takes her back out for 4 days. We're out. Stay classy San Diego

February 7, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Up Date 11-17-2013

Another productive day of scratch fishing here aboard the Polaris Supreme, off of the Baja Mexico coast. A bit more variety than days past, even to the point of stumping the marine biologist passengers aboard in identifying a bottom dwelling creature or two that were incidental catches. Anything that comes aboard that stumps the boat is typically referred to generically as a "snarf" of some type. Seems as though there's always something new to discover on these trips.

Our weather continues to behave, and we're loving that. I don't believe that we've had 10 knots of wind at any point over the past eight days. We couldn't ask for better weather. The sea temperature is dropping slightly as we head into the more northerly latitudes, though. We were up bright and early this morning, before daybreak, and watched as the moon set in the distance, glimmering off of the calm ocean. It looked like a French impressionist painting, except that we were experiencing it, and it was all around us, rather than someone else's rendition hanging on a museum's wall.

Crewmember Mark modeled his hardhat briefly this afternoon. I think it's in anticipation of his getting ready to do something really stupid, and being sentenced by the rest of the crew to wearing it for an extended period of time. Think of it as the Polaris Supreme's version of a dunce cap. Kristin, I apologize for spelling your name incorrectly yesterday. Happy anniversary AGAIN to both you and Captain Drew.

Dinner tonight is fresh wahoo, with some rice and green beans, I believe. I only eat the dinners to get my hands on the incredible desserts that they've been serving. Not really ... I only eat the desserts to make Captain Tommy feel less guilty for his indulgences.

February 6, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 10-20-2019 The Polaris Supreme arrived nice and early yesterday with the AHI Charter unloading a beautiful catch from down south plenty of Wahoo beautiful grade Tuna and Dorado! We were able to get out nice and early on our eight day open party trip with a fun group of regulars. Our traveling down was good yesterday as well as it is today. Of course the usual seminar on tackle and technique with a lot of rigging napping and eating some good food is going down today. Because of our early departure and making good speed we should be into the fishing grounds at a good hour tomorrow. Things sound a little scratchy at the moment but it looks like it has good potential for improvement. That's all for now we will check in with you tomorrow after hopefully a good day of fishing. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 5, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

We got a little bit of something throughout the whole day. Everywhere we went we got yellowtail, but no real bug hits. Our morning bite had great quality but not as many as yesterday. Our weather is still good because of the island. Tomorrow we will be in open water on patties looking for dorado, tuna and yellowtail. Great fresh yellowtail and shrimp scampi for dinner. Check in tomorrow for our report. Thanks, Tommy and crew

February 4, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

POLARIS SUPREME TRIP REPORT 11-08-2020 TO 11-12-2020 Day 6 and 7 ( that would be the 8th and 9th) where very similar. Both days we had fair pickings on the wahoo on the sardine during the day and Incredibility Awesome fishing on 30 to 40 pound Yellow tail at nite. A couple of great days of fishing. Weather was a little breezy but not to bad all and all good weather except our traveling to get here that was rough going. Day 8 the 10th we spent the morning fishing kelp patty's for Dorado and Wahoo. The guys kept 14 Dorado and released the rest and we had 2 wahoo get away. The rest of the day was spent traveling and napping. We where really burning the candle at both end of the stick fishing all day for Wahoo and all night for monster Yellow tail. The sleep was well earned. Day 9 and 10. That's today and tomorrow. Today is scrub the boat day and we have great weather to do it in. Tomorrow we will be arriving early to unload a nice catch of fish. We would like to thank all of our great anglers for a fun trip and special thanks to Jim Stan and Clarence for bringing their friends together on the trip. Thank you Stan you ARE THE SWAG MASTER. We have the night in and will be leaving Friday on a 1.5 day private charter fishing Saturday. See you then. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

February 3, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 08-07-2012

Absolutely gorgeous flat calm weather today. And that was the key to pulling the rabbit out of the hat at the end of the day. Definitely a slow start from morning through mid-day. But in the afternoon it was game on, on light breezers of yellowfin tuna. The schools probably only held 50 fish each and were really, really hard to see. Just barely making the lightest ripple on the water. The challenge of it made it really fun for Drew and I trying to spot them. Especially since they immediately bum rushed the boat when we slid on them. And everybody hooked one right off the bat. If you were quick, you got two before it was all over. And then off we were to find another school. The fast pace was very exciting after the last two days of plunker fishing. We fished late so we will have a late arrival tomorrow, probably around 9:00 am. We will get out an update on jackpot contenders and then for the next 3-day, Captain Drew will be out with the Prince of Words, Richie, doing the updates.

Thanks for tuning in, have a great night.

Team Supreme

February 2, 2025 northeast sd Fishing Report

We have made a few changes to our schedule for Christmas break. Starting this Friday (Dec 21) we will be scheduled everyday until December 31. The only day we will not be scheduled is Christmas Day. On January 1st we will shut the boat down for our annual maintenance period. Happy holidays. Capt. Ryan Bostian.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for northeast sd are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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