ft desoto Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

🗺️ Location FT DESOTO
🌎 Country CA
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March 12, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report

The Dolphin III has been purchased by Mike Pritchard a veteran captain with a vast amount of experience.   Captain Pritchard has recently worked on the Legend and prior to that spent time working on the the Intrepid and Excel. The Tribute has moved to it's new home at Seaforth Sportfishing were it will be the primary open party overnight boat.
Captain Pritchard has renamed the boat to honor his mentor Bill Poole.   The boat was previously owned by Bill Poole and will be a fine edition to the Seaforth Fleet.

March 11, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report

21 yellowfin tuna 7 skipjack. Had enough fish under and around the boat to catch 200. Unfortunately we never found a school that was easy to hook. We will try again tomorrow. Starting to see some large sardines. Please bring some size 2 and 2/0 hooks.

March 10, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report


March 9, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Update 11-02-2012



Today we traveled up past the Ridge and Alijos Rocks. The Guys have plenty of wahoo so we decided to leave any wahoo at the Rocks for one of the other boats in our code group who is going to be their later in the day. We wish them good luck. I have been very reluctant to bring it up but our weather has been and is fantastic so far and is forecast to be so for the next few days. And on another good note our speed going up the line has been great and we will easily make our ETA of 8:00 hrs. on Sunday morning. We will see all you Lady's who have chosen to make the 4 hour round trip to see your husbands their. The crew finished scrubbing the last major section of the boat and only have a little fine tuning for our next group The OTR Gang ( Ocean Tackle Research ). George has given me the ok to use up a couple of hours of our spare time to go looking for flying fish for kite bait next trip, wish us luck and thanks in advance George. The gang has just been kicking it. Charlie is trolling and has caught 1 dorado, Jer Bear is more like sleepy bear, George is making lists for his next trip. I don't think it has any thing to do with fishing because it had sluice box on it. Gunner has watched Jack Ass 3 Way too many times. Craig has been doing computer work and hanging with JC and Charlie on the aft deck. Brad, Bernie, Scott, and Bill are like ground hogs you just don't know how long they are going to be up for meals before they go back down napping. I went through over 1,000 pictures and came up with about 250 that I will put up on the web sight and our face book page on Sunday morning. I will warn you now that it's mostly guys cocktails cigars and sun sets. I can't believe we caught so many wahoo and I think their is only 2 wahoo pic's.

Well that's about it Eating very good still 4 meals a day. Sometimes we even have 10 zies and 2 zies. ( Ya Ya Richie I know that as well as other words I made up are spelt rong.) Getting caught up on the zzzzzz's. Thanks for tuning in Team Supreme.

March 8, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report

The Apollo is a go for departing Friday night. We will be targeting White Seabass and Halibut. The fare is $145. We have been having good fishing for rockfish if the Seabass do not show up. Call Jodie at (858) 220-1593 to get in on the action.

March 7, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report

After a 5+ hour drift we pointed for home with 50 bluefin(20-60lbs) and 42 yellowfin(15-35lbs). Never know what we might see on the ocean. Bring rods to fish 20-40lb line and size 4-2/0 hooks.

March 6, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report

Aug. 25

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bluefin are the most unpredictable fish out there that we fish for. If you would have told me yesterday that we were going to have a day like we had today, I would have laughed in your face. Never again though. I will never trust this fish. For the last several days the bluefin fishing was very poor. I really thought that it was over for the year. I was wrong. Today we experienced the best bluefin tuna fishing I have ever seen. This is on a quantity to quality ratio that I'm talking about here. In my 13 years of long ranging, today was the best for the Bluefins.

Just after 6:00 this morning we stopped on a single fish mark under the boat. Just after 6:00 tonight we left them. The whole time we drifted it was pretty much wide open. The fish were from 25 up to 75 pounds. Most of them being in the 30-40 pound range. Once again we went into battle and we won. Oh yeah, we fished in the rain. At around 11:00 it started raining and it never stopped. Everyone on board was absolutely drenched all day and it was awesome. By the end of our stop no one was fishing so Mark and I grabbed a couple of rods and boated 3 of them ourselves. It was only Mark and I fishing and I was bringing one in and wouldn't you know it, when the fish was at gaff, there was Mark's spectra tangled all over my fish. 2 anglers fishing and he manages to make a big tangle. MAAAARK!!! I would have made him put on the dunce helmet but he was already wearing it. Heres why. There was a 2 fish tangle and Mark grabbed 1 of the rods to unwrap it and he dropped it right in the water. MAAARK!!!. Unbelievably another person fishing managed to hook one of the guides on the rod and we got it back. Fish and all. I immediately tossed Mark the yellow dunce helmet and he wore it all day.

Needless to say everyone on board is beat tired and we will not have any trouble sleeping through the night tonight. We're headed for the yellowtail grounds now and will be there first thing in the morning.

March 5, 2025 ft desoto Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 08-13-2016 We had another fun day today! Today was a little different though most of the fun was catching fish not traveling. We had very good yellowtail fishing all day, we started off right at the crack of dawn with flurry fishing which progressed into a wide-open bite for several hours and then flurry fishing again! After a midday low it all started up again through the rest of the day. We were catching fish mostly on bait. Fly lighting was number one with dropper loop fishing coming in a close second. We didn't have a lot of jig fish but that probably was contributed to the fact that we didn't have anyone fishing jigs most of the time. Weather is excellent and were hoping to do this again tomorrow. Thanks for tuning in the Polaris Supreme Team!

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for ft desoto are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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