chattahoochee river Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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July 26, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

~~Oct. 11
 And here's what we did today.  The crew rigged up mucho tackle.  I'm talking the grande stuff for the grande fish.  After that and after breakfast we did our tuna seminar and I talked Tommy into doing a couple parts of the seminar.  All I know for the past 10 years is my tuna seminar.  It's nice to get a different perspective.  Anyways, after that we were finishing up tackle rigging when poof, all three trollers went off.  So we caught a couple meals.  3 nice dorado.  So then it was lunch time of street tacos.  And then some napping went down and the afternoon movie was Caddy Shack.  When 5:00 rolls around it's cocktail hour and it looks glorious.  Drinks, cigars, and friends.  Then we had baby back ribs for dinner.  Once again like the first 2 nights we tried for some giant squid to use as bait, but we were unsuccessful. 

 Still no storms brewing up down below and we're getting more and more confident we won't be getting pushed out of the fishing grounds until we say so.  2 more days of travel before we arrive.  Everyone is enjoying themselves now because in a couple days, it's going to be war.  We'll be battling it out with 200+ pound tuna and wahoo.

July 25, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

Capt Mike Pritchard called in last night from the Tribute last night with an update, they were on day 2 of a 4.5 day trip. They arrived Colonet around 10 am, very good Yellowtail fishing from 18 - 28 lbs. We did have a lot of casualties and ended the day with 53 Yellowtail and probably lost just as many. The Yoyo fishing was the most fun, but we had a hard time getting them off the bottom with 50 lb rigs. So far today we have 25 Yellowtail, as the weather gets nicer we are going to head offshore. We will check back in again later.

July 24, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

Hello anglers. We have a very short notice opening. This is a 5 day leaving Nov. 1st. returning Nov. 6th. We are going to Guadalupe Island. JJ had been there on a few trips already this year and fishing has been amazing. Call Toke if you can make this one. 310-413-4343

July 23, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

Well another carbon copy of yesterday. Traveling in beautiful weather, nice and calm. Rigging gear and eating great food like Huevos Rancheros in the am and rack of lamb for dinner. Sounds like those of you that didn't stay home to watch the *_CHARGERS WIN THEIR FOOTBALL GAME_* went to the boat show in San Mateo had a good time. Dave said he had a chance to talk to a lot of new customers. We look forward to having you as well as our wonderful repeat customers on board the Polaris Supreme.

July 22, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

43 Anglers, 164 Yellowfin Tuna 158 Skipjack Tuna 36 Yellowtail 2 Mahi Mahi. Lots of driving was interrupted by 2.5 hours of very aggressive fish

July 21, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

This morning was slow and the weather was rough. We lost a couple of nice fish because of the weather, but as the afternoon came so did good weather and really good fishing. Roger got a pair of bookends now as he landed another big tuna weighing in at 255 lbs. Most of the fish were 120-170 lbs. Fun afternoon. Dinner was an incredible roasted duck, my favorite. We are hoping for good weather and more great fishing tomorrow.

July 20, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

Nov. 17th

                Well the plan worked.  We stayed tucked behind Cedros Island till 1:30 this morning.  That gave things above time to settle down.  The wind backed off at 10:00 last night and it was a surprisingly nice ride up this morning.  It was a little herky jerky but much better than we thought it would be.  We went full cruise and barely got the windows wet.  Due to the nice ride, we had some time to fish this morning and we found some action.  We hit up this little pinnacle and it had some 14-18 pound yellows hanging out.  We made a few drifts and an anchor job and managed to scratch up more then 2 per rod.  We all needed a little action.  We'll be a little late getting in tomorrow but it's worth it.  We deserved some action after being stuck in the lee yesterday due to the weather.


                And that's it.  That's the trip and that's the 2015 season for us.  It's time to hang with the family and be a dad and a husband.  Time for the rest of the crew to do what they do.  Until February that is.  Then we leave on a long one.  It's also time for me to thank all our customers.  Thanks for the year, and thanks for the years.  It's always fun and it's always different.  This year will have a special place in the old memory bank just like all the other years and it's because of most of you reading these posts.  And I just want you to know, that we all appreciate what you do for us, and mostly it's as easy as coming out fishing with us.  THANK YOU!!!!!!


July 19, 2024 chattahoochee river Fishing Report

~~Oct. 6
 Here we go again.  One last short trip of the year.  My last trip as the captain.  El Capitan, Master, number 1,el jefe, the chief...  After this one Tommy comes out for 15 days.  You'll still get my blogs though because I'll be here.  Right now though I'm thinking about this trip right here that we're on right now.  I'm feeling some dorado and tuna tomorrow.  I'm hoping we get it done early and I have the problem of figuring out, OK, what next?  That would be real nice.  We'll see.  I have her on course and I'm feeling prime rib tonight.  I don't think I've eaten it in 2 years out here but tonight might be the night.  I haven't been very healthy lately so what's one more drink on the Titanic right?

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for chattahoochee river are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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