tarryall reservoir Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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March 11, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

Good evening. Things are happening down here on the Polaris Supreme. From this morning until about 1500 hours, we didn't do hardly anything. Some of that time was spent traveling but what I'm getting at is rather impressive. From 1500 hours until dark, we caught our daily limits of 25-35 lb. bluefin, 19 yellowfin, and 1 dorado off of one stop. Very good fishing and to top it off, the weather is very pleasant and it's looking like more of the same for the next 48 hours. We'll see. Good times today, man. You know it's good when Chef Schooler's afternoon snack sat on the table for three hours, untouched. Schooler was pumped too, surprisingly. He gaffed fourteen fish today (you know it's good when Chef "Shabba" is out on deck), got most on the first shot, and didn't knock one off of the line. Sonny Jim! We're very proud of Shabba and the boys had themselves a real ball.

Anyhow, the boys are all tucked away and getting their rest for tomorrow. We'll chat with you then. Peace.

P.S. Our good friend Jack Golden would like to say hello to his lovely wife Pat. Also, don't worry, boss. I tossed Larry the camera during the bludgeoning and he took a ton of photos.

March 10, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

Hey gang Ryan from the San diego checking in with the Coronado island report. Some very nice schools of yellowtail have moved into the islands. I can honestly say that every time we stopped the boat today we were stopping on a big school of yellows.

Hooking and landing these yellows was not easy to say the least. We hooked around 30 fish today and landed 16. This time of year a lot of our anglers are first timers so hooking and landing a 20-30 lb. yellowtail in 75 foot of water is a tall order. With that being said we did have several people catch their very first yellowtail ever today. Our hotshot angler for the day was Edgar Marty. Edgar was one of the few anglers who had his own tackle today and he hooked 5 yellows and landed 4. Edgar was flylining sardines on 25 lb. mono with a 5 ft. piece of fluorocarbon tied to the end. Conditions at the islands are about as nice as they could be.

Come join us , we run everyday.

Capt. Ryan

March 9, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 08-06-2019 AM Just a little glimpse of the awesome action before day light. The Polaris Supreme Crew!

March 8, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

~~Sep. 8
 Today was not a bad day at all.  We tailed it.  The yellowtail bit a little.  We fished a fun little pinnacle rock most of today.  Conditions weren't perfect for drifting today.  For starters it was windy as heck here last night and yesterday.  We didn't see any of that because we weren't here but we got some of the after effects of it.  We had no wind at all yet we were rolling our pa toots off for the first couple hours of the morning.  Because we had no wind we were drifting with the current so it made fishing that spot difficult.  The fish wanted to be right on the edge of it and we would end up drifting right on top of the pinnacle and we were losing a lot of the fish we would hook.  The simple solution would be to anchor up off the edge but we tried that and the fish wouldn't bite on the anchor.  So it was really good fishing but landing them was tough but we were still able to land plenty.

 After lunch things straightened out and we were able to make a few good drifts but then I watched the entire school on my meter swim to the deeps and vanish.  After that we couldn't find the fish on that spot anymore.  They swam away.  So we looked else where and we were unsuccessful at finding any more yellers.  That was fine though.  We still caught plenty today.  It was a good day.

 Tomorrow we're going to finish the trip off looking to top off on dorado.  If we can get it done early enough we may have some time to try for some more yellows.  Otherwise we'll just be rolling on home after wards.

March 7, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

Another travel day to get to the tuna grounds. Good weather and good food. Fresh tuna steaks with oriental fresh vegetables for lunch and a tasty New York steak for dinner. We are ready to get our lines wet. Wish us luck. By the way, those of you up around Sacramento, go to the boat show and look for Dave Dunham in the Polaris Supreme booth. He will be in there to answer all your questions and take your reservation. 2008 is going to be a great season. Come join us.Tommy and crew

March 6, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

Captain Aliyar called in with us today from the Polaris Supreme:

We just got tied up this morning from a 3 Day trip. We finished with 15 Bluefin Tuna. The first day we saw a good sign of fish bit it was hard to get a bite. Yesterday the fish were more scatted and it was tougher fishing. The biggest we landed was a 197 pounder and we had a couple in the 140-150 pound range. We put in the effort to scratch up 15 of them.

We have some spots open in May for some 1.5 Day trips, Call Wednesday in her office at 619-706-3634 or go straight to our website and check out the schedule. We are back out again tonight for a 1.5 Day.

March 5, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian called in late last night with an update from The San Diego out of Seaforth Landing in Mission Bay! We had 101 Yellowtail for 53 anglers. We also saw a couple nice spots of Bluefin Tuna. Right now we are not allowed to catch Bluefin Tuna in Mexico so we will continue to focus on Yellowtail for the meantime. Hopefully, the Bluefin issue will be resolved soon.

The San Diego runs trips daily from Seaforth Sportfishing. You can book online or call (619) 224-3383 to get in on the action.

March 4, 2025 tarryall reservoir Fishing Report

~~Sep. 12
 Hello all.  Things went smooth today at the landing.  We got in first, pre 5:30 AM and we had our peops on by 7:30 with our last climbing aboard before 9:00 and we were gone.  Gone to the bait receivers.  I was sure of what we were going to get.  Straight 2 day old sardine.  I told everyone we'd be fishing our way down to the wahoo grounds.  It's hot water down there so I didn't want to bring that bait down there too soon in case it would all die.  But things were different at the receivers.  They had that little mackerel we got a couple trips ago.  So we loaded up with that because I'm pretty confident it will live good in that 80+ degree water down below.  So as of now, we're headed straight down  to the wahoo/tuna/yellowtail/dorado grounds.  At least we hope it is.  We'll start down there and if we have to work back up to make a catch we will but hopefully we can just make a trip of it down below.  So that means we travel today, tomorrow, and arrive the following day hopefully by mid morning.  We'll see what kind of speed we make.

 Today was nice.  We hauled but in the morning, but after getting bait and putting her on course, the rush was over.  We have been fishing the first day out on every trip since early August, so this is quite the treat not fishing today.  We love to fish over here but just relaxing, not having to rush to get the seminar done and rushing to get the loaner tackle out was really nice.  I took a nap.  It was pretty cool.  I'm showered, rested and just sitting here writing to you folks.


Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for tarryall reservoir are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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