new smyrna beach Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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October 17, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

Sept. 29

Well today was more of the same. We woke up to coffee, machaca and eggs and a Tom Cruise movie. Then we rigged up our heavy gear and did our tuna seminar. Then we trolled it up for a bit and looked at a couple of kelps for some neck tie size dorado which we let go. Then we had a nice taco salad and some kind of a room temp soup which was good and then some chose to take a nap while others chose to listen to football and do what guys do while we listen to football. After that it was dinner time and then a quick nap before arriving to the bait grounds at 11:00 PM. Bait fishing wasn't a great success but we did manage to catch 13 nice size squid that will fish beautifully on the kite. Hey, that's 13 200+ pound tuna as far as I'm concerned. Now everyone is in bed and I'm up driving and writing this.The weather couldn't be better and we're about half way there so a little more relaxation before we get down and dirty for several days straight.

The Polaris Supreme Crew.

October 16, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 08-24-2016 As reported yesterday it was a very tough day fishing. We spent the whole day stopping on spot after spot after spot. It got to a point where I thought maybe the passengers didn't think we were really seen fish. One of the things we noticed was where the yellowfin tuna was hanging out, even though it didn't bite It Turns out it was good Intel for today. It did pay off this morning, we ended up shutting down right at daylight on a really nice school that stuck with this until after lunchtime. The grade of fish was 35 to 80 pounds. We hung with it for about another two hours and it just wouldn't bite. After about three hours of searching we finally found where the fish had moved to while we were drifting all morning. We were rewarded with another afternoon bite equal to what we caught in the morning we ended up with a fantastic day of quality, I say quality yellowfin tuna. We also had in the mix by half a dozen nice grade bluefin tuna. We are heading in and going to drop off our Joe Beck charter and pick up Beverly and her group. Thanks for tuning in the Polaris supreme team.

October 15, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

Hey gang:

This past week we got a taste of just about everything the offshore grounds have to offer. Wednesday and Thursday were spent drifting over the top of some of the biggest schools of bluefin tuna I have ever seen in the local waters. While we had a lot of fish around and under the boat we did not catch all that many of them. I have been saying for years that I believe a bluefin tuna is one of the hardest fish to hook in the ocean and they proved it as we caught 11 on Wednesday and 7 on Thursday. Monday and Tuesday were relatively slow days for us as we returned to the dock with 20-30 mixed fish (yellowtail,dorado). On Friday and Saturday we took out 2 separate rent rod charter groups and experienced some very fun fishing for yellows and dorado. The highlight of the week was our Saturday trip as we caught 68 mixed fish (46 yellowtail 22 dorado). If you are planning to come out with us this week , all you need to bring is a few bait rods. 25 lb. has been the most popular size as it is a nice medium between light and heavy. In the event that we run into a school of bluefin a 15 or a 20 lb. rod is a nice outfit to have. A 30 lb. rod can be used on kelps where the dorado and yellowtail are biting good.

Come fish for exotics with us!

Capt. Ryan Bostian

October 14, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

Hello everyone, Today we wanted a Yellowtail topper, and a yellowtail topper we got! By no means wide open, but enough yellows to keep everyone busy for a half a day. The hot ticket was the famed blue and white 6x yo yo iron, tried and true for years and still holding strong today. All and all a nice day of yellowtail fishing to round out a great fall 7 day variety trip. It was really something catching Yellowfin Tuna, Wahoo, Dorado, and Yellowtail all in one trip! Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, so after our great Yellowtail topper we pointed the boat northbound to San Diego. We are very far from home so we have another day of travel ahead of us tomorrow Another successful trip logged away here aboard Polaris Supreme! Will report again tomorrow, The Supreme Team. For your chance at a great fall variety long range experience, we have a 10 day coming up quick with spots available. Get in on the action and sign up today!

October 13, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

Today was a fun day. The weather is good now but it was crappy yesterday. At first we were getting yellowtail, which the guys released and then we got into some of those nicer grade yellowfin. Up to 60 lbs. or so. The sharks are nauseating. For lunch we had fresh yellowtail in an Italian, caper, Kalamata olive mixture with fresh tomatoes. Dinner was veal Melanesia. Both were yummy. The guys are having a good time. Not much wahoo yet. But we will see what tomorrow brings. Wish us luck! Thanks for tuning in.

October 12, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

~~Oct. 12
 Here's what went down today.  Breakfast, then American Hustle(movie), then a whole lot of tuna leader making, then the Charger game.  Listen to this.  Our goofball crew member Mark Clark, well he claims to be a Raider fan but the only time he seems to care what they do is when they play the Chargers.  Myself and the rest of the crew usually bet 20 dollars on each game. Well today couldn't have played out better.  Prior to the start of the game he assumed we were betting and to rub it in that the Raiders are no good, I claimed I didn't want to bet because I'd feel I was taking money out of his sons pocket.  He insisted  we bet so we did.  I still had it planned out to give him his money back if the Chargers blew them out as the ultimate rub in.  So if you didn't know, it was a nail biter.  Mark missed the last couple minutes of the game and everyone on board made him think that the Raiders won.  He immediately came down to the galley and just absolutely let me have it.  I don't know
 how but I managed to keep a straight enough face to still have him think the Raiders won.  Ever since then he's been on cloud 9.  I don't know how and when I'll break the news and bring his reality crashing down to a major low.  I'm sure looking forward to it though.  He thinks he's up 120 bucks but more importantly to him he gets to talk all that smack. 

 Anyways, moving on.  It's cocktail hour now and soon we will be feasting on a veal chop.  One more day.  The weather is fantastic right now.  A beautiful sunset too.



October 11, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

Mitsubishi Electric private charter wrangled 91 yellowfin and 2 bluefin.

October 10, 2024 new smyrna beach Fishing Report

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Good afternoon. We're still steaming up the line; making terrible speed at the moment. We're still to far away and there is still a large land mass that we have to navigate around to give a solid ETA at the moment (14:01 hours). We're about 150 nautical miles from the Cedros/Benitos gap so we've got a ways to go. Our weather thus far has been windy and cold. If the breeze would back off 10 knots or so, it would be hot butter out here. We don't do too much more complaining about it though, we easily could be taking spray over the house and shuttering along. It's really not bad; just windy and cold.

Anyhow, we've been knocking out various projects around the boat like Mark wrapping new gaffs because he breaks them at an alarming rate, organizing the tool box, organizing the tackle bins/upper deck, and Jeff was last seen rigging up 130 lb. flourocarbon leaders for some reason. I guess he's bored or really excited for his next trip. Other activities have included watching "Zero Dark Thirty", which we gave one thumb up, napping, and working out. I'm pretty sure Drew is trying to kill me. Yesterday, he had us walk around the boat 35 times, do 100 squats and 100 sit-ups. Today, he had us walk around the boat 70 times, do 150 push-ups and 300 squats. I hate Drew. So, I'm taking the day off tomorrow because on Friday, we have almost 6 tons of tuna/wahoo to take out of the wells and put into carts. Bottom line, I hate Drew right now. Hate him. Schooler wanted me to make mention that he made delicious cheeseburgers for lunch and I'm going to mention that he is wearing orange socks, shorts, and a long sleeve shirt; I can't decide if he looks like a hippity-hop or a Home Depot bucket.

So that is all. We'll chat with you tomorrow and hopefully, we'll make some decent speed and have a set ETA for y'all. Later.

-The Supreme Team

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for new smyrna beach are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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