lake saint clair Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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March 12, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

The video game fishing continues. 166 yellowtail on yo-yo jigs and dropper loop sardines.

March 11, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

53 pass. 250 yellowtail on bait, surface iron and yo-yo. Trips are selling out fast. Grab your passport or passport card and call Seaforth at 619-224-3383.

March 10, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

We finished off our trip at the lupe and it was poor. No sign of big fish only small fish. Good weather on our way home. We'll be dock side for a few days and departing on Wednesday for 10 days.

March 9, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

Friday, July 6th, 2012

Hi friends. We departed early this afternoon on an open party two-day trip with a nice load of folks hoping to find themselves on some gamefish come Saturday. We have a lot of new folks on this trip and a lot of familiar faces joining us for the weekend, so we're pumped. Our gameplan is to run a little below the area we were fishing on Thursday as there were some schools of Bluefin seen and we'll try our luck at some kelp paddies as well. Anyhow, our weather is very pleasant and our passengers are in good spirits and we'll be fishing at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning, Hopefully, we'll awake to a big ole, fat school under the boat, ready to eat. We'll see. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

-Team Supreme 

March 8, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

After two trips in a row without seeing yellowtail. This morning we were pleasantly surprised when we located a nice school first thing in the morning. After a hectic 10 minute drift with our 48 anglers we had four 13-19 pound yellowtail on the deck. All four of our yellows were taken on yo-yo jigs. The rest of our trip was spent catching whitefish and rockfish with a few sheephead mixed in. Our afternoon yellowtail hunt came up empty. Fish Count = 4 yellowtail 14 sheephead 1 lingcod 215 whitefish 107 rockfish.

March 7, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

~~Trip Report 08.10.2015

 Good evening folks. Today didn't fair out like we planned. It proves that's why it's called fishing and not catching. We didn't have the awesome weather that we had yesterday, but it was certainly fishable. Our common yellowtail zone has been producing fairly well over the past few weeks, but there are those off days too. What's encouraging though, is there is also school of yellowfin tuna down here South as well. It's great for keeping our options open for when the tails don't want to cooperate. My feeling is the the tails just took a day off to regroup and we'll get at it first thing in the morning and start tagging some fish right away. On a brighter note, we did move north a little ways in the early afternoon and hit a giant breezer of tuna. Pretty close to a football field size I would say, and we managed to get a nice chunk of them to stick with us. It took some shoveling of bait to get them to stick, but they did. Nothing like a nice chaotic tuna bite to break up the day. We managed to turn it into a nice 100 fish stop of a pretty good grade I might add. All and all, we ended up putting a descent afternoon and everyone got to tag plenty of tuna. Tomorrow is a new day, we'll cross our fingers that the fish God's are on our side tomorrow and we'll check back in after we wrap it up for the day.

Also, we cannot forget to wish Michelle Taylor a very Happy Birthday from Troy and the boys out here on the Polaris Supreme!!

Jed and Crew

March 6, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

We had an absolutely wonderful day fishing today. We had the most flat calm weather and the tuna fishing was as good as it gets. It was all offshore on sonar schools and meter marks. The fish were all 20-32 lbs. and few bigger. It was a good day to be on the water.

Thanks for checking in.

March 5, 2025 lake saint clair Fishing Report

Captain Ryan Bostian checked in from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in San Diego, CA. We fished at the Coronado Islands yesterday. It was our first trip at the Islands for a months. We had 13 anglers and we had full limits of Yellowtail on our first stop of the day. We had excellent fishing for Yellowtail, Bonito and Calico Bass. They were biting on surface iron and fly-lined baits.

The loads are light. We had two reservations for tomorrow so we should have plenty of room on the boat.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for lake saint clair are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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