lake sabine Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location LAKE SABINE
🌎 Country US
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July 25, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

Sunday, August 4th, 2013

13:53 hours update:

Hi friends. After a brief snafu (spelling?) with the sea anchor, we rolled right into stops on Bluefin tuna with our best drop yielding 35 of those tunas. Most of the fish were in the 14-22 lb. range but we did manage a few whacks on that 40-60 lb. grade as well. Our good friend Travis Donahue decided that throwing a 9'3" Ulua with 40 lb. test was just a stellar idea and managed to hook a dandy of a fish. I'm pretty sure a new style of angling was invented; it was crouching Travis, boot camp deluxe, and an antenna. Travis did his best but Gunny couldn't take it anymore and had to assist little Travis and the battle ensued. Guns had that fish about 2 feet out of the gaff reach of Mark and myself and just like that, sorrow. The Bluefin tuna won this battle and looked to be in the 120 lb. range. Oh brother.

Anyhow, we've been underway for a few hours now, headed to greater points south. Up next on our itinerary is do some Yellowtail fishing. We have a lot of water to cover and we're hoping to be fully engaged in a miracle and stumble upon something this afternoon when we get out of this cooler water and into some of that warm H20. We're hopeful. The gang just enjoyed a spaghetti and meat sauce lunch and Little Chappy just threw on "The Hurt Locker". Everyone is either playing Siskel and Ebert or snoozin'. Our traveling weather is absolutely gorgeous and we'll report back to you tonight with an update of how our afternoon went. Talk to us, Goose. Talk to us...

20:00 hours update:

Well, we never stumbled upon something glorious, or anything for that matter, but we gave it our all and when that failed, the gang had a poker tournament. Anyhow, Chef Shawn and Sweet Dee are preparing some type of shrim and scallop feast and the knock just came under my size 11, not-so-Tuff boots and that means it's dinner time. We'll be to the Yellowtail grounds tomorrow morning and we're hoping for a clobber fest. Take care. Happy Birthday, Zeb.

The team you dream about,

-The Supreme Team


P.S. Hi Drew!

July 24, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

Mike Pritchard called in with this report for the Tribute. "We're wrapping up the 1st Day of our 2 Day Western outdoor News Trip. We had great, great fishing today. We caught limits of Yellowtail, 90 Yellowfin tuna, 5 Bluefin, 9 Dorado & a sprinkling of Skipjack.

We're going to shut down for the evening and be back fishing for more tuna in the morning. This is really great fishing regardless of the time of year.

It's a good time to hop on a boat. If you're interested give Seaforth Sportfishing a call at 619-224-3383."

July 23, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

San Diego regulars Eli Malfavon and Elmer Mun display a couple nice yellowfin they landed in our all day drift. We stopped the boat once for 103 yellowfin and 27 skipjack.

July 22, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 09-07-2016 Hi Supreme fans, Well it seem like the bluefin tuna decided to sleep in this morning. But the squid didn't, Before the crack of dawn we had plenty of squid under our lights that we scooped up for our morning bite. But only one lone 25 pound yellowtail took our offerings. Chef Mike called "first call for lunch" and that's all it took for the bluefin tuna to bite! From lunch time until first call for dinner we had steady action of bluefin tuna from 60 to 80 pounds! Once again Gary Jones would battle one for well over 3 hours and defeat a 80 pound bluefin just before we call it a trip. What a way to end a great trip.We turned the boat towards San Diego with a outstanding catch of bluefin tuna chilling in our RSW!! The Supreme Team.

July 21, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

6 stops worth of picking and scratching accounted for 69 Yellowfin Tuna, 18 Dorado, 57 Skipjack Tuna and 147 Yellowtail. A 20 lb bait rod and a 40 lb bait rod is all you need.

July 20, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

We our ending our trip with a scratch day of yellowtail and dorado. Our weather continues to be good and we will hit the dock tomorrow at 7am. Thanks,

July 19, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

100 grand, 77 inches of rain and enough acetone in our blood to kill an elephant. We are finally done. This Saturday March 16 we start fishing. We will be fishing the Coronado Islands targeting yellowtail and falling back on ground fish if needed. Bring your passports and please make reservations at 619-224-3383. We are scheduled 7 days a week.

July 18, 2024 lake sabine Fishing Report

Oct. 9

Today was mostly spent traveling. We did roll by some wahoo country at lunch time and made a couple of passes with the wahoo jigs but we had no strikes. We were expecting that though as there was already a boat there trolling it up all morning. It was something to break up the ride anyways. The weather was good for traveling so we were stoked on that. Other then that it was normal travel day stuff going on. Little nick knack projects for the crew and relaxation for the rest of the guys. The plan for the next couple of days is to travel all day tomorrow and use the remainder of our bait catching bluefin tuna on our last day which is on Friday.

In other news, I haven't posted it on here yet because I guess your not supposed to till the time is right and now the time is right. Since July my wife and I have been pregnant. Well she's been pregnant. I've just been working. Anyways today was the day we found out the species. Or gender rather. That's right, captain Drew is now captain daddy Drew. We're having a beautiful baby girl. That's right, there's three stages in a mans life and I've reached stage three. You believe in Santa Clause, you don't believe in Santa Clause, and now I am Santa Clause and I couldn't be happier about it. Drink it in people, it always goes down smooth.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for lake sabine are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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