lake macbride Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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July 26, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

Aug. 25

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bluefin are the most unpredictable fish out there that we fish for. If you would have told me yesterday that we were going to have a day like we had today, I would have laughed in your face. Never again though. I will never trust this fish. For the last several days the bluefin fishing was very poor. I really thought that it was over for the year. I was wrong. Today we experienced the best bluefin tuna fishing I have ever seen. This is on a quantity to quality ratio that I'm talking about here. In my 13 years of long ranging, today was the best for the Bluefins.

Just after 6:00 this morning we stopped on a single fish mark under the boat. Just after 6:00 tonight we left them. The whole time we drifted it was pretty much wide open. The fish were from 25 up to 75 pounds. Most of them being in the 30-40 pound range. Once again we went into battle and we won. Oh yeah, we fished in the rain. At around 11:00 it started raining and it never stopped. Everyone on board was absolutely drenched all day and it was awesome. By the end of our stop no one was fishing so Mark and I grabbed a couple of rods and boated 3 of them ourselves. It was only Mark and I fishing and I was bringing one in and wouldn't you know it, when the fish was at gaff, there was Mark's spectra tangled all over my fish. 2 anglers fishing and he manages to make a big tangle. MAAAARK!!! I would have made him put on the dunce helmet but he was already wearing it. Heres why. There was a 2 fish tangle and Mark grabbed 1 of the rods to unwrap it and he dropped it right in the water. MAAARK!!!. Unbelievably another person fishing managed to hook one of the guides on the rod and we got it back. Fish and all. I immediately tossed Mark the yellow dunce helmet and he wore it all day.

Needless to say everyone on board is beat tired and we will not have any trouble sleeping through the night tonight. We're headed for the yellowtail grounds now and will be there first thing in the morning.

July 25, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update 10-31-2018

Great fishing and weather today. Our success ratio was absolutely phenomenal. The grade and quality of fish course as you can see is excellent. As always it was calm in the Lee of Guadalupe Island. But today there was also know wind . Were super excited for another day tomorrow like we had today. See you then!

The Polaris Supreme Crew!

July 24, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

Today we saw incredible sign of 25-40 bluefin tuna. Make sure you bring a 25 lb bait rod to go along with your 40,50 and 60 lb rod.

July 23, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

Just another day in Paradise herding a few up. Good job Jay for putting the boys on them again! #supercows #phenixrods #unitedcomposites #seeker #apollocharters

July 22, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

Mitsubishi Electric private charter wrangled 91 yellowfin and 2 bluefin.

July 21, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

The time has come for us to head BACK TO THE ISLANDS ! There is still some amazing tuna fishing to be had but right now your best bet is to hop on an Overnight a 1.5 or longer trip due to the location of the fish. Today’s offshore trip produced 50 skipjack and 20 small yellowtail. Very good sign of small yellows on kelps that should provide plenty of entertainment if given some time to grow. The 2019 offshore season has been another one for the books. We are scheduled to fish the Islands everyday in November. Call 619-224-3383 for reservations.

July 20, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

Hi Gang

There are now an even 50 of you on this update list plus 8 of our P.R. guys. Hopefully I will have it figured out so I can also send it from the boat starting next Friday when I get back on. It will be a different email address and going through the Sat phone address, so don't send me large files to the boat. Anyways, lets get at it.

Yesterday only one boat remained in the hot area in some pretty crappy weather, and to his credit he kicked the heck out of the bluefin and yellowfin. Equal scores of limits for each. Drew will be there early afternoon. The weather is beautiful again. And as we know these tunas REALLY want to bite when the weather lays down. I'll send you out an update when I talk to him this afternoon. Hope you're having a fun Sunday.


July 19, 2024 lake macbride Fishing Report

~~Sep. 17
 We had bad odds today.  We fished for wahoo and our fish hooked to fish landed ratio was poor.  It always is with wahoo but I feel today was extra bad.  I think if you're landing half of what you hook with wahoo you're doing OK.  Today at best we were 1/3.  At best.  I called out to 2 of our anglers fishing today and asked what there ratio was for the day and I got a 1/2 and a 1/4.  Then my buddy Dave came up to the wheel house and said he was 0/4.  So that gives you an idea.  If we would've caught half of what we hooked today we would've had a really good day.

 Alright.  I'm done whining.  I'm still glad we came here.  Everybody got there chance at a wahoo and there's still a chance for some more tomorrow.  We're headed inside now and we'll be fishing for wahoo while we're looking for tuna first thing tomorrow morning.  The weather now is fantastic.  A little weird this morning with mixed swell and a wind coming from the southwest but it's beautiful now.

 We couldn't come to an agreement on a price for someone to wear Mark's shirt today.  Justin wanted 200 and Mike said he'd do it for 150 but I couldn't find enough people to chip in.  It was a good one too.  He was wearing a white shirt today, so by 9:00 this morning he could've entered a wet t-shirt contest.  He may have won too if you're into guys like Mark.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for lake macbride are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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