high rock lake Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

🗺️ Location HIGH ROCK LAKE
🌎 Country US
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February 15, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

~~Sep 14
 Wow!  What a day.  2015!  We started it off early on anchor.  The sun wasn't even up yet and we were catching tuna and wahoo.  For about an hour there on anchor we were gettinum.  We had about 30 of those 25-30+ pound tuna and almost 20 wahoo before an hour.  Things slowed so we pulled anchor and got nasty.  We had a couple other bingers for wahoo for about 10 each time, and of course we would catch that big tuna during those drifts.  After that though, us and the 3 other boats that were here pretty much had the wahoo caught for the day.  There was a few left to be had but we mostly caught that tuna up to perhaps 40 pounds the rest of the day.  Not wide open.  We're not "fixed up".  Just steady for most of the day.  Before dark we started "the troll of shame".  I've never done that the second day of the trip.  We got 2 passengers out of there and still have 2 or 3 left who haven't caught a wahoo yet.  Oh they had there chances.  Some of those guys on that team lost 4 or 5 skin today.  But that's wahoo fishing.  Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes the bar eats you.

 We're going to try this again in the morning.  I would love to get 40 or 50 more tuna and a couple more handfuls of wahoo.  That would be epic.  After the morning hit we're going to make a run and try for some yellows in the afternoon.

February 14, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

The time has come for us to head BACK TO THE ISLANDS ! There is still some amazing tuna fishing to be had but right now your best bet is to hop on an Overnight a 1.5 or longer trip due to the location of the fish. Today’s offshore trip produced 50 skipjack and 20 small yellowtail. Very good sign of small yellows on kelps that should provide plenty of entertainment if given some time to grow. The 2019 offshore season has been another one for the books. We are scheduled to fish the Islands everyday in November. Call 619-224-3383 for reservations.

February 13, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

Good afternon faithful Supreme followers. Checking in from the bridge as we head south to the tuna grounds on this 2 day adventure. Tommy, Susan and the crew would like to start by thanking Mr. Robin Gledhill for putting together yet another great group for his annual Blue-White 5 day charter. He never ceases to make it a pleasurable vacation for both his anglers as well as the crew. From 0 dark thirty to night fall with bent rods and the variety of fish coming over the rail to the evenings hosted by Chef Shawn with his A+ meals and Mr. Gladhill serving up the numerous different wines that are brought along to wet the lips after a busy day of fishing. We always enjoy watching our buddy Kenny "Hammertime" Holland engage in battle with any fish he swings on because let me tell you, that's a show folks, that one intense fella! Our own Capt. Tommie "Gunny" Miles found out that himself and Kenny spent time on the same ship at the same back in the 1980's when Gunny was in the Marine Corps and Kenny was in the Navy!!! Small world!! Thanks once again Robin for a great trip and and we look forward to seeing you and the gang next year.

So as I check in here, we have her pointed south toward a nice looking pocket of water that we are hoping will be holding a nice kelp or maybe a lucky school of tuna to get the trip started. We shall find out just before dinner tonight. The weather isn't too bad at the moment, a little wind and a hint of a roll when the boat stops, but shouldn't be to bad for us though. Let's hope everything weatherwise prevails so we can have a productive day tomorrow. We wanna welcome Chef David "Shabba" Schooler back into the galley for the next couple trips after a little bit of time off. Always fun having that guy around the boat. He started things off with a real tasty lunch this afternon by serving up a cheese ravioli topped with marinated chicken and peso sauce sided with a chicken ceaser salad. And of course tonight we'll have a prime rib dinner for the guys which is always a crowd favorite.

That's it for now folks, wish us calm seas and bent rods tomrrow as well as Captain Drew to enjoy his couple days off with his wife and Domino the dog after over a month out here on the boat. I know right now as I type this up, he's glued to his TV catching up on the final season of Breaking Bad (him and I are addicted to that show!) We'll give you another check tomorrow evening after fishing and let you know how the day went.

Jed and Team Supreme

February 12, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

Our good morning has continued on and it's been absplutely great fishing here." Mike continued, "So far we have limits of Yellowtail & 150 Yellowfin tuna. The fishing is very good, the kelp fishing is very good & there is really nice weather to go with it. The weather is supposed to continue for the next few days.

"We still have room on tomorrow night's trip. If you'd like to go out on the boat call Seaforth Sportfishing at 619-224-3383."

February 11, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

I have the Apollo in Santa Barbara again for the spring Channel Islands season. We are chartered on most of our weekend dates but here are a few options if you would like to get out fishing with us while we are up north. First we have a 2-day charter coming this weekend (Sat and Sun March 29/30). This regular charter group only takes 15 people and they are short 2 spots. The cost is $ 440 and includes all food. to book on this trip please contact Craig at (858) 638-7500.

February 10, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

35 pass. 140 yellowtail 33 bonito. I know some of you are wondering why we have fish in burlap bags. At the end of the trip we take our fish out of the fishhold and put them in bags so our customers don’t have to carry their fish home in their backpacks. Their core temps are 35 degrees.

February 9, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

Spent most of day searching for yellowtail in extremely clean water and very strong current. Our search for gamefish came up empty but our 50 passengers enjoyed some fine shallow water bottom fishing. We ended up with 150 Whitefish, 50 Rockfish, 30 Sculpin, 10 Sheephead, and 10 Bonito. We are scheduled everyday. Call 619-224-3383 for reservations.

February 8, 2025 high rock lake Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme update 08-16-2012 JP. Wrap Up.

                  Thank you very much Eric Rogger and gang for making it a fun filled five days.  We hope you all enjoyed your time aboard as much as the crew enjoyed fishing with you.  It was really a spectacular catch to see once it was all laid out on the deck this morning.  The jack pot winners were again up there in the 40 pound range, with One Hour To Glory, Doug Aihara coming in first place with a 47.2 lb.
yellowfin tuna.  Second place went to Robert McKlemurry with his 42.6 lb. yellowfin.  And rounding it off in third place was Shely Fried with a 40.6 lb. yellowfin.  All the pictures from this last trip are posted up on the Polaris Supreme website and the Polaris Supreme Facebook page for your viewing.  Just click on photos, then click on 2012, then click on 08/11/2012 Eric Rogger.  We hope we see you all back again next year.
Team Supreme

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for high rock lake are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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