dnr Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 12, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

Captian Ryan Bostian called in this evening with an update from the San Diego out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay. We had our first trip of the year today and we caught 42 Yellowtail (18 to 25 pounds). This was our first trip after doing a couple months of boat work. We did catch fish on using surface iron and yoyo too! If you plan on coming out on the San Diego please be prepared to fish both Surface Iron and Yoyo. You might also want to bring a bait stick too!

We are very happy that the San Diego is back in action. Stay tuned for more information as the season progresses. If you would like to go fishing on the San Diego called Seaforth Sportfishing at (619) 224-3383 or BOOK ONLINE at www.thesandiego.com.

February 11, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

Capt Mike Pitchard called in an on the water report for their overnight trip, fishing has been very goos. We have about 60 mixed fish, with a really good Yellowtail bite now and a few nice ones in the mix. We also have a handful of Yellowfin and Bluefin Tuna, we are starting to run short on time but still fishing. Hopefully we can get a few more before we are done, we are leaving on a 1.5 day trip tonight. Hope everyone is having a great 4th of July.

February 10, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

Suggested tackle for 7:00-4:00 local 3/4 day trips. (1) A 25 or 30 lb. outfit to fish fly line sardines , sliding egg sinker and squid and a lead head and squid. This outfit can also double as a light dropper loop rod for shallow water rockfish. (2) A 40 or 50 lb. outfit. This will be a heavy dropper loop rod for targeting yellowtail , white sea bass and halibut down on the bottom. (3) A deep water rock cod outfit. A 20 size reel filled up with 65 lb. spectra and a 7 ft. rod stiff enough to handle a 16 oz. sinker. If you only want to bring one rod a 30 lb. outfit would be your best bet. TERMINAL TACKLE (Hooks) a pack of size 2 live bait hooks for fishing anchovies and small squid strips. A pack of size 2/0 live bait hooks for fishing live sardines and live squid on an egg sinker. A pack of size 4/0 live bait hooks for fishing live squid on your heavy dropper loop rod. A few long shank rock cod hooks may be usefull but not mandatory on the days we fish deep. (Sinkers) an assortment of sliding egg sinkers from 1/8-1 oz. an assortment of torpedo sinkers from 2-16 oz. Sinker size will be determined by depth of water and strength of current. (Lead heads ) An assortment of "banana" shaped lead heads from 1/2 - 2 oz.

February 9, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

Captain Mike Pritchard called in this morning at 9:27 AM with the update from the Tribute out of Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay, CA. We are off to a great start. Very good Bluefin Tuna fishing. We have 15 Bluefin Tuna and 1 Yellowfin Tuna (about 40 pounds). We have a very light load of only 9 anglers. We need 3 more Bluefin for out limit. We have a few first timers who got there first Bluefin Tuna We have a trip departing tonight. Call Seaforth at (619) 224-3383 to book a spot on the Tribute.

February 8, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 10-24-2019 We had another log jam today on the kelp patties. Another great day of fishing Wahoo and what a beautiful grade of fish! Some real beauties in their. They look more like alligators than Wahoo. They definitely act like alligators when you hook one. We also had a good hit on the yellowfin tuna again this afternoon. The grade of fish was more like 20 to 45 it wasn't all 45 pounders. But still a good grade of fish! Were finished up in the lower zone here and need to start working north. Stayed late today so we will probably only have a few hours of fishing tomorrow if any looking for some yellowtail up the coast. Weather is still epic. We also spent about a half hour today catching and releasing beautiful grade Dorado. We didn't keep any! Will check in with you tomorrow on our way home after a short try for yellowtail. The Polaris supreme crew!

February 7, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

~~Sep 13
 Thank goodness for slow speed.  Even though we got a really good jump yesterday, we weren't going to be getting anywhere down below till late tomorrow.  Our speed was horrible.  1.5 knots below average.  But we sped up this morning.  Yup.  This morning we were only making .75 knots below average.  That all costs a whole lot of time when you're traveling great distances so we decided we'd have to be stopping short.  So that's what we did this afternoon, arriving at 4:30.

 Wow!  It didn't take long before everyone had a tuna on.  And they weren't those 8-14 pounders either.  There were some of those, but the majority of them were those 20-30 pounders.  I say again, "wow".  It bit steady the whole time we which is a couple of hours.  During the stop, I had tied a few hooks and cast a few baits out, you know , like we do, and quite a few times the hook would fall off and I would scratch my head and ask myself, " are my knots failing"?  They weren't.  It took crew member Justin to spot a wahoo flying out of the water to figure it out.

 So we wound them in and threw back the marauders.  Before dark, which wasn't long, we had a little binger for 5 and then one for 1 50 pounder.  Say it with me now.  "Wow"!  We aren't going anywhere tonight.  We'l just kick back and see what the day has to offer.

 My buddy Glen caught the 50 pound wahoo today.  Every year for a while now he has been the last member of the little troll team that I like to call, " the troll of shame"  That's the last few people on board who have not yet caught a wahoo.  He will not be joining that team this year.  Nope.  This year he can join the heckling party.  He get's to see what it's like from the other side.  Way to go Glen.


February 6, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

Looking forward to Puerto Vallarta this Fall!!! Any questions about trips or charters contact Jodie directly. [email protected] 855-220-1593

February 5, 2025 dnr Fishing Report

This past winter the San Diego family lost one of its most beloved members. Mike Morrison known as “Iron Mike” was a dedicated regular who loved chasing bluefin and always kept positive outlook whether he caught one or not. Today his brother landed a 145 pounder and it had Mikes name written on the belly. This fish was one of 18 landed. The other 17 were 60-80 pounders.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for dnr are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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