crater lake Fishing Report 2024

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Location CRATER LAKE
🌎 Country US
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May 2, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

July 19
  Today went well I thought.  Starting with our ride up last night.  As good as it gets.  Flat calm.  The only swell was a long swell that would slowly, gently rock the boat.  We slept like babies.  In fact, I think I woke up with my thumb in my mouth.  I let everyone sleep in if they chose to.  We didn't start fishing until just before 9:00 in the morning.

  We were pleasantly surprised with the fishing.  It was good.  We tried for some more yellows, for us, and to check out the grounds for future trips as well and they bit well.  We kept 2-4 going the whole time until we drove away from them.  "We left them biting".  Our favorite thing to say out here.  After that we ran up and made a few drifts for some Cod.  We had the time and I had a few requests so we caught a few rockfish.

  Now we're headed home.  The crew's scrubbing the boat, I'm writing this, I think there may be a poker game going on, and we're just hanging out and enjoying ourselves and the beautiful ride up.  The wind and swell are on our stern.  That storm out there is blessing us with a lovely ride home.  Its like we're riding down but we're going up.  Timing is everything.  Sometimes it all comes together and this trip was one of them.

  So we'll be home bright and early tomorrow and of course we'll be headed back out a few hours later.

May 1, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 06-29 to 30-2016 Hi guys, sorry for the lack of a report yesterday. Yesterday was a tough day caused by the conditions and, especially the sea lions. On the other-hand, today is a hell of a lot better day. We have been steadily picking away at a phenomenal grade of yellowtail all day long. The yellows are eating anything from fly-line sardine and dropper-loop to the surface iron and yoyo jigs. Many people caught their limits today. As far as the plan for tomorrow, we will be trying something different. Wish us luck, Team Supreme

April 30, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

Bill Roecker spoke with Polaris Supreme owner-skipper Tommy Rothery as he was leaving his slip at 12:30 p.m. Tommy said and Fisherman's Landing spokesman Robert Falcon confirmed that the permits to fish Guadalupe Island for shark boats and long rangers have been obtained. The papers are being flown in from La Paz to Tijuana, and are expected to arrive at 1:30. They will be available at 3 p.m. today. One of four boats departing today, Rothery's Supreme will come back to pick them up, taking some out for the other three boats. The permits are good for two years.

April 29, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

July 18 We couldn't get in our groove today. Stops for 1,1,1,1,1. Saw plenty of fish. Nothing I would call a school but descent balls of fish that just wouldn't react for us. And that's all I have to say about that. Arrive depart tomorrow on another 5 day. July 17 We made awful time coming up the line from Cedros last night then all day we got tied up with all the tons of bluefin schools we passed along the way. 60 miles of the fish. We also scratched yellows on the kelps we went by. The albacore evening area moved up 20 miles and we didn't get to the grounds until 3:15.




We did manage to find a couple hungry biting schools of albacore before dark and put some more meat on the boat currently chilling at a comfortable 30 degrees. Weather is fine and we're going to enjoy some delicious lamb chop for dinner and hit the rack. We'll be here tomorrow to finish up the trip. We are far away from home but we'll stay as long as the fish are biting. Sorry Tommy, we might be getting home late on Monday. July 16 For the past 2 weeks if you were a long range boat at Cedros you just rolled up to a certain spot on the island, shut down and made a day of it. Not today, that certain spot was not happening today. We had to fish. It took a while to locate them but around 11:30 we did. 6 schools up at a time. Unfortunately they were not biting fish. We'd stop on a big school for 6, stop on one for 3,1,0,6,12, like that. At 5:30 we stopped on the mother load school and had them almost jumping in the boat they were so thick but yet again, it didn't bite like advertised. We did get quite a few there and hit a couple more schools before dark where we caught some fish. Perfect weather today and should remain that way for at least a couple more days. We're going to take advantage of the glassy sea and head back offshore for the remainder of the trip. Good night. Drew and the famous crew of the Polaris Supreme. July 15 We started off at the night before hot evening bite area with the fleet. We drove 20 miles to far before light. A code boat who had a later jump passed through that area at daylight and found some biting albacore. So the fleet slides up 20 miles. When we got up there we had time for a couple of stops before the door slammed shut. From then until we left, SLOW. We started to slide down. 20 miles later we're back where we started and we see the fish. 1 good stop, 3 short stops and 1 great stop later, we're headed down to the Island for some great yellowtail fishing and sun block wearing weather. Oh yeah, the weather today was just fine. Drew and the crew. July 14 Good afternoon viewers. We arrived at the dock early this morning and weighed up jackpot. 1st was Tim Ryan with a 36.6 albacore. Second was Kirk Kirkpatrick with his 34.6 pounder and bringing up third was Dennis Mc Neely with one at 33.6. We are now rolling down in beautiful much overdue sunny weather. We have a full load of fantastic sardine and passengers eager to use them. I'm just sitting in the wheelhouse starring at my water charts and listening to my code boats trying to figure out where to be tomorrow. We're going to start somewhere offshore tuna fishing. The reports don't sound to great so we might have to do some fishing tomorrow and try and relocate these albacore. The weather forecast looks great so we have that going for us. It's almost seminar time and shortly there after dinner time.

April 28, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

The guys did it again. Another killer day back to back in more jock strap and sun visor weather. Scott released a 150 lb., 165 lb., 185 lb., another 185 lb., 145 lb., 175., and kept a 210 pounder. Bob released a 135 lb., 185 lb., and kept another 220 pounder. Al released a 170 lb., and kept a 215 lb., 170 lb., 165 lb., and 135 pounder. Craig released a 125 lb., 175 lb., 180 lb., and kept a 175 lb., and 180 pounder. Roger kept a 160 lb., 175 lb., and a 180 pounder. Sheridan released a 170 lb., and kept a 180 lb., and 198 pounder. Tom released a 180 lb., 190 lb., 186 lb., another 180 lb., and kept a 165 lb., 185 lb., and 190 pounder. George released a 100 lb., 110 lb., 120 lb., and 160 lb., and he kept a 160 lb., and 170 pounder. Lunch today was chicken breast burger and dinner was steak Neptune. That's a fillet mignion with crab and Bearnaise sauce. Hors d'oeuvre s were sushi and sashimi. Two more days to fish! Tommy and Crew P.S. The boys say "Hi" to Jim and Charlie. We wish you were here.

April 27, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

Steady stop and go action on school grade yellowfin. 59 yellowfin tuna 1 yellowtail. Private charter tomorrow tomorrow then back to open party on Monday.

April 26, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

Trip summary so far...

Still having issues with the data link on the sat phone and computer so it's been tough to try to get the reports out. However the fishing is the complete opposite. So far the trip is going perfectly as planned for the fishing. Our first morning we had excellent fishing on good quality yellowtail. From there we went outside and had great fishing on the Dorado and got our limits. The next day we had epic tuna fishing from 22-80 lbs. Our weather has been excellent the whole time. And our food has been no less than great, from the best cheeseburger in the world to the most tender flavorful fillet mignon. We will be hunting the wahoo tomorrow and hope our luck will continue.

The office has one cancellation on the 8-day trip leaving October 5th. And if you want a 10-day, Larry Brown still has open spots on his Oct 25th trip. Come out and join me and Tommy if you can.

Thanks for checking in.

April 25, 2024 crater lake Fishing Report

~~Aug 16
 We had another good day today.  Well, afternoon I should say.  Yesterday, we got here at 2:30 in the PM and the fish were biting right away.  I thought for sure if we were here earlier, it would be stellar.  Nope.  2:30 was just right.  We hung out here all day not seeing any yellers, then right at 2;30, they showed up and it was good fishing for the next few hours.  We set up a little differently today and it paid off.  The grade of fish improved.  It was 70% premiums.  That's right.  18-30+ pounders.  2nd fish hold down.  We're cooling down the center well now. 

 Due to the fantastic fishing we've experienced this trip thus far, we are in need of some bait.  We're headed out to what I think is our best chance at making some.  No ones been there as far as I know for quite some time.  It's been windy.  It looks like we have a good weather window so it shouldn't look like the Flemesh Cap.  We're also hoping to run into some bluefin tuna while out there.  We're not just going out there for bait.  We're looking for something to use it on.  Let's keep the ball rolling.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for crater lake are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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