sunshine skyway Fishing Report 2025

For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Field staff update the fishing reports each week through the fishing season, reporting on fishing success, lake levels, water temperatures, and other important information.

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February 12, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Report 09-26-2019 Good afternoon everyone I hope you guys had a great day like we did! Our weather was absolutely slick flat calm all day. I am afraid we're going to have to pay for this later on though. The usual rigging eating sleeping went on throughout the whole day here. Getting geared up for tomorrow when we arrive in our fishing destination. The Polaris Supreme Crew

February 11, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

Another slow day at the islands coupled with a great catch from our code boat Liberty has resulted in us switching our run back to offshore fishing. November is the new September, Viva El NiΓ±o

February 10, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

Pretty darn good fishing once again today, 26 Bluefin and 1 Yellowtail. Please make sure your gear is in good working order, I really should have taken pictures of some of the gear failures.

February 9, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

Hi friends. Well, the day finally arrived and instead of "to-do" lists and parts lists and repair and restoration work, we have our eyes solely focused on stars, a peaceful ocean and visions of tomorrow that has some unable to sleep properly. I'm thankful to say that we have set sail on our first voyage of the 2012 season with Billy Stephen's and his crew of merry lads - young and old alike. Everyone is excited to see what tomorrow brings as we will be targeting Bluefin and Yellowfin tuna and any other offshore foe that wishes to test our hunting skills. We're ready. The blood is pumping and after a hearty feast of prime rib, we're sending everybody down to the rooms to rest up for a long day tomorrow. We'll be up at 0530 and when the sun finally sets at around 2030 hours (summer days seem to never quit), we'll report back to you on our scores and accomplishments and hopefully, they are as bountiful and endless as our fantastic traveling weather that we enjoyed today.

We're back. We've got some old salts on here that know a thing or two about fishing, a crew with hands that are far too gunked up with grease, paint dust and other souvenirs of a lengthy boatwork and some young guns to boot. First trip of the year is an exciting one indeed and we'll see how things play out tomorrow and we'll report back to you at the completion of our day.

-Richie & Team Supreme-

P.S. To all of our lovely ladies back on land who are so gracious to let us go fishing for days and days on end. First of all, hello. How are all of you this fine evening? Good, we miss you too. Now, to all the mothers; the kids are all tucked away in bed and to say they are pumped is an understatement. Everyone is in good spirits and the men are doing a noble job of teaching them to harnessing that energy, get some rest and hit the deck early tomorrow morning. It's all good. Good night now.

February 8, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

The big tuna are around and close! Be sure to have 80- 100lb gear ready with 130 LB leader so you land your fish of a lifetime! 

The last 1.5 Day produced this 190 lb beauty! 

February 7, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

Captain Mike Pritchard called in from the Tribute this evening. We had 141 mixed fish. We had Yellowtail and Yellowfin Tuna. We have another 1.5 day trip departing tomorrow night. Call Seaforth Sportfishing at (619) 224-3383 to get in on the action or book your sport at

February 6, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Report 07-22-2016 Happy Friday everyone! We elected to stay the night at the same place as yesterday, in hopes of another action packed day of yellowtail fishing . We got the anchor down and started fishing around 5:30, to stage ourselves for the morning hit. As the misty morning came upon us we began to hook some nice yellowtail. We were finally starting to hit our stride when the fish quit biting. As the sky cleared it seemed as the yellows did too. We tried several spots that amounted to a slow pick throughout the day. Unfortunately we finished off the day without the wall to wall action yellowtail hit we were hoping for. However we still scratched up some quality fish. We feel very fortunate to have had such a great day of fishing yesterday. After fishing hard into the early afternoon we finally set a course for Point Loma to and wrap up this great 5 day trip. We have smooth sailing for the ride up and are looking at 7:00 am at the dock. We currently have a four day online departing August 2nd that still has a couple openings. If you would like to join us on this fishing adventure please give us a call and lock in your spot today. Also the Polaris Supreme Website now has its pictures in high resolution, available for everyone to download! From all of us here aboard Team Supreme we would like to thank Paul Hess and friends for putting on a great charter! We would all like to give a special shout out to Sandy, Dave, and Sydner! We wish you were out here fishing with us and are looking forward to next year! Thanks for stopping by, Team supreme

February 5, 2025 sunshine skyway Fishing Report

Polaris Supreme Trip Update From Oct. 24th To Nov. 1 2012

Oh boy, where to begin? We're finally back on line here today. Our satellite connection way down where we fished doesn't work so until now we couldn't use the phone or send out our daily fish reports. But we're back on line. One week ago today we arrived at the Shamada Seamount just before or after lunch I can't remember, and it didn't take long before we saw a school of the bigguns right where we expected to see them so we didn't waste anytime and threw the anchor over right away, put out the kites and commenced fishing. No cows for us that day but we scratched at some big ones off and on till dark and that was that. No night bites while we were down here but it did start biting in the dark just before sunrise the next couple mornings and thats when we would catch our cows.

Throughout the next few days fishing was off and on depending on the time of day. When it was slow we would pull the anchor and troll for wahoo while dragging the kites behind us skipping rubber flying fish (yum yums) on top of the water. Pretty cool watching the bigguns hit these things. Usually they would miss the first few times but they keep trying until eventually they're hooked. When we weren't pulling on those we were jigging up steady wahoo strikes. When we would see the school of cows again we'd stop and fish them on anchor.

The biggest problem we had was keeping people fishing. When you have a charter with only 10 people it's hard to keep people at the rail so you don't know when the fish are biting because nobody's fishing. They're all chilling with a cocktail, beer and cigar in hands jamming to ipods hanging out. The weather was rough the first day down there and then the wind backed off and it got nice the rest of the trip fishing. We're now traveling home in o.k. weather. It's a little windy but it's a nice ride. We'll gladly take it.

Though we only had a few over 200, most everyone on board got there personal best and lots and lots of wahoo! And that's how I, Drew, remember it. Now I see what kind of editing and additions I get from Tommy. If anything is spelled wrong he wrote it.

Thats About it. Its pretty difficult to play catch up after 8 days. Tommy.


P.S. Don't worry Lon I Got's Plenty of rubber Flyers.

Weekly Fishing Reports

Fishing reports for sunshine skyway are updated each week, usually by Thursday morning. The reports are compiled by an outside contractor who receives the information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides.

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