Sep. 3
Well today was just dandy. I got out of the office today for several hours and it was neat. We got to where we wanted to be at 10:00 this morning and for 5 hours we had very good yellowtail fishing on just a beautiful grade. 18-25 pounds is what they were and they were snapping. It's just what we needed. A stopped boat with bent rods and excited passengers and crew. After that we were successful at getting bait and I was told by a few of the passengers that even that was a blast. Anyways it's safe to say that we are stoked. A load of fish and plenty of bait to use on tuna the rest of the trip. I want to take back my hole stupid time machine comment I made yesterday. I think our timing will be perfect. There's some big bluefin being had up above. Fish up to 150 pounds have been caught and that wasn't happening the beginning part of this trip. We're doing alright. The weather today was yet again just fantastic. We may experience some bump tomorrow though and it should come down for our last couple days.