July 2
It turned out it was a travel day today. There wasn't any fish in the water we looked at today. On the way down we went through an area in the dark loaded with fin bait so we thought we'd look at it on the way back to see if any game fish found the area but they hadn't. The weather was fantastic today and we got a lot done. All and all we had a great time this trip. Most the passengers on board had never been on a deep sea fishing trip before and they all had a blast pulling on those beautiful yellows at Cedros. Thank you Mr. Tom Pfleger for making this trip possible. We all appreciate you and all our charter heads and all our passengers for that matter.
We're leaving on a 2 day trip tomorrow morning. That trip is designed to fish a full day at 200 miles if need be. If that's where the best fishing was we could get there on a 2 day where on a 1 1/2 trip you'd be limited to within about 110 miles for a full day of fishing. The best fishing is within 100 miles of San Diego so the cool thing about tomorrows trip is we'll have time to fish a handful of hours before dark tomorrow. There is still 2 spots available so let's go fishing!